The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 338 I want to send you away

But thinking about what happened next, he became sad again.

"Xiaotang, come here, this is for you." Hai Zhiyuan took out a bank card and pushed it to her.

Hai Xiaotang was confused: "Grandpa, why did you give me this?"

The old man explained: "You are 20 years old today, and you have become an adult in Grandpa's eyes. You should also learn to live independently. This is the pocket money that Grandpa has saved for you over the years. You can use it slowly."

Hai Xiaotang happily picked up the bank card and asked deliberately: "Grandpa, how much pocket money is there?"

"Not much, just 5 million."

Hai Xiaotang was shocked, "How much?!"

The old man smiled and said: "Why, do you think you are too little?"

"No!" Hai Xiaotang hurriedly shook his head, "Grandpa, why did you give me so much money? Why did you give me so much all at once?"

She thought it was only a few hundred thousand.

Who would have thought there were so many!

Hai Zhiyuan said: "These are not many. This is the wealth left to you by grandpa. It will last you a lifetime. There is really not much left."

"Grandpa, why did you suddenly give me this?" Hai Xiaotang returned the card to him, "I don't want it, I don't want you to leave me any wealth. I will make money on my own in the future, and I still want to make money to honor you. You don't have to Give me money to use.”

"You must take this with you. What can you do without money when you are away from home?" Hai Zhiyuan became sad as he thought of something, "In the future, grandpa can't be by your side to take care of you, so you have to learn to take good care of yourself, you know?"

Hai Xiaotang was stunned and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? Why can't you be by my side and take care of me? Where are you going?!"

"It's not that grandpa is going somewhere, it's that you have to leave grandpa."

Hai Xiaotang opened his eyes suddenly, "Why?! Could it be because I want to marry Dongfang Yu..."

"Xiaotang, you can't marry him!" The old man planned her words seriously, "You and he are not suitable. You two will not be happy together. Grandpa will not just watch you choose this path and ruin your life." for your life’s happiness.”

Hai Xiaotang was stunned, "Then what do you mean..."

Hai Zhiyuan stroked her head lovingly, "Good boy, grandpa is going to send you away. It's not safe for you to stay here. Someone has been trying to kill you. Grandpa can't let you be in any danger. Promise grandpa, you will never come back again." , just like grandpa begging you, you must not come back! Xiaotang, leave this dangerous place and everything here. Go and start your new life. You are still young and you really can't be ruined like this. "

Hai Xiaotang was very shocked. She grabbed the old man's arm and asked uneasily: "Grandpa, where are you sending me? I'm not going anywhere, and I don't want to leave you!"

"Hai Xiaotang, you have to leave!" Hai Zhiyuan looked serious, "You are not allowed to come back without grandpa's permission. Do you hear me?"

Hai Xiaotang shook his head sadly, "I'm not leaving! Grandpa, I'm not going anywhere! I'm not afraid of danger, and I don't want to leave here!"

Hai Zhiyuan sighed. He suddenly looked at the door and said, "When the time comes, you must keep an eye on her and don't let her come back."

"Don't worry, old sir, we will take good care of Xiaotang."

Hai Xiaotang turned his head in surprise and saw a woman standing at the door.

When she saw the woman's appearance, she was stunned, and suddenly felt that she looked familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere.


I guess you must have thought that the heroine would leave for several years. Don’t make random guesses~ It may not be what you think~

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