The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 399 Dongfang Yu, I miss you very much

All the fatigue in my body seemed to disappear at this moment!

Because she will be able to see Dongfang Yu soon!

Hai Xiaotang was filled with strength again, dragged his tired body to the opposite side of the hotel and stood still.

She probably missed Dongfang Yu too much, so God allowed her to see him right away in order to help her.

Dongfang Yu and a woman stood outside the hotel door, with a car parked in front of them.

He opened the car door for the woman and said something to her...

But in Hai Xiaotang's eyes, Dongfang Yu only exists.

She stared at him blankly, her eyes filled with tears, and her legs unconsciously moved forward, wanting to get closer to him.

At this moment, Dongfang Yu suddenly turned his head as if sensing something!

Then, through the busy traffic, he saw Hai Xiaotang coming from the opposite side!

Dongfang Yu's pupils dilated and he was in disbelief.

Hai Xiaotang suddenly ran over, completely ignoring the surrounding vehicles!

"Hai Xiaotang, stop!" Dongfang Yu yelled, and people rushed over. He also ignored the surrounding vehicles.

Hai Xiaotang saw him running over, and she quickened her pace...

Dongfang Yu was so impatient that he rushed in front of her as fast as he could and pulled her body away just as she was almost hit by a car.

"Hai Xiaotang, you're crazy! I told you not to cross the road, why can't you remember?!" Dongfang Yu was angry and afraid of getting angry at her.

Before coming to City B, he said he no longer loved her and was very cold to her.

But when she was in danger, he was still so desperate and would lose his mind.

I'm afraid no one in this world loves her so much or cares about her anymore...

Hai Xiaotang's tears couldn't be controlled anymore, and her face instantly burst into tears.

Dongfang Yu was stunned, he didn't expect her to cry so sadly.

He was a little at a loss for a moment, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen? How did you get here? What happened?"

Hearing his caring words, Hai Xiaotang couldn't bear it anymore and hugged his body hard!

Dongfang Yu was shocked!

Everyone was stunned...

Just when he thought it was an illusion, he heard Hai Xiaotang say, "Dongfang Yu, I miss you very much!"

Dongfang Yu swore that he must have hallucinated.

Otherwise, why would Hai Xiaotang suddenly appear in front of him, hug him suddenly, and tell him that she misses him so much?

This must all be an illusion.

However, the woman in his arms is so real, it doesn’t look fake!

Dongfang Yu's eyes flickered, and he asked in a low voice and in disbelief: "Hai Xiaotang, is it really you?"

Wasn't it his hallucination, or was he recognizing the wrong person?

Hai Xiaotang raised his head in confusion, tears still shining in his big eyes. Dongfang Yu stared at her and confirmed that she was Hai Xiaotang!

Dongfang Yu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if he could go to heaven in the next second.

But he was still cautious, afraid of making a mistake and asked: "Say what you just said again!"

Hai Xiaotang looked at him with some embarrassment and repeated with a nasal voice, "Dongfang Yu, I miss you very much..."

Dongfang Yu's eyes instantly became hot and deep!

It was as if the turbulent emotions that had been suppressed burst out in an instant!

The oncoming force is fierce and terrifying!

All the cells in Hai Xiaotang's body suddenly trembled...

Then, Dongfang Yu's overwhelming, hot kisses came rushing in -


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