The big guy who passed through quickly took the scumbag script

Chapter 404: Ladies and Gentlemen: Playboy 14

Although she was displeased with the third prince, Prime Minister Jiang ordered the housekeeper to pay more attention to the affairs of the palace before going to bed. She closed her eyes and said, An'er seems to have plans to make progress recently. But don’t hold back.”

Since the third prince can make An'er improve, it's okay to give more convenience.

After all, she will always grow old. The Jiang family has many disciples and a huge ethnic group, but they all stare at the power in her hands all day long with scheming hearts, and have no confidence in An'er. If she is gone, with An'er's temper... …

The housekeeper carefully put down the gauze curtain, and said softly, I understand.

So the next day, I applied to the queen to let my father go to the temple to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha, but the papers that were not approved were sent to the third prince by the palace staff.

The palace people said respectfully: Your Majesty has granted permission for the third prince to marry, and Qing Mo's servant will go to the temple to pray for the royal family.

Li Junyue immediately pulled his stunned father to thank Lord Long En, and accepted the imperial edict.

He had a rare smile on his face. Although he was eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha, it was much better to pray for the royal family than to send him there directly.

I dont go!

Shijun Qingmo grabbed the imperial decree and pushed the palace man away and rushed out: I won't go, I want to see Your Majesty, I want to see Your Majesty.

He is His Majesty's attendant, and he bears children for her, how could she send him to such a place!

He won't go.

Stop him!

Li Junyue said immediately.

The whole courtyard was in a mess, the palace people hurried to pull people, and the palace people who came to obey the order were even more embarrassed, not knowing whether to leave or help.

Xiao Dezi stepped forward directly: Little Eunuch, I really troubled you today, look...

As he said that, he stuffed a heavy purse into the palace man's hand, and the palace man immediately took it with a smile on his face, and hurried away with the things.

Shijun Qingmo was weak after all, he was restrained by the palace guards after a while, and dragged into the palace.


Seeing his father staring blankly at the top of the tent in a daze, as if all his strength had been taken away, Li Junyue felt uncomfortable, but he had to personally break the illusion in his heart: Didn't you see it clearly after all these years? Why bother...

There are three thousand beautiful men in the Queen's Palace. Although Qingmo Shijun is beautiful, how can he compare with those fresh and tender people?

In the beginning, he was just like his father, sitting at the door every day waiting for that person to come back to pick him up and his father, but day after day, he had already seen clearly that that person had no heart at all.

Mostly, all women in the world are like this.


Seeing that he didn't say a word, Li Junyue had no choice but to tell the palace servants: Serve me well, and come to me if you need anything.

The poorly decorated palace reflected the pale corners of Qingmo Shijun's lips. He glanced at his son who was walking towards the door, opened his mouth, and then closed it weakly. How could Jun Yue understand without experience?

The love between men and women in this world cannot be controlled by others.

Back in the palace, Li Junyue sat on the soft couch and picked up the unfinished book to continue reading. Xiao Dezi hesitated to speak, and leaned over: Master, you should embroider this wedding dress yourself.

Holding the wedding gown, he said with a sad face: I heard from the old palace people in the palace that you have to embroider the wedding gown yourself, so that you can have a beautiful life in the future.

In the end, his master, let alone embroidered by himself, was not even willing to do the last phoenix eye.

Li Junyue didn't even look at the wedding dress, he just opened the pages of the book: Do you think Jiang An can give me happiness?

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