Chapter 89 Spread the Imperial Qi Realm, 100,000 Martial Arts Classics!!

Seeing the strength displayed by Ye Qianren, Boss Wu and they all knelt down and submitted.

“Sir, I can’t see Tarzan, please forgive me. From now on, your order, we will desperately complete it! ”

“Yes, it is also my honor to be loyal to adults like me.”

“I’ll wait to meet the adult…”

One by one, they shouted, one by one, terrified. For fear of angering Ye Qianren, he was slaughtered by Ye Qianren.

“Very well, since you are all willing to surrender. Then I will grant you the supreme opportunity! ”

“Yingying… Pass on to them all the denseness we have collected. In addition, he also passed on the small innate skill to them, and by the way, told them how to cultivate in the three realms of refining the body. ”

Ye Qianren thought for a long time, and finally wanted to try the world upgrade. Even if he knew that it was difficult for the Song Dynasty to want to upgrade, Ye Qianren still wanted to try. After all, the improvement brought about by the upgrading of the world was too helpful to Ye Qianren.

So even if he knew that there was little hope, Ye Qianren wanted to try.

Ren Yingying nodded, her expression changed, and she also knew what to do: “Don’t worry, Gongzi, I have arranged all the cheats and whatnot.” ”

Ye Qianren nodded, knowing that the people around him were doing things quickly.

Boss Wu, they listened to what Ye Qianren said, and their minds changed one by one, and they didn’t know what was going on. Instead of punishing them, he also demanded some treasures, but taught them martial arts.

“I know you’re confused. However, as I said, I am teaching you martial arts, and they are extraordinary. ”

“After you practice martial arts, you will lead the disciples and invade the world for me. Recruit disciples and expand your power. ”

Ye Qianren’s deep gaze always carried a coldness, but also with a kind of danger, Boss Wu, they were still sincerely afraid, strange what Ye Qianren said was true or false.

Ye Qianren ignored their doubts and waved them to retreat.

Boss Wu also turned away.

Boss Wu and they left, and were taken by Yingying to the secret place.

“Gongzi, just spread the three forms of refining body like this. Maybe there will be many strong people who are threatening. ”

“After all, there are quite a few masters in this Tianlong world. Many are bound by the world. If he obtains the cultivation system of the Sect Master World, he will inevitably make himself go further. ”

Zhao Min poured tea for Ye Qianren, and he was also a little worried. Think of Tianshan Tongmu, just an indigenous of the Tianlong world, who actually cultivated into qi.

You must know that this qi does not have a complete cultivation system, nor does it have a powerful cultivation method. Just rely on self-understanding, self-cultivation, and cultivation qi.

Now with a complete cultivation system, and even with the small innate skills inherited by Ye Qianren, countless strong people will definitely be born, and then they will understand the qi.

Ye Yanren sipped tea, his hair scattered in his deep eyes, filled with excitement: “I know, I also know what this will bring.” However, the improvement brought about by the upgrading of the world is too tempting for me. I want to give it a try! If I can, I will also pass on the cultivation method of the Imperial Qi Realm. ”

“Gongzi is only in the realm of the Five Qi Dynasty Yuan now. If you rashly spread the Imperial Qi Realm, you may bring some people who can threaten Gongzi. ”

Huang Rong was also cautious and deduced many possibilities.

“It depends on the situation. If you can smoothly upgrade the level, there is no need to spread the realm of imperial qi. ”

Ye Qianren also knew that passing on the high-level cultivation system might attract opponents who threatened him. After all, there is no shortage of masters among the Heavenly Dragons.

But Ye Yanren needs the world to upgrade, which brings about qualitative changes.

After a long time, Boss Wu saw many cheats.

In the huge palace, rows of martial arts secrets are piled up. There are more than 100,000 copies.

With so many cheats, they were horrified to see Boss Wu, and they couldn’t believe it, especially when they saw many cheats, they were all among the best secret realms in the rivers and lakes, and they were even more excited.

“My lord… Can we really read these cheats and cultivate? ”

Boss Wu wanted to say more and more, expressing his inner hesitation and entanglement.

“Gongzi ordered, you can naturally read and cultivate. However, before cultivating, you all have to practice the Little Innate Skill! ”

“The small innate skill is a martial art that Gongzi simplifies according to the innate skill of self-cultivation. Practicing this method can cleanse the flesh, improve qualifications, and purify internal strength. It has full benefits for cultivation. ”

Ren Yingying picked up a small innate skill book and threw it to Boss Wu. This small congenital skill is the new version created by Ye Qianren, who saw the version of the congenital gong of the Zhou Diao and combined with the sect leader’s version of the innate skill.

In this version of Innate Gong, the quenching effect is weakened, and the quality of cultivation True Qi is weakened. But even so, it was enough to make Boss Wu and their hearts move.


Elder Wu swallowed his saliva, his expression was faintly nervous, and he looked at the little innate gong with a longing.

That kind of desire made them want to practice small innate skills.

“Okay, you just stay here to cultivate and read the texts here.

Remember, you only have one month. A month later, they all rolled down the mountain and began to carry out Gongzi’s orders. If you don’t carry it out, you will not only experience the torture of the life and death talisman, but also the torture of the three corpse brain divine pills. ”

Ren Yingying looked at them, and had already prepared the Three Corpse Brain God Pill for them to eat.

Today’s Three Corpse Brain God Pill has long been getting stronger and stronger with the improvement of several worlds.

The effect is about the same. But the worm has undergone many improvements and has become more difficult and powerful.

Boss Wu was puzzled, and they didn’t know what the Three Corpse Brain God Pill was. But later, when Ren Yingying introduced them, they lost their souls one by one.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

Boss Wu also took all kinds of cheats, broke into the Great Song, broke into the Great Liao, broke into the Western Xia…

They obeyed Ye Qianren’s orders, recruited disciples, and expanded their power. In a short period of time, they had countless disciples, each of which had created a sect.

In particular, these sects have countless martial arts inheritances, each of which is incomparably good, and it also disrupts the martial arts that is twice as large.

The people in the martial arts were somewhat curious about the many forces that suddenly appeared.

But they tried to pursue, but they were all killed.

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