The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 868 Lin Xiner is pregnant!

Qiao Ning found out and soon everyone knew about her marriage to Chai Xiyang.

Kong Minjuan knew that she had been deceived by Qiao Ning, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Qiao Ning no longer wanted to recognize her as her mother, and Chai Xiyang was even more guarded against her. Even if she really wanted to take Yi Fan away secretly, it would be impossible.

In fact, there is no way to take it away. If you take it away, it will be illegal.

Although Kong Minjuan is unscrupulous for interests, she is still not confused and knows what to do and what not to do.

However, she was not discouraged. Anyway, Qiao Ning would definitely inherit Qiao Ning's father's things in the future.

Qiao Ning's things can only be inherited by Yi Fan.

Wouldn't it be more satisfying if Yifan inherits two fortunes?

All she can do now is try every possible means to please Yifan. As long as this child has feelings for her, she will have whatever she wants in the future.

In addition, she now has a lot of assets, and there is absolutely no problem in being prosperous and wealthy in this life.

Qiao Ning no longer cares about Kong Minjuan's ideas. Anyway, there is nothing this mother can do.

And she is not sad to lose this mother.

Because she has a family, a husband who loves her, and a well-behaved son, she is already very happy and does not expect too much.

However, Qiao Ning still hoped that Chen Shuinan would wake up soon and Hailan's injury would heal soon.

If these two wishes come true, she will really have no regrets in this life.

However, her wish has not yet come true. An unexpected news suddenly comes!

Lin Xiner is pregnant!

Lin Xiner was originally sentenced to death and was suspended for six months.

But I didn't expect her to suddenly become pregnant!

Wen Jingheng told them this news, and everyone was shocked when they learned about it.

Hai Xiaotang even sneered angrily, "What does she want to do, imitate Qiao Ning?!"

What Dongfang Yu was concerned about was, "Who made her pregnant?"

Qiao Ning got pregnant with Chai Xiyang's secret help. Lin Xiner had no one to help her, and the Zhang family didn't care about her, so who helped her get pregnant?

Wen Jingheng went to a doctor to carefully examine Lin Xiner's fetus, which was conceived during the time she was arrested.

So someone did help her secretly. Who was that person?

Chai Xiyang didn't care who that person was, he was just angry that Lin Xiner couldn't be sentenced to death!

Originally, she must have been sentenced to death because her crime was too serious. As a result, she cannot be executed now that she is pregnant.

I really didn't expect that that woman could still be jumping around after falling to this point.

Qiao Ning felt a little sick...

Her pregnancy situation was different from Lin Xiner's because she was wrongly accused and she didn't even know she would be pregnant.

Lin Xiner was different. She got pregnant on her own initiative in order to escape the death penalty.

How cruel it is for that child to give birth to an unwanted child in order to escape the death penalty.

There will definitely be no one to help raise her child properly, and she will have no choice but to send her to an orphanage.

Such a young child was thrown into an orphanage. His background was not good, and he didn't know what kind of mood he would grow up in.

A child like that would really be better off than not being born...

However, Lin Xiner was already pregnant, so she could only give birth to the child.

But how the child was conceived must be thoroughly investigated!

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