The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 356 No, I don’t love you!

But now, she has seen it all!

No one has seen it, especially the side of Hai Xiaotang that cannot be seen, and it has been made public like this!

Dongfang Yu suddenly felt ashamed and annoyed!

He suddenly became angry at Hai Xiaotang: "Who asked you to come in?! Who allowed you to come in?!"

Hai Xiaotang was startled, not expecting his reaction to be so violent.

"I just gave you something back, and you are very ill..."

Dongfang Yu sneered gloomily: "Didn't I say that you don't care about my affairs? Why do you care so much about my death? Hai Xiaotang, I said that I don't care about your sympathy!"

Hai Xiaotang choked on his throat and said angrily: "Dongfang Yu, do you deserve this?"

"Do you think I shouldn't treat you like this, do you think I still love you very much?!" Dongfang Yu sneered sarcastically, "You have seen this, do you think I love you very much?"


"No, I don't love you!" Dongfang Yu stared at her and said word by word, "I'm just forcing myself to forget you! Now, I have forgotten everything! So you'd better stop bothering me and stay as far away from me as possible The better!”

Hai Xiaotang: "..."

"Get out -" Dongfang Yu suddenly shouted.

Hai Xiaotang stood up, expressionless, "Okay, I'm just meddling in my own business. Goodbye!"

Without further ado, she turned around and left, not wanting to stay here for a second longer.

The door was quickly closed, and the sound of the door closing could be heard clearly...

Dongfang Yu's eyes were empty for a moment, and his heart was empty, as if he was being blown by a cold wind.

Looking at the portraits all over the room, he felt particularly dazzling and painful.

What did he say just now? How could he be like that!

But, what else can he say...

That he still loves her and can't forget her?

No, he didn't want to say it anymore in this life. His dignity as a human being in the end would never allow him to be humble or suffer anymore.

Otherwise, he will really die!

Only by forgetting Hai Xiaotang can he live.

Then forget it and kick her out of his world completely!

Dongfang Yu suddenly got out of bed and frantically tore apart the portraits on the wall, trying to destroy them all.

However, he tore it apart and couldn't let it go!

Suddenly, Dongfang Yu threw the portrait away irritably, and then punched the wall hard——


It's daybreak.

Hai Xiaotang walked out of the apartment building and left without looking back.

She walked quickly because she was very upset.

As for why she was upset and angry, she didn't know. She just knew that she never wanted to see Dongfang Yu again!

She never wants to see him again in this life!

Hai Xiaotang was angry when her cell phone suddenly rang. She took it out and looked at it, slightly stunned.

It was her cousin Hua Xuan calling...

"Hello, cousin." Hai Xiaotang calmed down and answered the phone.

Hua Xuan asked her: "Xiaotang, I am also in City C now. Can you come out and tell you something?"

"What's the matter?" Hai Xiaotang was confused.

"You'll know when you come..." Hua Xuan only said the address and didn't say much else.

"Okay, I'll be right over." Hai Xiaotang put away her phone and took a taxi to the restaurant Hua Xuan mentioned.

She didn't know what Hua Xuan was looking for. Maybe... it had something to do with her grandfather?

Hai Xiaotang rushed to the restaurant, walked into the private room, and immediately saw Hua Xuan and Bai Jinyu sitting inside!

Why is he here?

Hai Xiaotang was a little surprised.

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