The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 871 You are my number one fan

They deliver a bunch of things every day, and they are much more diligent than these people.

Hailan laughed, "This is everyone's wish. But I have told them not to come, but some people will still come."

"They like you very much, why don't you come?"

Hai Lan said jokingly: "I'm afraid that I will really be disfigured and become ugly in the future, and no one will like me."

"No." Wen Jingheng stared at her firmly, "You won't be disfigured, and no one will like you. Even if you are disfigured, my friend will still like you as always."

This is a disguised confession!

Hailan pretended not to understand and chuckled: "I really can't tell, it turns out you are my number one fan."

Wen Jingheng also laughed, "Absolutely. But you never signed it for me."

"Haha, signing is so boring. When I get better, how about I treat you to dinner?"

"Okay, it's a deal."

The two were chatting happily when Wei Zhijie and a girl suddenly walked in.

Seeing Wen Jingheng inside, both of them were stunned for a moment, with complex looks flashing in their eyes. Wei Zhijie's eyes are very understanding. He doesn't like Wen Jingheng because he can see Wen Jingheng's thoughts on Hailan.

That girl... her eyes were so complicated that it was hard to understand.

But their emotions were fleeting.

"When did Director Wen come?" Wei Zhijie smiled gracefully and stepped forward to greet him.

Wen Jingheng was probably biased and didn't like Wei Zhijie either.

He stood up and said calmly: "Just got here."

"Director Wen often comes to visit Hailan. We are really flattered by this friendship." Wei Zhijie said sarcastically, meaning that his intentions towards Hailan were impure.

Wen Jingheng was not angry and said with a smile: "That's right. After all, Hai Lan and I are friends."

"But Director Wen, who has so many things to do all day long, can still find time to visit Hailan, which really makes us very grateful. How about this, I treat Director Wen to a meal because I also want to thank you for your concern for our Hailan."

The words "our Hailan" directly excluded Wen Jingheng.

Wei Zhijie just wanted to let him know that Hailan was his!

To be honest, after knowing that Hailan had a fiancé, Wen Jingheng did nothing and respected their relationship.

Although he still likes Hai Lan, he tries his best to treat her as a friend.

So Wei Zhijie didn't need to be so guarded against him.

However, Wen Jingheng didn't mind Wei Zhijie's attitude. He smiled frankly and said: "There's no need to eat. I'm just caring about my friends. Mr. Wei doesn't need to be so polite. Okay, I have something else to do, so let's go first."

"Director Wen, walk slowly." Wei Zhijie smiled, but after Wen Jingheng left, his smile disappeared.

"Hai Lan, what did he say when he came to you?" Wei Zhijie asked Hai Lan directly, looking a little unhappy.

Hai Lan smiled and said: "It's nothing, just came to see me."

"Sister, does Director Wen like you?" The girl who followed Wei Zhijie in finally spoke, but her voice sounded nice.

The girl is the daughter of Hailan's adoptive parents, named Yunshan. She is only 22 years old this year, five or six years younger than Hailan.

Hailan's adoptive parents adopted Hailan because they thought they were infertile. Who knew that Yunshan would be born a few years later? At that time, Hailan's status in the Yun family was embarrassing.

But her adoptive parents didn't treat her badly, they were pretty good to her.

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