The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 412 Everyone is condemning Hai Xiaotang

At the same time, he also issued a notice, solemnly stating that everything was his fault and had nothing to do with Hai Xiaotang.

If the media arbitrarily slanders his wife again, he will fight to the death to hold her accountable!

Dongfang Yu just wanted to stand up and protect Hai Xiaotang, thinking that this would shut up the media.

Who knew, his words would stir up waves again.

Once again, Hai Xiaotang was pushed to a higher level.

The threatened media not only refused to restrain themselves, but became more and more convinced that Hai Xiaotang was a beauty.

Netizens also scolded Hai Xiaotang even more.

Since ancient times, it has been women's fault that kings have been foolish.

Now they scold Hai Xiaotang for the same reason, that is, they believe that Hai Xiaotang bewitched Dongfang Yu and harmed such an outstanding man.

Jia SH Xiaotang is not as good as Dongfang Yu, and they even think that Hai Xiaotang is not worthy of him.

Hai Xiaotang is the weaker party, so it is easier to attack her.

So it's really one-sided, everyone is condemning Hai Xiaotang.

Dongfang Yu looked at the news on the Internet with a gloomy expression. He never expected that it was all his fault in the first place, but in the end, everyone would scold Hai Xiaotang.

What did Hai Xiaotang do wrong?

It was he who framed her, it was he who did things that were sorry for her, and it was he who never let her go.

What did she do wrong to deserve the abuse from so many people?

Of course, Dongfang Yu also knew that the things behind it were not that simple.

There must be someone behind the scenes manipulating the media and guiding public opinion.

His purpose is simple, to deal with Hai Xiaotang.

Only when dealing with Hai Xiaotang would Dongfang Yu do what others call "confused" things for Hai Xiaotang again and again.

The other party was very smart and knew that it would not be easy to defeat him, so he started with Hai Xiaotang.

Of course, if Hai Xiaotang is in deep trouble, Hai Zhiyuan will not just sit idly by.

The enemy seizes on the common weaknesses of Dongfang Yu and Hai Zhiyuan in an attempt to destroy them.

And their common weakness is-Hai Xiaotang!

There are many competitors in the East, and those people will also add fuel to the flames.

So if this continues, Dongfang Yu's company will have problems sooner or later.

Once you have a problem, it's easier to defeat!

This is what shopping malls are like. No matter how huge your empire is, as long as something goes wrong, it will be destroyed overnight.

The only thing Dongfang Yu can do now is to ignore the public opinion online.

However, how could he bear it when he saw Hai Xiaotang being insulted and blamed every day?

What made him even more angry was that the company's shareholders actually jointly requested a shareholders' meeting.

At the conference, everyone was urging him to put the overall situation first, ignore the public opinion on the Internet, and stop standing up for Hai Xiaotang.

Some people even suggested that he divorce Hai Xiaotang, which would calm the grievances of netizens.

Although it was only suggested that they fake a divorce and continue to live together, this kind of suggestion was a heinous crime in Dongfang Yu's eyes!

So the person who suggested Dongfang Yu divorce was hated by Dongfang Yuji.

On the surface, he did nothing, but secretly he did a lot of things to take revenge. In the end, in the end, the tormented shareholder had a fire in his backyard, his wife and children were separated, and he also lost his equity in Dongfang!

But no one knows this, and Dongfang Yu will not let anyone know what he has done secretly.

Hai Xiaotang actually doesn't care about everyone's insults to her.

But she was afraid that Dongfang Yu would lose his temper.

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