The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 384 Are you concerned about me?

As he spoke, Dongfang Yu took out a golden pocket watch from his pocket.

He opened his pocket watch. What was inside was not a watch, but a very sophisticated eavesdropping jammer!

I didn’t expect him to be so thorough!

Hai Xiaotang was a little shocked and couldn't help but laugh.


After dinner, the two went back together.

As soon as he returned, Hai Xiaotang couldn't wait to ask Dongfang Yu what his solution was.

Dongfang Yu said in a low voice: "The National Economic Summit will be held soon. This is a very important meeting. Each region will select an entrepreneur as a representative to attend. As expected, I will be selected. I will attend the meeting then, There will be an opportunity to forward the case directly.”

Hai Xiaotang immediately understood what he meant, "Are you going to meet the country's top leaders?"

Dongfang Yu nodded: "Yes. This is the only way to solve this matter now! Otherwise, whoever comes to us may have an accident."

Because the other party may also jump over the wall in a hurry.

So they can't alert the enemy.

Hai Xiaotang suddenly became nervous, "Will it succeed?"

Dongfang Yu smiled and said: "As long as I am selected as a representative, the possibility of success is very high. So all this will be over soon."

A sense of hope suddenly rose in Hai Xiaotang's heart.

She also felt that it would all be over soon.

Moreover, she believed that Dongfang Yu would do this...

Suddenly, Hai Xiaotang was no longer so worried and scared, and seemed to see a little hope for the future.

But I still have worries, that is, I don’t know how to get the house back.

Dongfang Yu said that he planned to buy the development rights of that area so that he could keep his house.

But the next day he went to Zhang Jin, the president of Zhang Group, to discuss the matter, but was rejected.

Zhang Jin refused to sell the development rights to him no matter what.

Yes, they are competitors, so how could he give up such a good opportunity to Dongfang Yu.

And even if he wants to sell it, he will sell it at a very high price, and Dongfang Yu is definitely not willing to be taken advantage of.

So, getting the house back becomes more and more difficult...

Hai Xiaotang persuaded him to give up, but Dongfang Yu said that there was no word "give up" in his dictionary!

"Don't worry about the house. If I can't do this little thing well, how can I do other big things. In short, I will solve this matter." He comforted her.

Hai Xiaotang still advised him, "I know you can solve it, but we can't lose the big for the small. And it's not good to spend too much energy to get the house back. Anyway, don't force it. It doesn't matter if the house is gone, people are more important. "

Dongfang Yu suddenly stared at her——

The eyes are so dark and sharp that people dare not look directly at them!

Hai Xiaotang was stunned, feeling guilty for no reason: "What are you looking at?"

Dongfang Yu suddenly asked: "So you care about me?!"

Hai Xiaotang: "..."

The man came closer, staring at her with his dark eyes, but with a bit of restraint that he didn't dare to expect, "Really, you care about me?!"

Hai Xiaotang's eyes flickered. She didn't know why, but she was very nervous.

She didn't know why, but she nodded and admitted honestly, "Yes, I am caring about you..."

After saying that, her heartbeat became faster!

Dongfang Yu's aura seemed to freeze for a moment!

His eyes became even hotter and more terrifying, like a terrifying black hole that almost sucked her whole body in-


The secrets are almost explained. I don’t know how to write anymore. Then I will explain some things again and start giving out sweets~

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