The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 435 Planning to have a baby

But at this time, Dongfang Yu was being interviewed by the media...

When the media interviewed him, they not only asked about his economic crisis, but also about his emotional issues.

Regarding the company's crisis this time, Dongfang Yu has always responded calmly and calmly.

Even though he has lost a lot now, his momentum has not diminished, and he is still the myth of standing at the top of business!

However, the media actually gossiped more about his relationship problems.

"Mr. Dongfang, your company has suffered serious losses recently, but according to rumors, you often give your wife expensive gifts. Not only do you give her expensive cars and mansions, but you also plan to order a private jet for her, right?"

Dongfang Yu admitted without blinking, "Yes!"

The media were surprised, "But aren't you experiencing an economic crisis now?"

"I'm not so poor that I can't afford gifts for my wife!" Dongfang Yu still spoke without blinking, giving people a feeling of arrogance and arrogance.

"But the gift you gave your wife is too expensive..."

"Do you have any objections?" Dongfang Yu's eyes drifted away, and the reporter was immediately speechless.

Yes, they haven’t gone bankrupt yet!

It's just an expensive gift, what can they say?

Other reporters continued to ask questions enthusiastically.

"Mr. Dongfang, what gift do you plan to give your wife next?"

He has given everything that needs to be given, let’s see how many more expensive gifts he can give.

Who knew that Dongfang Yu slightly curled his lips and gave an answer that surprised them all, "My son!"

"Are you planning to have a baby?"


"Mr. Dongfang, do you love your wife very much?"

Dongfang Yu Xiemei curved his lips and showed a smile that could confuse all living beings, "I thought the whole world knew the answer to this question."

He just loves his wife very much!

The female reporters present were all excited for a moment.

Everyone wishes they were Hai Xiaotang!

I wish that the tall, handsome, affectionate and wealthy man in front of me loved me!

However, it is a pity that they are not Hai Xiaotang...

"Mr. Dongfang, you love your wife so much, does she also love you very much?" someone asked deliberately.

Because there have been rumors from the outside that Dongfang Yu’s wife doesn’t love him that much.

Otherwise, why did Dongfang Yu have to resort to means to get her?

"There is no doubt -" Dongfang Yu dropped a few words arrogantly, stood up and left, no longer accepting interviews.

As for the outside world, there will soon be many rumors about his love affair with Hai Xiaotang.

Dongfang Yu just wanted to let the person behind the scenes know.

He Dongfang Yu loves Hai Xiaotang very much, very much!

Therefore, as long as he survives for a day, they will never try to attack her!

Dongfang Yu returned home and noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere as soon as he walked into the living room.

Hai Xiaotang sat quietly on the sofa, and the other servants were not around.

The atmosphere in the living room is so quiet and a bit scary...

Dongfang Yu was confused for a moment, but didn't think much about it.

"What are you doing sitting here?" He approached Hai Xiaotang, and then he saw the divorce agreement on the coffee table!

The big words 'divorce agreement' on it suddenly stung his eyes.

However, the stinging pain in his heart was instantly suppressed by him.

As if he hadn't seen it, Dongfang Yu sat next to Hai Xiaotang, turned her head, and asked with a smile: "Are you happy eating with Qiao Ning?"

Hai Xiaotang replied calmly: "I didn't eat."

"Didn't eat? Why?" Dongfang Yu asked doubtfully.

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