The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 371 Why do you like her?

[If you dare to hurt Hai Xiaotang, you will be the enemy of my entire Eastern Empire...]

[If anything happens to my wife, I, Dongfang Yu, will devote all my energy to revenge to the end! 】

Seeing these sonorous and powerful vows issued by Dongfang Yu, Hai Xiaotang was slightly shocked in his heart!

She really didn't expect that he would make such a declaration for her...

After a simple meal, Hai Xiaotang and Qiao Ning said goodbye.

She didn't dare to stay outside for too long, for fear of something happening and causing trouble to Dongfang Yu.

When he got home, Hai Xiaotang was still in a daze.

The vows issued by Dongfang Yu seemed to make her unable to calm down.

Just when Hai Xiaotang couldn't figure out his thoughts, the servant suddenly came to announce: "Young Mistress, Madam is here!"

Hai Xiaotang raised his head suddenly, "Who?"

Then she saw He Meilian who had just walked in.

As soon as he saw her, Hai Xiaotang stood up subconsciously, a little cautiously, "Madam..."

He Meilian smiled lightly: "Xiaotang, long time no see."

"Madam, long time no see!" Hai Xiaotang hurriedly said hello.

He Meilian saw her nervousness and smiled: "Don't be nervous, I just came to have a casual chat with you. How about we go to the garden? The weather outside is not bad."

"Okay!" Hai Xiaotang nodded without any objection.

Then the two of them went to the pavilion in the back garden.

Hai Xiaotang even brought tea to her personally, and then sat down solemnly opposite her.

She didn't know why, but now she felt nervous subconsciously when she saw Dongfang Yu's mother.

He Meilian took a sip of tea and suddenly said guiltily: "Xiaotang, to be honest, we are very sorry for your grandfather. If we had trusted him more, we might not have hurt him or you."

Hai Xiaotang didn't expect her to say this. She was stunned and said calmly: "Actually, I can't blame you entirely. It was grandpa who chose to bear everything..."

"But no matter what, we are also at fault. So this time, we will do our best to help him."

Hai Xiaotang was suddenly moved, "Thank you, madam!"

He Meilian stared at her kindly and smiled, "Xiaotang, you are actually a very good child. I have always liked you. Do you know why I like you so much?"

Hai Xiaotang shook her head blankly, she didn't know.

And she was also curious about why she liked her.

She used to have a pretty bad personality...

"Because you like Yuer very much!" He Meilian suddenly smiled and gave the answer.

Hai Xiaotang was stunned... What kind of reason is this?

He Meilian continued: "I only have that one son. He and his father are everything in my heart. You don't know, I was sad when Yuer was just born. I was worried that he would not find a wife who loves him very much in the future."

I'm afraid that his wife can't give him all the love and love him like I do.

I'm not afraid of your jokes. In my heart, my son is the best and the best. If his wife doesn't love him enough, I will feel very unworthy for my son.

So when I found out that you liked him very much, I felt happy. This is why I like you very much. "

Her reason is really surprising.

But Hai Xiaotang also understood.

All mothers in the world think like this...

But why did she suddenly say this to her? Hai Xiaotang's eyes flickered, as if he had guessed something.

"Xiaotang!" Suddenly, He Meilian looked at her seriously and asked directly, "Do you still love Yu'er? Do you still love him as before?"


Slowly starting to make peace~

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