The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 842 I will love you forever!

"Brother, did you really hate me at that time?" Qiao Ning asked again.

Chai Xiyang's pupils shrank and his heart stung.

He unconsciously squeezed Qiao Ning's shoulders, and the strength in his hands betrayed his mood!

Qiao Ning continued, "But the person who put me in jail was not you, but Lin Xiner. The Zhang family will do whatever it takes to convict me. Unless you do the same, you won't be able to defeat them. Originally, all the evidence was Point to me, no one is sure that I am innocent. You can still find a way to help me even though you hate me, so that I, who should have been sentenced to death, was only released after being detained for five years. You have paid We’ve learned a lot and done a great job.”

"Brother, I don't blame you for not trying your best to save me, because I wasn't worth it to you at that time. But I'm very grateful to you for being willing to help me even when you hated me. So don't feel guilty, I I don’t blame you, but I’m very happy that you will help me secretly.”

Chai Xiyang was shocked when he heard it!

He really didn't expect Qiao Ning to say this!

How could she be so kind...

Chai Xiyang's throat rolled, his eyes were complicated, and his voice was hoarse, "Qiao Ning, you love me so much and have given so much emotion to me, but I didn't try my best to save you. Do you really not feel resentful at all?"

Qiao Ning shook her head with a smile, "I don't hate you. Loving you is my business, why do you have to repay me? I know you hate me, but I still love you. It's all of my own free will. I only resent fate, why should I do it once? I only hate the murderer behind the scenes. But I don’t hate you, really..."

After hearing this, Chai Xiyang couldn't listen anymore!

He held her tightly in his arms in pain and distress, and all his guilt turned into his deep love for her.

"Qiao Ning, do you know what you will make me want to do if you say this?" He asked in a low voice.

Qiao Ning raised her head in confusion, "What to do?"

Chai Xiyang looked into her always calm and clear eyes and smiled affectionately, "It will make me want to love you and love you forever! I want to make you happy forever!"

Qiao Ning's eyes flickered.

"Qiao Ning, are you willing to give me this chance to atone for my sins?" He approached her face and asked cautiously.

Qiao Ning's heart was filled with emotion for a moment.

She raised her arms and hugged his neck, nodding excitedly and happily: "Yes..."


Qiao Ning fell asleep.

Then she had a dream about the moment she was sentenced more than five years ago.

That was the darkest, most painful and lowest time in her life...

Every time she dreams of a scene like that, she wakes up from a nightmare!

Qiao Ning woke up suddenly, with fear still in her eyes.

"What, are you having a nightmare?" Chai Xiyang, who was leaning on the bedside and flipping through documents, asked anxiously.

Qiao Ning raised her eyes slightly and saw him. Under the soft light, his features were deep and handsome, and the light in his eyes was so gentle.

She was lying in their bedroom, which was decorated luxuriously and warmly.

Everything is beautiful...

So that nightmare is over, it's in the past.

Qiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief and felt infinitely grateful. When she was sentenced, she really thought her life was over.

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