The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 446 Returning footsteps

Dongfang Zujie firmly refused to say anything, and Hai Xiaotang had no choice but not to ask.

What he said was right, if Dongfang Yudu couldn't deal with people, they would definitely be powerless and couldn't get in touch with them.

No wonder Dongfang Yu wants to cooperate with Wen Jia...

He Meilian worriedly said: "How can it have nothing to do with us? Yu'er is also involved!"

Dongfang Zujie looked solemn, "Although we were involved, we are just inconspicuous little players. Of course, there will be great risks, so we can only pray that this crisis can be passed smoothly."

It's easy to say, but they all know it.

It's hard to get through it smoothly...

But they can't do anything.

Not only did they not know what happened, but they also didn't know where Dongfang Yu was. They had no way of starting.

And I don’t dare to do anything blindly, for fear that it will be a disservice.

The only thing that can be done now is to inquire about information and act according to the situation.

This task was naturally left to Dongfang Zujie.

He Meilian asked Hai Xiaotang to stay at Dongfang Mansion so that everyone could discuss whatever happened.

Hai Xiaotang had no objection and agreed to stay here.

Only here can we know the news about Dongfang Yu for the first time...

Hai Xiaotang lives in Dongfang Yu's former room.

Leaning against the bedside, she took her mobile phone and dialed Dongfang Yu's number over and over again.

[Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off...]

On the other end of the phone, there was always a mechanical, unchanged female voice.

Even the exclusive number can't be reached...

When Dongfang Yu left, she said that if anything happened, she would call the number that belonged to her alone.

But now, that number can't be reached either.

So Dongfang Yu, what's wrong with you?

But don't be in any danger...

Hai Xiaotang didn't fall asleep all night. It wasn't until dawn that he fell asleep.

But soon, she was awakened!

Because she seemed to hear someone talking downstairs...

Hai Xiaotang immediately got out of bed, opened the door and went out to check.

She was disappointed because all the people who came were members of the Dongfang family. When they learned that something had happened to Dongfang Yu, they all came here to inquire about the situation.

But Hai Xiaotang and the others don't know the specific situation...

I just knew that Dongfang Yu had committed a serious crime.

No one knows what the specific event is...

A week has passed in the blink of an eye.

There is still no news about Dongfang Yu, and Hai Xiaotang cannot find him.

The police came to search again, but still to no avail.

Dongfang Yu seemed to have disappeared suddenly, with no news from him. Hai Xiaotang had nightmares every night, dreaming that something had happened to him.

Another night, Hai Xiaotang had another nightmare!

Waking up from her sleep, Hai Xiaotang couldn't help crying anymore. As she cried, she seemed to hear Dongfang Yu's footsteps coming back.

Hai Xiaotang listened carefully, it seemed that it was his...

Hai Xiaotang's heart suddenly lifted. She quickly got out of bed, forgetting to put on her shoes, opened the door and rushed out...

The light in the living room was on, but it was empty, no one was there.

Hai Xiaotang opened the door, but there was no one in the courtyard.

There is only the cool breeze blowing through in the middle of the night...

And this silent, intense darkness.

Hai Xiaotang's eyes were filled with disappointment, and she had no intention of going to bed. She just sat in the living room, dazed.

Then, He Meilian also came downstairs...

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