The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 642: Satisfying her too much

But this time, he was very interested and satisfied with the story Chai Xiyang showed him.

Even last night, he stayed up late to watch most of the content.

He thought that the person who could write such a story must be a middle-aged man who had gone through many vicissitudes of life.

But I didn't expect that it was a girl who was so young and looked like a student.

Qiao Ning has short hair that reaches her ears, her facial features are very delicate and cute, and she is dressed like a student, so she does look like a girl.

So Chen Shuinan was slightly surprised when he saw her.

Qiao Ning was also surprised to see him, and her heartbeat accelerated a little.

Does Chai Xiyang plan to let Chen Shuinan film her novel?

What she writes is really so good that Chen Shuinan can shoot it?

However, Qiao Ning quickly rejected this idea. How could Chen Shuinan film her novel? He must have other things to talk about with Chai Xiyang.

Qiao Ning read the contract carefully...

Chai Xiyang leaned lazily on the sofa and asked funnyly: "You haven't finished reading yet? Just tell me if you don't understand."

"finish watching."

"Then sign."

Qiao Ning hesitated, and Chai Xi raised his eyebrows, "Why, which one are you dissatisfied with?"

No, she is not dissatisfied. It can be said that she is very satisfied.

The price they gave her was beyond satisfactory...

The copyright fee is actually 3 million!

For a newcomer like her, her story is simply not worth the price.

She thought it would be worth two to three hundred thousand at most. Isn't this the price that most newcomers' novels sell for?

Qiao Ning asked tentatively: "Did you write the copyright fee wrong? Are you sure it is 3 million and not 300,000?"

Chen Shuinan was surprised again. When other writers saw such a high copyright fee, they would definitely sign it without saying a word. How could they raise any doubts.

Isn't she afraid that they really made a mistake and wouldn't give her so much money?

Perhaps Qiao Ning was too simple and down-to-earth, and it was rare for Chen Shuinan to explain aloud, "Your story is good and worth the price. Although you are a newcomer, we can lower the price, but you are a talent, and for this reason, we should give you this many."

What he means is that what they actually value is her as a person and her future development potential.

If you give her a good price now, the novels she writes in the future will definitely be sold to them...

But Qiao Ning didn't hear this. She only stared at Chen Shuinan in surprise: "Director Chen, have you also read my novel?"

Chen Shuinan replied directly: "I will still be filming."

What? ! Is it really Chen Shuinan who came to film her novel? !

Qiao Ning suddenly became excited, as if it was unreal, "Really, is it really you, Director Chen, who is here to shoot?"

How is it possible, are her books really that good?

Chen Shuinan nodded slightly, but there was still no trace of softness on his cold face.

Qiao Ning smiled like a fool. If she hadn't taken the occasion into consideration, she would have jumped up and cheered!

Her novel was filmed by a famous domestic director. How could she not be happy?

It’s simply more satisfying than winning a 10 million grand prize.

"If there's no problem, sign quickly!" Chai Xiyang suddenly interrupted her thoughts with a deep voice, and Qiao Ning seemed to see the gloom in his eyes.

Her smile disappeared immediately, and she didn't dare to talk nonsense, so she signed directly.

As soon as she finished signing, Chai Xiyang called his secretary to handle the contract, and then said coldly to Qiao Ning: "The remaining money will be sent to you within a week! Now you go and wait outside. I have something to talk to you about later." !”

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