The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 547 Teeth Marks Left by Chai Xiyang

Then she just looked at him stupidly close at hand, watching his face getting closer and closer to her...

Qiao Ning's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and her whole body was getting more and more nervous.

Chai Xiyang's nose almost touched hers...

Qiao Ning suddenly closed her eyes nervously.

She thought he would kiss her, but she didn't expect him. He just whispered in her ear with a smile: "Qiao Ning, don't think about it, I don't like her."

Qiao Ning opened her eyes in surprise.

Chai Xiyang let her go and smiled: "Go and cook. I'm tired. Let's take a rest."

"Oh, okay..." Qiao Ning stood up in a panic and ran away quickly.

After she turned around, Chai Xiyang's smile disappeared.

His expression was cold and there was no expression on his face.

Qiao Ning hid in the kitchen, her face kept red and her heartbeat was not calm.

She always gets distracted from time to time and wonders, what does Chai Xiyang's words mean?

If he doesn't like Lin Xiner, then who does he like?

Do you like her?

Qiao Ning didn't dare to make random guesses, but she couldn't help but think so.

I can't help but want to laugh...

Maybe the eldest brother still likes her, otherwise he wouldn't be so kind to her now.

The more Qiao Ning thought about it, the happier she became. She was as happy as a child who got a beloved toy. She was so happy.

But thinking about Chai Xiyang's body, she felt sad again.

Qiao Ning couldn't help but pray: God, please make your eldest brother get well soon. As long as he gets better, I will do whatever he asks me to do...

However, Chai Xiyang's health continued to deteriorate.

Qiao Ning had never seen anyone's body deteriorate like that in just two or three days.

Local lumps began to appear on Chai Xiyang's body, and his fever persisted.

Not only did I have nosebleeds, but I also vomited blood...

His throat was also red and swollen. He felt uncomfortable talking and couldn't eat. He would vomit everything he ate.

I had a headache all night and couldn't sleep, and my whole body felt uncomfortable.

Sometimes the pain is so painful that he can't bear it anymore and will go crazy and break things or abuse himself.

Every time he wanted to bite her arm, Qiao Ning would stop her, and then he would bite her hard, desperate!

Qiao Ning's arm was bitten with blood, and her face turned pale in pain, but she still comforted him, "Brother, it's okay, you will be fine. If we just bear with it a little longer, everything will be fine soon..." "

Even if Chai Xiyang heard it, he wouldn't listen.

The pain tortured him so much that he just wanted to destroy everything!

Every time, the doctor needs to inject him with a sedative to calm him down.

Every time he went crazy, he would leave a mess and a scarred Qiao Ning.

The nurse bandaged her every day, and she felt distressed every time. "Ms. Qiao, next time Mr. Chai goes crazy, don't get close to him. Look at what your arms are like."

The wound that was bandaged yesterday is still not healed, and a new one was added today...

A good section of the arm was covered with teeth marks left by Chai Xiyang.

Qiao Ning didn't care about this at all. She only asked uncomfortably: "Is there no way to relieve his pain?"

The nurse sighed: "No, I can't give him more sedatives. I have to rely on him to get through it on his own."

"But it's so painful..." Qiao Ning shed tears of distress.

Seeing Chai Xiyang in so much pain made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Chai's condition is now under good control. As long as we find the matching bone marrow and perform surgery..."

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