The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 367 Related to a certain big shot

"Why are you saying it again now?" Hai Xiaotang asked, and then she suddenly realized.

"I know, you have decided to forget me now, so you definitely don't want to hide it anymore. Let's go, let's get a divorce now!"

She went to pull his arm, but it didn't move.

Hai Xiaotang frowned: "Why don't you leave? Don't you want a divorce?"

"We can't get a divorce." Dongfang Yu said with a cold expression, "Hai Xiaotang, we can't get a divorce now."

"Why?" Hai Xiaotang was puzzled, "Don't tell me, you are not going to give up on me..."

"For your safety, you can only be my wife now." Dongfang Yu explained in a low voice, "Only in this way, they will not attack you. Do you understand?"

"What are you talking about?" Hai Xiaotang was really impatient.

She couldn't understand him at all, or what he wanted to express.

"Dongfang Yu, can you make it clear at once if you have something to say? I don't want to be surprised by you like this!"

"Okay, listen -" Dongfang Yu stared at her and explained, "Don't you really want to know why grandpa disappeared? He was not kidnapped, but was hiding because someone wanted his life!"

Hai Xiaotang was shocked, and his head suddenly buzzed, "What did you say..."

"The person who wanted to kill you was Huo Jun's son. When he was at the end of his rope, he mailed something to grandpa. That thing was the secret that was leaked!

He knew that he would die at the hands of his grandfather, so he deliberately framed him. After Grandpa got the secret, some people were worried that he would report it, and secretly wanted to kill him. So he discussed with me and planned to hide it first!

But they can't find grandpa, so they want to attack you, and they want to use you to threaten grandpa to come out.

So last night was not an accident, it was a trap deliberately set to capture you.

They were afraid of showing their flaws, so they went to great lengths to set up this perfect trap to capture you, you know? ! "

Hai Xiaotang took a step back in disbelief.

She never expected that there were so many hidden secrets that she didn't know...

"Are you telling the truth?" she asked in disbelief.

Dongfang Yu's eyes darkened, "Hai Xiaotang, you must believe every word I say!"

Hai Xiaotang's eyes flashed.

Not knowing what she thought, she grabbed his arm excitedly, "So you mean, grandpa just hid, he is safe, he is fine? You also know where he is?!"

Dongfang Yu nodded: "Yes!"

Hai Xiaotang felt happy, "Really? Where is grandpa? I want to see him..."

"You can't see him, and I can't see him. We can't contact him until he is completely safe, otherwise he will be easily discovered!"

Hai Xiaotang was puzzled: "Why are you so careful? Who is the person who wants to kill him, and what is the secret?!"

"The person who wants to kill him is the person who commanded the army behind the scenes last night!"

Hai Xiaotang was stunned, and she understood everything instantly.

"You mean, the so-called secret is actually something shady? And it's related to a certain big shot. He wanted to deal with grandpa in order not to be exposed, and he also deliberately colluded with the gang to arrest me?"

Dongfang Yu nodded slightly, "Yes, that's what you think."

"How could this happen..." Hai Xiaotang felt incredible.


I won't write about the case in detail, I will basically walk through it. The concubine said that she won't write about complicated cases. Now that I'm over it, let's start the emotional drama~ Concubine, I'll tell you more carefully, it's hard for you to guess my plot, so don't scare yourself, it's not that scary~

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