After eating the firewood-fired rice crust with green pepper and shredded pork, Lin Dong was very satisfied and had eaten 90% full.

He went home with a small notebook and wrote down some of the dishes he could make for the banquet.

He only wrote down more than 30 dishes, which was enough for the Lin Dejiang family to host the banquet. It depended on which dishes the host prepared.

Lin Dejiang saw Lin Dong coming over with a piece of paper from a distance and immediately went to meet him.

"Dongzi, you finally came. We were in a hurry. Thank you for your hard work."

"Uncle, you don't have to be so polite. When my grandfather passed away, you helped a lot. We are from the same village, so it's awkward to talk about those things."

The rural areas here have been hosting banquets since ancient times. In the early years, everyone was poor and couldn't afford money. After the cooks finished their work, the host would usually give some gifts, such as cigarettes, alcohol, meat, soap, towels, and Jiefang shoes.

Times have changed, and now the rules are not so rigid. Everything depends on the host's own ideas. Some people will also give some money.

"Hey, you're good, unlike some college students who went out of the village a few years ago. After finding a job in the city, they didn't even dare to carry a coffin when they returned to the village. Their bodies were not as strong as those of us old guys."

Lin Dong laughed dryly and didn't respond. If this thing got out, it would easily offend people.

Contemporary young people have never done hard work since childhood, and carrying a coffin also requires skills. It can't be done with brute force, especially in Dalin Village, which is located in the southwestern mountainous area.

The dead are usually buried in some mountains. When the dead are buried, it is okay if it is a sunny day, but it will be really uncomfortable if it rains.

To carry the coffin up the mountain, at least eight people are needed in a round, and the total number of coffin bearers usually reaches more than 30 people, and everyone has to take turns.

The coffin cannot fall to the ground in the middle. When changing people, the two parties must discuss it and the person will directly change shoulders when he passes by. Otherwise, if someone walks in front and you pass by, you will be dragged and stumble, which is easy to happen. Something happened.

When walking on a flat road, some villagers who are physically strong, like to make trouble, and want to play a prank on others will usually deliberately speed up the pace when carrying the coffin, making it miserable for those who can't hold on.

When going up the mountain, in addition to taking turns carrying the coffin, there are also thick long ropes tied to some places on the coffin in front.

The person in front pulls the rope, and the person carrying the coffin in the back takes advantage of this force to carry the coffin.

The whole process is all about hard work, and it is very hard, but in most cases, the whole village is noisy and extremely lively.

The feelings of the villagers have become close through such activities and such banquets.

"Uncle, I can't say whether other people can carry the coffin, but I can definitely carry the coffin."

"Hey, forget it, kid. You are not only a serious college student, but also the head chef this time. I dare not let you get tired, otherwise, who will cook for us?"

"Haha, uncle, what you said is really nice. I have already thought of the dishes. Uncle, please take a look at what dishes to prepare."

Lin Dong changed the subject invisibly, took out the paper with the dishes written on it, and handed it to Lin Dejiang.

"Wow, you are a professional indeed. You have prepared everything. Let me take a look.

Lin Dejiang picked up the paper and looked at it carefully for a while.

"I have eaten this braised fish at the banquet, it is quite good. The stewed lamb's trotters are also very nice. I have eaten the shredded pork with green peppers that you made, so I will definitely put it at the banquet. And the cold kelp salad with watercress is essential to relieve the greasiness after the banquet!"

"Stewed chicken and duck are also required. Steamed pork with rice flour is indispensable. Turtle soup is also possible. There is also braised pork with pork belly......."

Lin Dejiang read the note and ordered almost all the dishes.

"Uncle, you ordered too many dishes. You ordered all 30 dishes. We are holding a funeral here, so we can order 12 dishes. That way the portions will be more sufficient."

"If there are more dishes, that is, 18 dishes, the portions will definitely be smaller. Uncle, you can choose as many dishes as you want."

""Ahem, I was too hasty. The main thing is that I want to try all of these dishes."

The two discussed for a while and decided on 18 dishes in total.

Chicken, duck, fish and meat are indispensable, and then there are stewed turtle, steamed pork with rice flour, cold preserved eggs, stewed pork feet with vermicelli, stewed beef brisket with carrots, stewed lamb horns, braised pork, braised pork, shredded pork with green peppers, boiled shrimp and other 18 dishes, both meat and vegetable cold and hot dishes, enough to set up a large table.

"Uncle, let's order these dishes first. Have you estimated how many tables of guests there will be?"

In this way, Lin Dong could estimate how many portions of each dish he needed to buy.

A table of guests usually seats eight people.

In Linjia Village, under normal circumstances, if someone in a family gives a gift, they can bring the whole family to eat together.

Of course, the gifts here are not cheap. For ordinary relationships, it is usually 200 yuan.

For better relationships, it will be 300 yuan or more.

This is still a funeral. If it is a wedding, the money will be more.

"On the day of the banquet, I estimate that there will be more than 50 tables, but let's estimate the amount of 3 to 5 tables, so as to avoid the trouble of not having enough food."

Then, the two discussed some other things such as the lack of meat and vegetables, and how much they should buy.

"Finally, the matter has been resolved. Dongzi, I have to thank you. You must have a couple of drinks with me later."

"I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't talk to you for now. Dongzi, don't bother two people with one thing. You can take care of the dinner!"

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