The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 827 So simple and kind

This confirmed that she was his and Zhou Li's child.

But he didn't tell the truth. He just kept secretly caring for Lin Xiner after she entered the Zhang family.

He didn't dare to tell the truth because Mrs. Zhang was not someone to be trifled with.

If she knew about Lin Xiner's existence, she would definitely not let her go.

Also, he doesn't want to expose this scandal, and he doesn't want to have another child to divide the property. So having Zhang Yingying as one child is enough.

Who knows, but Zhang Yingying died later!

In the first few years after Zhang Yingying's death, he couldn't recognize Lin Xiner, otherwise Mrs. Zhang, who lost her daughter, would be even more reluctant to let Lin Xiner go.

Moreover, Lin Xiner is not capable enough, so he also wants to train her for a few more years. When she is capable enough, and when his wife is not so sad, he will find time to get to know her.

But he didn't expect something to happen to Lin Xiner suddenly.

Zhang Minwei didn't care too much, so he had to bail her out and get to know her.

He still remembered the day he told Lin Xiner the truth, Lin Xiner's shocked, unbelievable and excited expression...

So he was sure that Lin Xiner never knew that he was her father.

Since she didn't know her identity, how could she murder Zhang Yingying.

All this must be Chai Xiyang's conspiracy to sow discord between their father and daughter.

Humph, he won’t be fooled!

Anyway, he determined that the murderer was Qiao Ning, who else could it be besides her!

Zhang Minwei returned home with a lot of worries, and saw Lin Xiner coming to greet her gently and obediently, "Dad..."

Zhang Minwei has been observing Lin Xiner in the past few years and knows what she is like.

She is a very motivated, hard-working, and kind-hearted girl!

How could such a beautiful girl harm others?

The murder of Qiao Ning and Chai Xiyang's son must have been her mother's fault.

And it is absolutely impossible for Lin Xiner to plot to kill Yingying...

But people in high places are suspicious.

Zhang Minwei couldn't help but asked tentatively, "Xin'er, have you and your mother never met before?"

Lin Xiner answered calmly, "I've seen her a few times this year, but never before. But I didn't know she was my mother. At that time, I thought she was a warm-hearted aunt... It's all my fault, no. It should have been because she was so kind that she talked about my pain without warning, otherwise, she wouldn't have harmed others for me..."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiner's eyes turned red with sadness.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Minwei completely believed her words.

He comforted her, "Although your mother and I have ended long ago. But don't worry, I will try my best to hire a lawyer to help her."

"Dad, thank you." Lin Xiner smiled gratefully, her smile was so pure and kind.

Zhang Minwei despised Chai Xiyang in his heart.

Leaving my daughter, who is so simple, so beautiful, and so kind, to choose that murderer is simply blind!

Humph, there will always be a day when he regrets it!


Ever since they suspected Lin Xiner, Chai Xiyang and the others have been investigating the truth.

However, nothing could be found.

The only breakthrough is whether Lin Xiner knew about Zhang Yingying's life experience before she died.

If they knew, she was suspect, if they didn't, they had no reason to suspect her.

But only Lin Xiner and Zhou Li knew about this issue.

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