The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 386 I’m going to fix you

Blah blah blah...

Outside the window, I don’t know when it started to rain heavily.

Since Dongfang Yu left, Hai Xiaotang sat alone in the living room for a long time.

She thought about many things, but seemed to think about nothing.

All in all, everyone is out of sorts...

As she thought about it, she thought of her past self, and felt that Dongfang Yu now was the same person she was at that time.

You put in a lot of emotion and expect a response.

If you don't get a response, you can't help but feel resentful and miserable...

Why is the emotional world so complicated, and why love must be accompanied by hate.

No wonder people say that love and hate are one.

Without love, where would the hate come from?

As deep as love is, so is hate. So Dongfang Yu, how much do you hate me now?

Hai Xiaotang was thinking wildly when the door of the living room was suddenly pushed open——


The sudden sound made Hai Xiaotang look sideways in shock.

Against the background of the torrential rain, Dongfang Yu stood soaked at the door. He was tall and stared at her with dark eyes, like a devil from hell.

Hai Xiaotang stood up slowly and looked at him uneasily.

The tall man suddenly approached her.

One step, two steps...

Tick ​​tock, tick tock... The rainwater on his body kept dripping on the bright floor. SH Xiaotang became more and more nervous inexplicably. She stared at him nervously, wanting to ask him what was wrong.

But she couldn't ask, as her throat seemed to be stuck with something.

However, Dongfang Yu's steps did not stop, like the steps of a devil approaching.

Just as the distance between the two was getting closer, Hai Xiaotang suddenly saw the terrifying coldness in his eyes.

I don’t know why, but the next second, she turned around and wanted to run away——

Clothes, suddenly caught!

"Ah!" Hai Xiaotang screamed in fright, but her body was instantly picked up again.

Dongfang Yu easily carried her petite body and strode upstairs.

Hai Xiaotang struggled hard and beat his body desperately, "Dongfang Yu, what are you doing? Let me down, let me down!"

But no matter how she resisted, the man who was full of alcohol and had lost his mind simply wouldn't let go.

The bedroom door was kicked open, and Hai Xiaotang's body was quickly thrown onto the soft big bed.

Before she could turn over and escape, Dongfang Yu's tall body had already pressed down on her.

"Tear--" Then he exerted force, and Hai Xiaotang's clothes were torn instantly!

Hai Xiaotang was stunned, and his face turned pale.

"Tear!" The clothes were torn again.

Hai Xiaotang couldn't help struggling anymore, "Dongfang Yu, what on earth are you going to do?! Let me go, get out of here -"

Dongfang Yu pressed her wrist hard, his body weighing heavily on her, and his dark eyes were dark and dark.

Then Hai Xiaotang heard him speak harshly every word.

"Hai Xiaotang, I don't care about your heart anymore! But I'm going to fix your body! Tonight, I'm going to fix you, and you can't resist even to the death!"

As soon as the sound fell, he bit her neck hard, as fiercely as a wild beast.

Hai Xiaotang's eyes widened in confusion, as if she didn't want to believe his words or actions.

However, the person who is brutally trying to rape her is indeed Dongfang Yu...

Hai Xiaotang suddenly felt a surge of grief and anger in her heart, and she struggled painfully, "Dongfang Yu, how could you do this! Let me go, I told you to let me go -"

Why can't he do this?

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