The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 608 Her life has just begun

But she would often think of Qiao Ning.

Every time he thinks of her, Hai Xiaotang feels very regretful and sorry.

She has been helping Qiao Ning reverse the case, and Dongfang Yu has also been helping after he returned, but they still have not found evidence to prove Qiao Ning's innocence.

What's more, she had promised to raise Qiao Ning's child, but in the end, her child was lost.

This is where Hai Xiaotang feels the most guilty.

Fortunately, Qiao Ning behaved very well in prison, and with Hai Xiaotang and the others being active, Qiao Ning's sentence finally changed from 20 years to 10 years, and then to 5 years.

5 years is a long time, but it also goes by very quickly.

When time passed, it was discovered that it was almost a blink of an eye.

Five years later, Qiao Ning turned 25. Not to mention that she spent the best years of her youth in prison, her entire life was almost ruined.

Originally, her dream was to become a great director, but because of the disaster, not only did she fail to graduate, but her dream became even less likely to come true.

What's more, after she went out, she didn't know how to live. The outside world must have changed a lot. Can she still adapt?

Qiao Ning packed her simple luggage and followed Officer Li outside.

Officer Li is a woman, and she has been taking good care of Qiao Ning in the past few years.

In addition, Qiao Ning has performed very well over the years, and based on her understanding of Qiao Ning, she believes that she has not committed murder. But sometimes, even if you didn't kill someone, the whole world can believe it.

Therefore, Officer Li could only do his best to take care of her.

"Qiao Ning, live a good life after you go out, forget everything here, and start over. I believe that sooner or later, you will definitely live the life you want again." Officer Li blessed her.

Qiao Ning nodded and said gratefully: "Thank you, Officer Li, for taking care of me all these years."

"I am also entrusted by others, and you are a good girl. Go ahead and walk out of the door without looking back." Officer Li patted her on the shoulder and smiled at her.

Qiao Ning's nose felt sour, she nodded, and then left without looking back.

The moment he stepped out of the door, Qiao Ning suddenly felt like his body and mind were free.

Maybe everyone who comes out of here feels like they have been reborn. At the same time, there is also confusion and fear about the future.

However, Qiao Ning has never done anything bad and has always been open-minded in her heart.

So when it came out, she just shed tears of excitement and tears of joy.

She finally persevered and finally got through everything!

But her life has just begun, and there may be more thorns waiting for her on the road ahead.

But after experiencing this disaster, Qiao Ning knew that nothing in this world could defeat her!

She will always live strong and live her own wonderful life!

She will also find the real murderer and clear her name...and find the child she has never seen before...

Qiao Ning stood on the roadside thinking about this and was in a daze.

Suddenly, a low-key but luxurious black car slowly stopped in front of her.

The car door opened, and a driver came out and asked respectfully, "Excuse me, are you Qiao Ning, are you Miss Qiao?"

Qiao Ning nodded doubtfully: "Yes, it's me, you are..."

The driver smiled and introduced himself:


Later, I will focus on Qiao Ning’s story to see how she counterattacked and became a winner in life. Occasionally, I will also write about the protagonist’s happy life~

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