The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 84 Made him some porridge

Hai Xiaotang ordered dinner herself.

Dongfang Yu didn't come back at night. Ji Chuan came over to help get his luggage, and then she found out that he had opened a new room.

It's okay to live separately.

The relationship was completely at loggerheads, and she didn't want to get along awkwardly with him.

But what she didn't know was that all the people who went out for dinner at night were suffering from food poisoning.

However, the poisoning was not serious, just diarrhea.

Two designers were more serious, suffering from vomiting and diarrhea to the point of almost collapse.

Both of them needed to be hospitalized for several days to recover.

Dongfang Yu was also poisoned. After taking the medicine, he comforted everyone as if nothing was wrong and established a strong spiritual support for everyone.

However, the two designers are seriously ill and will definitely not be able to work well these days.

There could be no mistakes in this bidding, so Dongfang Yu immediately re-arranged two designers to come over.

One of them is Lin Xiner...

Hai Xiaotang didn't know what happened last night and slept until dawn.

After waking up, she ordered breakfast and then watched TV in the bedroom.

No one came to her until lunch.

Just when she was about to go shopping by herself, there was a knock on the door.

It was Ji Chuan who knocked on the door.

He said to her: "Madam, in half an hour, we will go out for a tour. Are you interested in going?"

"You go ahead, I don't want to go." Hai Xiaotang refused lightly. She would rather go shopping by herself.

Ji Chuan nodded, "Okay, I understand."

Hai Xiaotang thought that Dongfang Yu and the others would go shopping. She didn't want to run into them, so she waited in the room for an hour before going out.

Putting on his hat and sunglasses, Hai Xiaotang opened the door and walked out.

Then I saw Lin Xiner coming across with a tray!

Hai Xiaotang was stunned, why is she here? !

Lin Xiner saw her and nodded slightly, "Hello, madam."

Hai Xiaotang asked doubtfully: "When did you come?"

"I came here last night, not long after I arrived."

"..." She just said that Lin Xiner would definitely come here.

Hai Xiaotang glanced at what she was holding. It was a bowl of white rice porridge.

Lin Xiner explained carefully, "The president is feeling a little unwell and hasn't eaten anything today, so I asked the kitchen to make some porridge for him..."

At the end, she seemed a little afraid that Hai Xiaotang would be angry, so she looked at her face carefully.

Hai Xiaotang was wearing sunglasses, so naturally she couldn't see anything.

"Send it to him." Hai Xiaotang didn't ask why Dongfang Yu felt uncomfortable. She didn't want to ask hypocritically.

I don't even want to comfort him and let him misunderstand something.

After saying that, she was leaving.

Lin Xiner hurriedly asked: "Where are you going, madam? Going shopping?"

Hai Xiaotang glanced at her and left without saying anything.

Lin Xiner glanced at her back, a flash of understanding flashed through her eyes, and then turned around and went to Dongfang Yu's room.

After Dongfangyu got food poisoning last night, he only took medicine and did not receive more comprehensive treatment at all.

Although he is much better now, his energy is a bit low and he is in a bad mood, so he has not eaten anything today.

When Lin Xiner arrived here, she immediately found out everything.

After everyone went to play, she went to the kitchen to make rice porridge for him.

Lin Xiner knocked on the door and entered the room, and saw Dongfang Yu still working.

Ji Chuan advised him from the side: "President, you are not in good health. Thank you for taking a rest."

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