The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 584 This child can save your life

But she regrets it now, is it too late?

And she doesn't need any maternal love anymore...

After the prison visit, Qiao Ning returned to her cell. After a while, the prison guard brought her a lot of food.

Chicken, duck, fish, everything, including dumplings.

But except for the dumplings, all the dishes were very greasy.

Qiao Ning felt nauseous just looking at these dishes before she even ate them. When she smelled the greasy smell of these dishes, she couldn't help but retching!

Since then, she has experienced nausea from time to time.

And her period never came, it seemed like it had been a long time...

My belly seems to have changed a bit too.

Then Qiao Ning was shocked to discover that maybe...she was pregnant!

The prison guards also discovered her abnormality, and they immediately arranged for a doctor to examine her and confirmed that she was indeed pregnant.

Qiao Ning was sent to the hospital for examination again, and the doctor said she was four months pregnant.

In other words, she had a child before she even went to jail!

But this is wrong. She has never had a relationship with any man, not even before going to jail. How could she suddenly become pregnant? !

Qiao Ning couldn't figure it out, and her mind was in chaos.

There was suddenly and inexplicably an extra child in her belly. She thought this was so weird!

But she does have a child...

But where did this child come from? !

Qiao Ning couldn't figure it out. The only suspicion she could think of was that she had a strange dream for two nights in the cell a few months ago.

There seemed to be a man in the dream... holding her all the time...

The more Qiao Ning thought about it, the paler her face became, and the more panicked she became.

Could it be that that was not her dream, that someone really...did something to her?

Who is it? ! Why do you do this to her? !

Qiao Ning suddenly remembered those strange words her mother said on New Year's Eve...

So, it was her mother’s arrangement to get her pregnant, her plan?

Even the doctor's diagnosis was arranged in advance. She was not 4 months pregnant at all, but more than 3 months?

But why do this...

Qiao Ning was angry and painful, feeling like a bolt from the blue, helpless, and completely being manipulated like a doll.

She immediately requested to see Kong Minjuan, and the police quickly notified her.

Kong Minjuan learned that Qiao Ning was pregnant and rushed to the hospital happily!

But when Qiao Ning saw her, her eyes were full of resentment, "Mom, why did you do this to me?! Did you do the right thing? It was you..."

"Shh!" Kong Minjuan rushed forward and covered her mouth to prevent her from saying what she shouldn't say.

She looked back at the police outside the door and lowered her voice: "Qiao Ning, listen, if you are pregnant, you will not be sentenced to death. This child can save your life, do you know?"

Qiao Ning was shocked——

Kong Minjuan seized the time and said: "Qiao Ning, we can live, why not live? Do you want to die aggrieved, don't you want to find the murderer and clear yourself? In short, this child is your savior, you must live Does he know?"

Two tears fell from Qiao Ning's eyes, and then there were no more tears.

She wanted to cry, but during this period of time, her tears had dried up, and she was so dry that there were no more tears.

She didn't know why she wanted to cry. She just felt sad for her such a rough and chaotic fate...

It was clear that she had done nothing. Not only was she sentenced to jail without telling anyone, but she was now pregnant with an unknown child.

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