The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 819 Two annoying women

As soon as the weekend arrived, Qiao Ning and Hai Xiaotang went shopping early in the morning.

Chai Xiyang was actually quite resentful. She had finally looked forward to the weekend and wanted to spend it with Qiao Ning, but she ended up going to accompany Hai Xiaotang, and he was scolded for resisting!

So in the eyes of women, sometimes men are not as good as best friends!

Fortunately, Yifan was also 'abandoned' by Qiao Ning, and Chai Xiyang felt a little more balanced.

Hai Xiaotang planned to buy some clothes for pregnant women.

It had been a long time since I went shopping with Qiao Ning, so I made an appointment with her.

The two were shopping in the mall, followed by Hai Xiaotang's nanny and Qiao Ning's bodyguard Li An.

When women go shopping with women, they really want to buy everything they see.

Hai Xiaotang really wanted to give birth to a daughter, so when she saw all the beautiful clothes the little girl was wearing, she couldn't wait to buy them all.

Qiao Ning also likes girls, and like her, she is attracted by some children's clothes.

Then the two bought a bunch of little girl's clothes, some bought by Hai Xiaotang herself, and some bought by Qiao Ning as gifts for her.

If they didn't have the remaining sanity left, they would have bought all the clothes for their children aged 0-3 years old!

Fortunately, they still have some sense, but this is not much sense. The gender of the baby has not yet been determined, and even before the baby is born, I bought a bunch of them regardless of the cost.

Then relying on their remaining sense, they finally went to buy clothes for pregnant women.

The first thing to buy is shoes.

Hai Xiaotang's shoes all have heels, and the lowest one is 3 centimeters, but these are no longer wearable. It's best to wear flat shoes.

Their important task today is to choose shoes.

Qiao Ning also planned to buy herself a pair of shoes. When choosing, she suddenly fell in love with a new pair of leather shoes.

After trying it on, Qiao Ning thought it looked good, so she asked the clerk to wrap it up for her.

The clerk happily took the shoes and was about to issue a ticket. Suddenly two women came over and one of them asked calmly.

“How big are these shoes?”

The clerk was stunned for a moment, but still answered seriously, "It's 36."

"I want it, wrap it up for me!" the woman said in a loud voice, with a rather arrogant attitude.

The clerk was immediately embarrassed, "Miss, I'm sorry, someone wants these shoes."

"Who wants it? I'll pay double the price for it!"

After hearing these conversations, Qiao Ning and Hai Xiaotang turned around at the same time, and then they were stunned!

The two women standing in front of the clerk were also stunned!

Qiao Ning didn't expect to meet them here suddenly. Even though they were both wearing sunglasses, she recognized them immediately.

Aren't they Zhang Meimei and Lin Xiner? !

Unexpectedly, the two women she hated gathered together!

Now the enemy is really jealous when they meet.

Zhang Meimei and Lin Xiner are both Qiao Ning's enemies, and Qiao Ning and Hai Xiaotang are also Lin Xiner's enemies.

The eyes of the four people were blazing.

Especially since the people on both sides are dressed differently.

Qiao Ning and Hai Xiaotang were dressed simply and innocently, as if they were freshly graduated college students. At first glance, they looked like they were easy to bully.

Zhang Meimei and Lin Xiner are both dressed as mature women, wearing high heels and sunglasses, like big-name celebrities going out.

Just looking at their appearance, Zhang Meimei and Lin Xiner looked much more arrogant.

She probably hates Qiao Ning, and she probably already suspected that the last time she was caught raped in bed was related to Chai Xiyang. Zhang Meimei couldn't control the anger in her body when she saw Qiao Ning!

She couldn't help but sneer and asked in an arrogant tone:

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