The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 57 I hate your attitude

Dongfang Yu's breath turned cold instantly.

He didn't say anything, but took out his mobile phone and dialed Hai Xiaotang's number.

"Hello..." The call was quickly connected, and Hai Xiaotang's faint voice sounded on the other end.

Dongfang Yu's voice was cold, "Who allowed you to go out without permission? Come back right now!"

Hai Xiaotang rolled his eyes. He thought she was the same Hai Xiaotang from before who could come and go at his command?

"I'm sorry, I allowed myself to go out without permission. You can't control it. Also, I don't know how to get back. I don't mind if you demonstrate it."

"Hai Xiaotang——" Dongfang Yu said in a gloomy voice, "What is your attitude?"

"I just hate your attitude."

In an instant, Hai Xiaotang could feel the fierce air pressure emanating from him through the cold mobile phone.

Not wanting to talk nonsense to him, she said calmly: "Isn't it just right for me to leave so that I won't disturb you? It's just right. You should act quickly these days. I hope I can get the divorce agreement when I go back."

Hai Xiaotang hung up the phone without giving him a chance to speak.

Dongfang Yu squeezed the phone tightly and sneered mockingly.

There was also a dark and gloomy light in his eyes.

Hai Xiaotang... Dongfang Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath before suppressing the anger in his heart.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it and rush to City B to give her a good look!


"Xiaotang, has the tea been brewed yet?" Hai Zhiyuan's voice came from the living room.

Hai Xiaotang hurriedly put away his mobile phone and went out with two cups of tea, "Grandpa, here you go."

Hai Zhiyuan and his old comrades were sitting in the living room chatting.

Hai Xiaotang put the tea in front of them: "Grandpa Tao, it's your tea, Grandpa, it's yours."

Tao Weimin smiled happily, "Haha, Lao Hai, the more I see your granddaughter, the more I like you. Why don't you let her be my granddaughter-in-law? You have also seen the photos of my grandson. He looks very talented. If you are satisfied, How about we bring the two of them together?"

Hai Zhiyuan smiled slightly: "I never told you that Xiaotang has been married a long time ago. She chose the person herself."

Tao Weimin was surprised, Hai Xiaotang is only 19 years old now, is he getting married so early?

However, he didn't ask any more questions, he was just a little regretful, "If I had known that Xiaotang was so popular, I would have taken action for my grandson earlier. Alas, he was unlucky."

Hai Xiaotang wanted to say that she was the unlucky person.

It was she who killed her love, her marriage, and her happiness early on.

I don’t know if she can love anyone again in the future...

Tao Weimin now has terminal cancer. He has given up treatment and is recovering slowly at home.

It can be said that you live one day at a time.

His son is long gone, his daughter-in-law has remarried, and he only has one grandson who is a special forces soldier.

But his grandson has not been back for a long time. He has been away on missions and cannot be contacted.

Tao Weimin didn't want to disturb his work. After all, he was doing high-risk things and couldn't be distracted outside.

So except for doctors and nurses to take care of him, no one was with him at all.

Fortunately, Hai Xiaotang and her grandfather came, and Hai Zhiyuan planned to stay with his old comrades and didn't want to go back.

He didn't want to go back, and neither did Hai Xiaotang.

It doesn't matter how long she stays here, she doesn't care about Dongfang Yu anymore.

So Hai Xiaotang devoted himself to taking care of the two elderly people every day.

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