"That's right, look at you young people, you have all kinds of fantasies every day."

Lin Da Kui said with a smile:"I was also very poor in the past, but later I lived a good life with your aunt. Life was hard, but there will always be a day when the hardship will be over and the happiness will come."

"I am not afraid of hardship in life, but I am afraid of the couple not working together."

"Haizi, as long as you follow Dongzi, will you worry about not making money in the future? You'll be wasting your time! Work honestly and learn a few more tricks from Dongzi when you have time, and you won't have to worry about it in the future."

"Hey, Uncle Da Kui, I know this, but sometimes I can't help but think about it."

The longer Lin Hai gets along with Zhang Wenjing, the more he knows that this girl is really excellent and can endure hardships. If he can really marry such a wife, he must have accumulated blessings in his previous life.

"Don't think too much, save more money, nothing will happen."

Lin Dagui said a few words and stopped trying to persuade people.

If persuading people was useful, there wouldn't be so many messy things in this world.

"Hey, what are you all standing there for? Hurry up and get to work. We have dozens of tables of dishes to prepare in the afternoon!"

Lin Dong took the time to glare at a few people.

Damn it, I've given you so much money, and you still have the mind to think about it.

What the hell!

Although Lin Dong is usually kind, Lin Hai and the others are really a little scared when he has a black face.

Let alone other things, just the fact that Lin Dong directly spent 100,000 or 200,000 yuan and pulled dozens of people from the live broadcast room to break the rumors about Jiang Hua.

They all knew that Lin Dong was a man who could do ruthless things.

In addition, he was their 563 boss, so naturally he did his job honestly.

In the afternoon, according to the requirements of Mr. Zheng, thirty tables of dishes were prepared.

For the afternoon dishes, Lin Dong made a few more, so that people would not have enough to eat.

There were a total of twelve dishes.

The guests who came to the Zheng family to pay their respects had a feast for their mouths.

Some people who were called by their own family to eat thought they were lying.

After all, most of them have eaten all kinds of delicacies. As a result, as soon as the dishes entered their mouths, the words in their mouths were all swallowed into their stomachs. All they could see were the tables of delicious food.

"Hey, this is indeed a meal cooked by a royal chef. It tastes much better than the ones in big hotels."

"When they were getting their meals, I went to get a piece of firewood rice crust to eat. It was so crispy and delicious. It couldn't be compared to the deep-fried rice crust sold at takeout. You could even taste the aroma of rice. It was amazing."

"It seems that we have misunderstood rural banquets before. There are only chefs with good cooking skills in this world. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hotel banquet or a rural banquet. As long as the cooking skills are good, any dish can be made delicious."

The guests who came to the Zheng family for dinner were completely convinced. After the guests had enough food and wine, they told their friends about it one by one.

Lin Dong really made a name for himself in their high-end circle.

The Zheng family was very happy to get the feedback from the guests.

When Lin Dong and his friends were cleaning up the kitchen for the last time, Director Zheng came over in person to express his admiration for Lin Dong’s cooking skills and praised him a few words.

Lin Dong naturally chatted with him out of sympathy.

After dinner, there is no need for midnight snacks.

The Zheng family does not have this tradition or saying.

After finishing, it was almost seven o'clock in the afternoon.

Grandpa Yang Ying came over for lunch at noon.

However, he is old, and although he also misses his grandson’s cooking skills, his body can’t stand the tossing, so he didn’t come.

It is estimated that he will have to wait until the day of the banquet to come.

At the time, Lin Dong and his team were ready to retreat.

The truck also had to go back, as they had to stop by the farmer's market to pick up food tomorrow morning to avoid having to make another trip.

But the stoves and the like would not be taken back. They could be covered with a film to prevent them from getting wet by the heavy dew at night. After

Gao Wu had finished his lunch in the afternoon, he helped Lin Dong and the others pack up and went home.

He was exhausted today, but he still insisted on coming to help tomorrow.

Lin Dong let him go.

After saying hello to the Zheng family,

Lin Dong and the others drove back to Linjia Village.

Lin Dong was also going back to the village.

In the co-pilot seat, Xiang Siyu tilted her head to look at Lin Dong, wondering,"Master, I see that there is nothing special about your cooking, so why do your meals taste better than those of other chefs?"

"Let me tell you, cooking is all about seeing the big picture from the small details."

"You see, there is nothing special about me and other masters. That's because you haven't noticed."

"Cooking a feast requires careful attention and sequence, including cutting vegetables, putting them in the pan, oil temperature, heat, when to put what vegetables in, which vegetables should be put in first, and how long to fry these vegetables. If the sequence is messed up, the taste will definitely be a little different."

"As for pepper powder, chicken essence and other things, you can say they are icing on the cake, but they are not necessities."

"After all, there are so many famous dishes handed down from ancient times. Did they have chicken essence, pepper, oyster sauce, etc. at that time? No!"(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Siyu, you still have to learn this slowly, I will teach you slowly next time!"

Xiang Siyu's sense of smell and taste are indeed talented in this area.

But for the cooking of the feast, the premise is to be able to endure hardships and have patience.

If you can't do this, then give up as soon as possible.

Lin Dong has things like experience transfer cards[]

But at least Xiang Siyu has to pass his assessment first.

"You know, Master, don't worry, I will definitely study hard."

Xiang Siyu waved her fist with a firm face.

She told her family about this.

Her family had also heard of Lin Dong's reputation, so they didn't stop Xiang Siyu from learning the craft.

But she was told that it was okay to learn the craft, but don't get involved.

After all, there are a lot of bachelors in Lin Dong's banquet team, and you never know when they will be taken away by someone.

Xiang Siyu naturally agreed happily.

She has high standards, and ordinary people are not in her eyes.

If it is Master Lin, she can consider it.

Unfortunately, Master Lin already has a partner, so she directly ruled him out.

Men will only affect her speed in learning to cook banquets.

It was only eight o'clock when she returned to Linjia Village. Although Lin Dong was not tired today, he didn't want to hold a meeting with Aunt Guihua and other people who were going to help in the kitchen.

After taking a shower, he chatted with Gao Hongling on WeChat for a while.

Gao Hongling:"I know you went to help the Zheng family cook the banquet, and it was quite a big deal."

Lin Dong was puzzled:"Why did it become such a big fuss? I just prepared a banquet."

Gao Hongling:"Now many people are saying that Longjiang City has produced a chef who can prepare state banquets and even make a proper Buddha Jumps Over the Wall. The old man of the Zheng family passed away peacefully after eating the dishes you cooked." Lin Dong

:"This is too outrageous. The old man felt that he had lived enough, so he was thinking about leaving."

Gao Hongling:"But that's what people say outside."

Lin Dong:"I'm speechless."

Gao Hongling:"You've been busy all day, are you tired?"

Lin Dong:"Fortunately, I'm young and strong now, and I have nowhere to vent my energy."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Gao Hongling, who was sleeping in the quilt on the other side, bit her lip lightly and typed a reply:"Is it true?"

Lin Dong didn't know why, but his heart suddenly warmed up, and replied:"How can this be false? I can prepare a hundred banquets without even taking a breath, you should know how healthy my body is, right? I’ll let you taste my power someday!"

He made a very bold attempt.

People always have to dare to take the first step.

Besides, ambiguity is the end of love!

It’s normal to chat about large-scale and flirty things in private.

Gao Hongling:"Bah, shameless."

Lin Dong didn’t know where his flirtation came from, and quickly replied:"If I had any shame, how could I fall in love with you."

Gao Hongling:"Don’t think about those messy things, clear your head quickly."

Lin Dong:"No, when you say that, I have more pictures in my head."

Gao Hongling:"What do you want to do!"

Lin Dong:"I want to do it."

Gao Hongling was silent for a long time.

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