The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 565 I’ll wait for you to come home

Dongfang Yu smiled lightly, lowered his eyes to hide the sadness in his eyes, and bent down to sit in the car.

The car drove away, just like that.

Hai Xiaotang's tears also fell down, and she whispered softly: "Dongfang Yu, you must come back early, I will wait for you to go home."

Dongfang Yu, who was sitting in the car, also said in his heart: Hai Xiaotang, when I come back, I will definitely come back!

When I come back, we will never be separated again...never!

Dongfang Yu's car drove away, and until the shadow was completely invisible, Hai Xiaotang turned back to the bedroom and picked up a small walkie-talkie left by Dongfang Yu.

This is a song Dongfang Yu specially went to the radio station to record for her. Hai Xiaotang hasn't listened to it yet.

With anticipation, she put on her earplugs, walked back to the balcony, and pressed the play button.

A low, slightly hoarse male voice suddenly poured out, yet it was so familiar and infinitely affectionate.

Ocean sapart, day after day (across the ocean, day after day)

andIslowlygoinsane(I’m going crazy step by step)…

Hai Xiaotang was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that Dongfang Yu sang this song to her.

RightHereWaiting——It’s time to wait!

This is a very soulful and sad song.

Especially when Dongfang Yu sings it, it gives people an inexplicable feeling of sadness.

Hai Xiaotang listened as if fascinated, again and again.

Because listening to this singing, it was as if Dongfang Yu was still by her side and had not left...

And this song will stay with her for a long time to come.

But what Hai Xiaotang didn't expect was that he would be with her for so long...

Dongfang Yu left.

Chai Xiyang also woke up from his coma.

Qiao Ning waited outside the ward for a day and a night. She was very happy to learn that he had woken up and wanted to see him, but was blocked.

Outside the ward, several bodyguards were guarding him, and they wouldn't let Qiao Ning in at all.

"Miss Qiao, the young master said that no one will be seen now. Please come back." The bodyguard said solemnly and firmly.

Qiao Ning was confused: "Why? Did something happen?"

Otherwise, why wouldn’t Chai Xiyang see anyone?

"The young master is fine! But now, he doesn't see anyone!" The bodyguard still had a firm and indifferent tone. No matter how Qiao Ning asked, he couldn't find out the reason.

Qiao Ning asked them to help inform Chai Xiyang that she wanted to see him, but the bodyguard refused.

Even if Qiao Ning called Chai Xiyang outside the ward, he would not respond.

Qiao Ning was even more worried about what happened to him.

But she couldn't see him, and he didn't respond to her. Naturally, she couldn't know anything.

Even when she tried to find out about Chai Xiyang's condition through doctors and nurses, she only got one sentence: He is fine now and has no problems!

Since it's so good, why don't you meet anyone?

And even Uncle Chai is missing...

Although Qiao Ning was confused and worried, she was not particularly worried.

Because the doctor swore that the operation was successful, Chai Xiyang was really well, his body was slowly recovering, and he would be discharged from the hospital soon.

So it doesn't matter if you can't see him, as long as he's fine.

Anyway, he will recover sooner or later, and she will be able to see him sooner or later...

However, Qiao Ning still wanted to ask Hai Xiaotang and the others to help inquire about Chai Xiyang, but learned that Dongfang Yu was gone.

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