The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 481 You can’t leave me for 24 hours

"He said he will snatch you away within three days!"

Hai Xiaotang was stunned. She didn't expect that this was what Dongfang Hen was talking about.

But how to snatch it away?

Dongfang Yuyin sneered: "Who does he think he is?! If he wants to rob you, we have to see if he has the ability!"

"Let's call the police!" Hai Xiaotang pushed him away and suggested, "Let's tell the police his purpose and let the police deal with him."

Dongfang Yu shook his head: "It's useless to call the police now."

"Why?" Hai Xiaotang was puzzled.

Dongfang Yu explained in a low voice: "He just said he would snatch you away, but he didn't say what method he would use, so even if he called the police, the police would not do anything to him. And the police may not be able to prevent him. If he really wants to do it, No one can predict anything.”

Hai Xiaotang nodded: "You are right. Otherwise, I won't go out. I will stay at home every day and not go anywhere, so that he will not come into contact with me."

Dongfang Yu squeezed her shoulders and said firmly, "No, you have to stay with me. You can't leave me for 24 hours. Only in this way can I feel at ease!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Hai Xiaotang had no objection, whatever he said was what he said.

Then, she really followed Dongfang Yu 24 hours a day.

In fact, the two of them were always together, but now they are more determined to be together at all times.

They didn't know how Dongfanghen was going to take action.

So we can only take precautions like this.

Sometimes, Hai Xiaotang can't help but think that although Dongfang Hen is not simple, Dongfang Yu should also be able to fight against him.

But why, she always felt that Dongfang Yu was very afraid of him.

why is that……

Hai Xiaotang and Dongfang Yu continued to work and live normally.

It seemed that he was not affected by Dongfang Hate at all.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed, and there was no movement at all from Dongfang Hen.

However, Dongfang Yu did not dare to let down his guard at all, but became more cautious.

No one knows better than him how cruel Dongfang hates!

He must not let Hai Xiaotang fall into his hands, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

The closer the time came to an end, the more nervous Dongfang Yu became about Hai Xiaotang.

But he didn't show anything, but Hai Xiaotang could still feel that his eyes were on her at all times.

"I'm going to the bathroom." After processing a document, Hai Xiaotang stood up and said.

Dongfang Yu also stood up: "I'll go with you!"

Hai Xiaotang was stunned for a moment, "Are you going with me?"

Dongfang Yu also noticed that he was nervous. He didn't know what happened just now, so he subconsciously wanted to follow her.

Hai Xiaotang laughed, "I'm going to the bathroom inside. No one can come in here. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Yes, this is the president's office, on the 90th floor.

Let alone anyone trying to sneak up here, even a fly wouldn't be able to get here.

And there are about a dozen bodyguards guarding the outside. Who can break in?

Besides, Hai Xiaotang isn't going out, so she must be fine.

They have been living like this for the past two days, and Hai Xiaotang is fine, so nothing will happen this time.

He was too nervous.

Dongfang Yu rubbed Hai Xiaotang's head and asked her: "Big or small?"

He was asking her if she wanted to go to the bathroom to poop or pee.

Hai Xiaotang was speechless. He wanted to ask this too. She replied sheepishly: "Big..."

"I'll give you 10 minutes! Go and come back quickly!" Dongfang Yu ordered, his tone not negotiable at all.

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