The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 540 It’s different for Qiao Ning

Every time she saw them together, Qiao Ning felt very disappointed.

But now is not the time to care about this.

She just wants to care about Chai Xiyang's body now.

Lin Xiner spotted Qiao Ning first. She was stunned for a moment and called her with a smile: "Miss Qiao, are you here too?"

Chai Xiyang looked sideways, his eyes indifferent, as if he was looking at an unrelated person.

Qiao Ning's eyes flashed, she didn't say anything, she didn't go in, she just nodded slightly and left.

Lin Xiner was confused: "Why doesn't she come in?"

"What are you doing here? I don't welcome her." Chai Xiyang said lightly.

Lin Xiner discovered that Chai Xiyang was nice to everyone, but his attitude towards Qiao Ning was very bad.

She probably knew about the grudge between them and why Chai Xiyang didn't like Qiao Ning.

But for some reason, she had an inexplicable feeling that Chai Xiyang was different from Qiao Ning.

Even if it's hate, it's a different kind of hate...

If it were anyone else, how would Chai Xiyang be disgusted? According to his character, he would probably go straight to death.

Even if you think he is a good person, he is actually very vindictive...

"I think she seems to care about you very much..." Lin Xiner said deliberately and tentatively.

But Chai Xiyang joked with her: "What, are you jealous? Why don't you obey me quickly, lest I be snatched away."

Lin Xiner laughed: "Stop teasing me."

It was like this every time. Chai Xiyang always joked about this in an inappropriate way.

It gave her an inexplicable feeling of not being serious...

And every time he talks casually, never pursues seriously, and never pays anything, how could she dare to believe and respond.

She was also afraid that this was really his joke and that she would end up being a joke.

Anyway, she, Lin Xiner, wants something that she is absolutely sure of.

She will not act rashly with this kind of emptiness...

But that doesn't mean that she will sit still and wait for death. If she needs to grasp something, she will find a way to slowly move it closer to her.

Picking up an apple, Lin Xiner peeled it and said casually: "I saw that Miss Qiao seemed to have lost a lot of weight just now. It must be that the case made her mentally and physically exhausted."

Chai Xiyang leaned on the head of the bed, took a book and flipped through it, with an indifferent expression: "Really, I didn't pay attention."

"She has really lost a lot of weight. She must be under a lot of pressure, because Yingying's death has caused great pain to the president and his wife. Now they only want to catch the murderer and are putting pressure on the police station every day. The police The only suspect found now is Miss Qiao... But I don’t believe Miss Qiao is that kind of person, what do you think?"

Chai Xiyang glanced at her and smiled indifferently: "How do I know what kind of person she is? Maybe she is that kind of person. You can't say anything."

Lin Xiner was surprised, "No way, Miss Qiao really knows how to kill people... Could it be that she killed someone by mistake? If it was her, then she is too good at disguising..."

"It doesn't matter what she does, it's the responsibility of the police." Chai Xiyang took the apple from her hand and ate it, not wanting to continue this topic at all.

Lin Xiner stopped talking about this. She stayed for a while, told Chai Xiyang to take a good rest, and then left.

As soon as Lin Xiner left, Chai Xiyang felt that the large ward was empty again.

In fact, when she was here just now, he felt like the place was empty.

What should he do? He has only been hospitalized for 2 days and he can't stand the atmosphere here...

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