The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 76 I'm attracted to you

Dongfang Yu gritted his teeth in frustration.

This woman is so ungrateful and infuriating!

He was absolutely crazy thinking about her just now!

Thinking of his embarrassing behavior just now, he threw away the book in shame, stood up and walked to the bathroom!

Although Hai Xiaotang had been sleeping during the day, he fell asleep quickly.

She has no other abilities, but one ability is the most powerful.

As long as she lies down, as long as she thinks about sleeping, she will fall asleep in minutes without any need to prepare for drowsiness.

Anyway, her ability to sleep is first-rate...

Dongfang Yu came out of the bathroom after taking a bath and found that she had fallen asleep.

And the sleeping position is not very good, one leg is stretched out.

He didn't intend to stare at her, but inexplicably...looking at her little face, he forgot to look away.

Anyway, she was asleep and wearing a blindfold, so she didn't know he was looking at her.

It wasn't that he wanted to stare at her, he just had a lot of things he couldn't figure out.

When facing her recently, his mood always became strange and complicated.

In short, during this period of time, his emotions have been affected by her, and it seems that no matter what she does, she can easily affect him.

Why is this happening...

Dongfang Yu walked to the sofa and squatted down, staring at her deeply.

"Hai Xiaotang..." He called her name in a low voice, but the sleeping woman didn't react at all.

Dongfang Yu frowned, "What exactly did you do to me?"


"Why am I affected by you?"

Why did he, who hated her so much, slowly become less hateful...

Why does he, who firmly wants a divorce, always waver in the idea of ​​​​divorce recently?

"Hai Xiaotang, tell me, why?"

Hai Xiaotang naturally couldn't tell him the reason because she was sleeping deeply.

Dongfang Yu didn't know what he thought of, and laughed at himself, "Am I attracted to you?"

How can this be?

He hates her very much, she is the person he hates the most.

How could he suddenly...

But how to explain his recent strange reactions?

Dongfang Yu's dark eyes flashed, then he stood up irritably and walked to the balcony to smoke.

He doesn't like to smoke and smokes only a handful of times.

But recently, this is the second time he smokes...


It was dawn, and Hai Xiaotang was still sleeping soundly.

Dongfang Yu was already dressed.

Walking to the sofa, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch. There were still three hours before the plane took off.

"Hai Xiaotang, wake up!" He called her in a low voice.

Hai Xiaotang was not used to getting up early at all. She turned over irritably, "Don't bother me."

"Time to wake up."

"...Sleep for another 10 minutes."


The quilt on his body was suddenly lifted.

Hai Xiaotang instantly felt a chill all over her body, especially her thighs. The cold air seemed to be sprayed all over her legs.

It seemed that there was another line of sight staring at her...

To be precise, he was staring at her two fair and slender long legs.

Hai Xiaotang went to bed wrapped in a bathrobe last night. The bathrobe was open, her legs were uncovered, and her pants were all exposed!

The highlight is still the black pants with a little bit of emptiness!


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