The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 288 I had a dream

"Yes, everything is Grandpa's fault." Hai Zhiyuan nodded heavily.

"No, I don't believe it!" Hai Xiaotang shook his head, "Grandpa, you definitely didn't do it. There must be something hidden, right?"

"Hey, grandpa also made mistakes sometimes. But when I realized my mistakes, it was already too late."

Hai Xiaotang was shocked.

Was it really grandpa who did it...

"Xiaotang, grandpa has expected this day. I have been avoiding it all my life, and now it's time to face it. Don't blame Ayu, it's true that I'm sorry for them."

"Grandpa, I still don't believe it..." Hai Xiaotang said sadly, "You are so kind, how could you harm others? I don't believe it! You must have admitted it deliberately to save me."

Hai Zhiyuan nodded: "Grandpa admitted it to save you, but this is also true."

Hai Xiaotang opened his eyes wide, "How is that possible..."

"Also, it was grandpa who surrendered himself. Grandpa is sorry for you and has made you suffer this time."

"Grandpa, it's me who has caused you trouble!"

"Xiaotang, listen to grandpa. Don't be sad about grandpa. When grandpa lives here, he feels more at ease. But in the future, grandpa won't be around you. You have to learn to take care of yourself, and remember to take good care of yourself..."

When Hai Xiaotang came out of the visiting room, her eyes were swollen from crying.

Dongfang Yu has been standing outside waiting for her.

When he saw her coming out, his eyes flashed, and he wanted to go up and comfort her, but he couldn't find any excuse.

Hai Xiaotang stared at him with some hatred. Although her grandfather was at fault, she still couldn't help but want to resent him.

However, she didn't want to see him even more.

Not wanting to say anything to him, Hai Xiaotang turned around and left. But she didn't want to be grabbed by his arm as soon as she took two steps.

"What are you doing? Let go!" Hai Xiaotang became angry immediately.

Dongfang Yu asked hoarsely: "Are you really going to ignore me for the rest of your life?"

Hai Xiaotang sneered, and the smile was sarcastic, "Do you think I'm all joking?"

"We have given up on holding grandpa accountable and he won't be sentenced for long."

Hai Xiaotang was slightly stunned. He was lying when he said that she wasn't surprised.

However, she hates him not just because of this.

She hated him for using her, deceiving her, and hurting her...

She just hated him and didn't want to see him.

"Dongfang Yu, no matter what, it will never be possible for you and me!" Hai Xiaotang pulled his hand away and strode away.

She didn't look back, and Dongfang Yu's eyes instantly became empty.

But when Hai Xiaotang walked out of the prison, he chased after her again and pulled her body hard.

"Hai Xiaotang——" Dongfang Yu asked in an uncomfortable and depressing voice, "Tell me, why do you hate me so much? Is there something that I don't know about?!"

Hai Xiaotang was stunned.

Dongfang Yu has been enduring it for several days, and he really can't bear it anymore.

He grabbed her shoulders and locked eyes with her, "I had a dream. I dreamed that you hit the wall and died in front of me, and then you said something to me! You said if you had known this, you would definitely You will not fall in love with me. You also said that day, you said that you knew today, but you still came to this point. You also said, you said that you died once and never recognized my cold blood. You also said that I Kill you. What do you mean by what you said, what does it mean to die once, and what does that dream I had mean?!"

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