The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 532 Kick her out

Especially at this night, that feeling is even more deeply rooted in my bones.

Chai Xiyang was in a gloomy mood, staring at the book for a long time without being able to read a single word.

I threw the book away upset, but at this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open——

Then he saw Qiao Ning standing at the door, panting, staring at him with red eyes unblinking!

I don't know how she got here. She was wearing only a thin light gray sweater.

Her hair is messy and her breath is messy.

Seeing her like this, Chai Xiyang's dark eyes flashed, but his words were cold, "What are you doing here? Get out!"

Qiao Ning's eyes immediately filled with tears.

On the way here, she didn't believe that he was sick, but now that she saw him like this, she believed it was true.

As if she didn't hear his words, Qiao Ning slowly approached him, tears in her eyes seemed ready to fall at any time.

Chai Xiyang narrowed his eyes in displeasure, "Qiao Ning, I told you to get out, didn't you understand?!"

Qiao Ning shook her head, lowered her head and closed her eyes, tears falling to the ground drop by drop.

Then she cried like this, crying very sadly.

Chai Xiyang's expression became more and more gloomy, and the veins on his forehead were pulsing uncontrollably.

"Shut up—" he shouted impatiently, but it was no use. Qiao Ning cried more and more sadly.

She didn't want to cry, but she was really sad.

Thinking that Chai Xiyang would die, she felt as if her heart was about to be poached away. She couldn't stop the sadness in her heart and couldn't say a word.

I'm just so sad that I want to cry...

Chai Xiyang didn't expect that she would cry like this, and sneered: "Okay, put away your hypocrisy, you are of no use to me!"

Qiao Ning squatted on the ground and cried, "How could this happen, brother, how could this happen..."

"Isn't this good? If I die, everything in the Chai family will belong to you and your daughter!" Chai Xiyang said sarcastically.

Qiao Ning shook her head in pain, "I don't want anything, I want you to live well..."

"That's enough, you'd better get out now, don't force me to ask someone to kick you out!" Chai Xiyang really didn't want to hear a word she said, and he didn't want to talk nonsense to her.

Qiao Ning shook her head, she didn't want to leave, she was afraid that if she left, he would leave at any time.

But Chai Xiyang's patience had reached its limit, and he shouted coldly toward the door, "Someone, get her out of here!"

Qiao Ning was stunned for a moment, and then two bodyguards came in and forcibly pulled her out.

Qiao Ning didn't resist. She knew Chai Xiyang didn't want to see her, but she didn't leave after being pulled out.

She just sat on the chair outside the door, hugging her body and crying silently.

Although her crying was very small, and although the hospital's soundproofing was good, Chai Xiyang still heard her sobbing inexplicably.

He was inexplicably upset and decided to turn off the lights and go to sleep.

But in the dark, his hearing became more acute.

Chai Xiyang stared at the ceiling and laughed sarcastically. How hypocritical!

Yes, he couldn't trust Qiao Ning ever since he was framed.

Over the years, he treated Qiao Ning very badly, but she still treated him as if he were his first love, no matter how many times he abused her. But this makes people have to doubt her motives and scheming.

Which woman can do this from beginning to end, with deep love and no regrets?

He didn't believe that just the relationship with her childhood sweetheart of more than ten years made her love him so deeply.

Moreover, the time they fell in love before was very short, and they were more of a brother-sister relationship.

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