The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 498 Burned alive...

"I really wanted to meet you again, and I always hoped that God would give me another chance. Unexpectedly, he really gave it to me, so this opportunity is for me, because you don't want to meet me again."

Hai Xiaotang was slightly stunned.

His explanation is also correct.

All along, she thought that God was giving her a chance to start over again by rebirthing her.

But again, she was still entangled with Dongfang Yu.

She had always doubted the meaning of her rebirth.

Are you still entangled with Dongfang Yu, or are you back to square one?

But now, Dongfang Yu actually told her that her comeback was an opportunity given to him by God.

It turned out to be a chance for him, but why...

"God is so partial to you?" Hai Xiaotang asked subconsciously, "But I am the one who died."

As soon as he finished asking, Hai Xiaotang saw Dongfang Yu's dark and unclear eyes.

Inexplicably, she had some different premonitions in her heart.

"Dongfang Yu, what else happened after I died?" Hai Xiaotang asked immediately.

Dongfang Yu's eyes darkened and he said in a low voice: "Not long after you died, I also died..."

Hai Xiaotang opened his eyes wide in shock, in disbelief: "Why?!"

Not knowing what to think of, Hai Xiaotang grabbed his hand and asked tentatively: "Because of Dongfanghen?"

Dongfang Yu nodded, and then told what happened after her death in the previous life.

After Hai Xiaotang died, Dongfang Yu discovered his feelings for her and couldn't marry Lin Xiner.

So he found a reason to postpone the wedding.

Later, Dongfanghen appeared. He wanted to take revenge on Dongfangyu and the others. The first step was to find a way to take away the company.

Not only did he take it away, he also sold the company.

Dongfang Zujie was so angry that he fell ill. He Meilian had another car accident and was unable to walk.

Dongfang Yu also had various difficulties, and was suppressed by Dongfang Hate everywhere.

But Dongfanghen did not let them go.

After torturing them severely, one day, Lin Xiner cooked a sumptuous dinner for Dongfang Yu and the others.

While everyone was eating, the house suddenly caught fire!

Dongfang Yu and the others wanted to escape, but unexpectedly, the food had been drugged. They were completely powerless and unable to escape.

And the person who administered the medicine was Lin Xiner!

It turned out that she had been seduced by Dongfang Hen for a long time and had secretly colluded with him.

Dongfang Hen ordered her to put medicine in the food.

The purpose is to kill their family!

Dongfang Yu and the others never expected that Lin Xiner would do that, but by that time, it was too late to realize what she was like.

They had no way to escape from the fire, and no one came to save them.

In this way, their whole family was burned alive...

Hearing this, Hai Xiaotang was very shocked!

She didn't expect that Dongfang Yu and the others would end up like that...

All of them died.

No wonder Dongfang Yu hated Dongfang Hen so much when he saw him, and even wanted to kill him!

It turns out that there is such deep hatred between them.

"So you keep telling me to stay away from Dongfanghen, saying he won't let me go. Is that the reason?" Hai Xiaotang asked.

Dongfang Yu thought of what he saw in his dream, his eyes darkened, "Yes! He won't let us go, he will kill us all!"

"So after you woke up, you started making preparations to guard against him?"

Dongfang Yu nodded and said coldly: "I will not give him another chance to retaliate against us! He will never harm any of my family and the people I love!"

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