The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 313 What is the motive?

"Grandpa, how are you feeling today? Are you feeling better?" Hai Xiaotang walked to the bed and asked with concern.

Hai Zhiyuan smiled and said: "It's much better. Grandpa is fine. You don't have to worry."

The old man's complexion did indeed improve a lot, and Hai Xiaotang was very happy.

The two of them didn't talk about other topics, just chatting about home affairs, and then Hai Xiaotang took care of him and ate some food.

Before he knew it, more than half an hour had passed. Hai Xiaotang and his grandfather were so happy that they couldn't bear to leave.

But Dongfang Yu called, urging her to get down quickly.

"I know, I'll be down right away."

Hai Xiaotang put away her phone, and Hai Zhiyuan asked her, "Was it Ayu who called you?"

"Yeah." Hai Xiaotang nodded.

Hai Zhiyuan muttered: "Xiaotang, grandpa still doesn't agree with you being together. Although you say you don't care, you can't give up looking for your happiness. And you and Dongfang Yu will not be happy together."

Hai Xiaotang smiled carelessly: "Grandpa, I feel pretty good now. Okay, I'll leave first. You have a good rest. I'll come see you tomorrow."

Hai Zhiyuan could only sigh when he saw how stubborn she was.

But the more he blames himself, he is the one who caused this child...

Hai Xiaotang came down without delaying for too long.

She sat in the car, Dongfang Yu glanced at her, and asked with concern: "How is grandpa's health now?"

Hai Xiaotang couldn't tell whether his concern was genuine or fake, so he answered honestly: "I'm feeling much better today."

"That's good." Dongfang Yu said nothing more and started the car to go home.

Along the way, Hai Xiaotang was thinking about the case that happened more than 30 years ago.

She couldn't help but ask Dongfang Yu, "How did my grandfather frame you back then?"

Dongfang Yu's eyes flashed slightly, "I'm not very sure, it seems to be a frame-up."

"How was the suspicion cleared later?"

"It means we found evidence that can prove our innocence and confirm that all the previous evidence was false."

This case sounds simple...


Hai Xiaotang couldn't help but express his doubts, "Why did grandpa do this?"

Dongfang Yu frowned slightly, "We don't know why he did this."

Yes, no one knows what Hai Zhiyuan’s motives are. There must be a motive for a person to do bad things, not to mention that grandpa is such a good person.

Hai Xiaotang knew his grandfather's character and really didn't believe that he would harm people for no reason.

But if he doesn’t say the motive, no one knows what it is for...

In short, until now, Hai Xiaotang feels that things were not that simple back then. But Grandpa didn't say anything, and they couldn't find anything.

Hai Xiaotang actually wanted to know the truth.

Because she was lucky in her heart, hoping that there was some secret hidden in it, hoping that grandpa would be innocent...

As if he could read her thoughts, Dongfang Yu suddenly said: "I will continue to pursue the case from that year until it is completely clarified!"

Hai Xiaotang was stunned and almost asked him subconsciously, what if it wasn't his grandfather who did it?

But she held back, because asking couldn't change anything.

Grandpa didn't do it, and the relationship between them can't go back to the past.

The damage has been done and time will not turn back...

But if grandpa hadn't done it, she wouldn't have to continue to be with him.

Hai Xiaotang prayed for the day when the truth would be found out soon.

Dongfang Yu also hoped that it was not Hai Zhiyuan who did it.

In this way, Hai Xiaotang will feel much better, and no one will stop him from wanting to be with her...

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