The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 582 Someone hugged her

The guard guarding her came in to check on her condition and said tolerantly: "You are not in good health. Just rest well today. There is no need to go out for activities."

Qiao Ning nodded slightly, lay down again, and continued to remain motionless in a daze.

She felt a little uncomfortable and out of place, but she didn't care at all.

Her mind is no longer on these things because she has lost her soul a long time ago...

In this way, Qiao Ning lay in bed all day, waking up and falling asleep in a daze.

The day passed quickly and night came again.

Qiao Ning mechanically ate something and continued to lie on the bed in a daze.

I thought that if she slept too much during the day, she would not be able to sleep at night...

But she didn't expect that she quickly fell into sleep again.

I don’t know if she is too lonely, but she is very greedy for warmth.

Then she had another dream, in which she dreamed that someone was hugging her body, and his embrace was hot and warm.

Qiao Ning unconsciously approached him and curled up in his arms, wanting to absorb more warmth.

She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she felt that her body was being hugged more powerfully.

Such a hug makes Qiao Ning want to cry...

A tear fell inexplicably from the corner of her eyes.

Under such a warm embrace, Qiao Ning's consciousness completely fell into darkness again.

But that kind of warmth made her a little attached and greedy.

Even when she woke up the next morning, she seemed to be able to feel the remaining warmth...

But she knew that everything was just her fantasy.

She was locked up in this place, no one could come in, and no one would suddenly appear to give her warmth.

So everything is false...she is still alone.

She will still be executed soon...

I don't know if she no longer had any illusions. From that day on, Qiao Ning never had that kind of strange dream again.

After living like this for a while, Hai Xiaotang came to visit her.

It was not possible to visit the prison until now.

As soon as there was a chance, Hai Xiaotang came immediately.

Qiao Ning liked to see her, and when she saw her, she felt better. But when Hai Xiaotang saw her, his mood became heavier.

Because Qiao Ning has lost a lot of weight. She was already very thin, and now she is so thin that she can be blown over by a gust of wind.

Her face, which used to have a bit of baby fat, has lost a lot of weight, and all the baby fat has disappeared.

Especially her eyes, which used to be clear and watery, are now like a dry well, pitch black without any trace of waves.

But seeing her, Qiao Ning still smiled and said, "Xiaotang, long time no see."

She greeted her softly, as if she was still the innocent girl she was before.

Hai Xiaotang resisted the urge to have a sore nose and asked with concern: "Qiao Ning, are you okay in there? I'm sorry, I didn't come to see you until now."

Qiao Ning shook his head: "It doesn't matter. Xiaotang, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine inside."

"But you have lost a lot of weight..." Hai Xiaotang said sadly, "Qiao Ning, I have been thinking of ways to save you. Just wait a little longer and don't give up on yourself!"

Every time, she comforted and encouraged her like this.

Qiao Ning was really touched. She smiled and said: "Xiaotang, don't worry, I will live well. Even if I only have one day left to live, I will live well. I will not let down your kindness and will always be strong." Go down!"

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