The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 100 - His Birthday

On the same day every year, Harvey would visit her the day after or two days after this day. She couldn't forget how Harvey would please her all night and would do it again at midnight. At the moment, it's been an hour after their lovemaking and she's lying on top of him while staring at the clock. He was quite busy with the old phone that couldn't be hacked or traced. 

"Let's go out tomorrow. Where do you want to go?" He asked. 

"I don't know." She said softly. "This house isn't far from the Golden Age. I still have to guard my subject by Monday. It'll be tiring if we go somewhere far." 

"We can stay here if you want." He suggested. 

"Like you'll let me go somewhere public." She pouted at him. He laughed, sounding childish as he kissed her forehead. 

"We can go somewhere public, then." He said softly and patted her head. 

"By the way, why don't you have any photos in this house?" 

"I~I hide it somewhere. So, if anyone noticed that I am here, my family would be safe." 

"Hmm," She nodded at him and the clock ticked to midnight. 

"Are you ready for the next round?" He grinned. She sat up and rubbed his chest. 

"I'll take a lead this time." 

"Be my guest." 

Harvey watched and moaned while his woman was riding on top of him. It's the first time that she asked him to lead this time. It'll be the best birthday gift from her. He never thought that she would look so beautiful this way. But every time his eyes noticed or touched her scar, his anger rose a little bit. But he calmed himself this time while she's busy. He could have devoured her beautiful chest. 

It ended up beautifully and she shoved her face to his neck and hugged him. 

"That's beautiful." He said. "I think I'm letting you take the lead for every sexy thing." 

"Harvey," She called. 


"Why do you always do this in the same year?" She asked. "You won't let me sleep on the same day until midnight." 

"Let's say that this day is special." He caressed her hair. 

It's been years now since he last celebrated his birthday. Every year, her sister would prepare a birthday card or send him one even in boarding school and his mom would bake a cake or cook his favorites. Then, his dad would buy him things that he wanted. Even in those years, they have financial problems. The best gift that he will receive was a composition from his baby sister. 

"Let's get married." He said, more like a statement than a proposal. 

She lifted her head. 

"You can't be serious." She adjusted on top of him and pressed her cheeks back to his chest. 

"I'm serious." 

"I'm raped by five people, and I lost our baby." She said softly. 

"That's why I take them to my torture warehouse. Didn't I?" He caressed her hair. A tear escaped her eyes and he felt it when it dropped to his chest. He kept caressing her hair gently and hugged her to comfort her. "If they think that molesting you would make me ignore you and disregard you, they are wrong. They already dug their grave, my woman. Losing our baby is a different one too. And I'll save the best to the last." 

"I didn't tell you about it. I'm sorry." 

"It's alright." He kissed her top head and pulled the sheet over her shoulder. 

"I thought it was one of those bastards… but when I counted the days… it was yours…" She sniffled and wiped her tears. "I'm sorry…" 

"Don't be." He patted her head. "I'll torture them until they begged for mercy." 

She looked up at him and gently pushed herself and kissed his lips. 

"I love you, Harvey." She said softly. He smiled and scooped her face. 

"I love you, like crazy, Mitch." 

She lay back to his chest, satisfied with the answer from her first confession of love, and hugged him. 

"So, let's get married?" He asked. 

"Whatever, Harvey." 

He reached something from the side table. A square box. Bigger than a usual engagement ring box. She moved to his side as she sat up and reached it. She opened it and stared at the big diamond. He grinned at her. She didn't squeal or was even surprised. 

"A stone?" 

"That's a real blue diamond." 

"Hmm, how can I even wear this?" She raised her brows. She checked it on the light and it's indeed the biggest diamond that she had ever seen. 

"I don't know." He shrugged. 

"Asshole." She mumbled and closed it. He laughed and pulled her back to his chest. 

"What kind of design do you want?" He asked. "I'll have someone cut it into pieces and make it a set of jewelry for you." 

"Tell me, where did you take it?" She asked. 

"Somewhere around the world." He chuckled. "I've been going around and had an adventure with Dragon, Dark Lord, and Shadow. I found that blue diamond, perfect for you." 

(Note: Dragon is the code name of Andromeda Mondragon. Dark Lord is for Sabrina Alvarez-Lawson, the owner and founder of EPUA. Shadow was their cousin, Andel. These characters are in the Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress and To Hear Your voice.)

His smartphone kept on vibrating with notification and when he reached it, a loud voice of his team singing a horror happy birthday came up. She creased her brows as his crazy team was singing to him and he turned it off quickly. He will beat them up later. Then, he noticed his sister's message and Johanna's message. 

Jo: Happy Birthday, lazy bug! I hope that bugs will devour you! That's for kissing me, asshole! 

He smiled at Johanna's curses. He sent her a heart. 

"It's your birthday?" She asked him. 

"Y~yeah." He answered, but it sounded more like a question. She smacked his abdomen. He winced.

"How can you not say it just like that?! We've been fucking for like years now and this is why you want to do it after midnight on your birthday!" 

"I'm sorry. I thought you knew." He pulled her back to his chest and played the audio that Keira sent. 

He set it on the bedside table as the piano and cello were playing. He smiled at the beautiful melody. His sister never failed him when it comes to birthday gifts. He didn't want anything material. And this song was the best. 

"It's beautiful." She said as she relaxed in his arms. 

"My sister composed that, just now." He said. 

"You also have a sister." 

"Yup." He nodded. "I have two." 

"And your mom and dad?" She asked. 

"Yes, them too." 

She smiled and looked up at him. 

"You are lucky to have them." 

"I was… I am…" He said as he stared at the ceiling. "I have to pretend to be dead and make them lonely. It's to protect them…" 

"Then, it's been years since the last time that your sister composed you a song?" 

"Yeah, maybe." 

"Then, how old are you?" She asked as she gently caressed her fingers to the stubble of hair on his jaw.

"Thirty—I don't know." 

She frowned at him. 

"So, let's get married right away." He grinned at her.

He sat up and reached his phone to check the locations of the assassins in the villa. There wasn't anyone and it seemed like one of them left the villa or retreated. 

"Where do you want us to get married?" She asked as she yawned. He put away his phone and looked down at her. 

"I'll ask someone to marry us." 

"Okay." She sat up. "I'm hungry. Do you want anything?" 

"Yeah… some food and drink." 

He watched her put her robe on and left his room. He sat up and checked his phone again. Conrad confirmed that they are safe but he can't sit back and relax. He knows that at the moment that Charles was furious that he kept losing him. One thing that he can't do is to ask the Dragon Empire or EPUA to get rid of the people that he wanted to get rid of. They were one of the main investors of Dragon Empire and EPUA. That's one thing that De Alegre made sure of. Someone to back them up with an army of professional agents. 

He will let the man get angry. He checked his sister's message. 

Baby Girl: I have collections of CDs here. The one that I compiled every year for your birthday. Care to pick them up later? 

H: Sure, babe! Also, give me One million. 

Baby Girl: *sneer emoji* ass! Show up or I won't give it!

H: LOL, ILY. Laters!

Baby Girl: I love you, a lot! Nightie!

He couldn't help but smile. He never thought that his sister would make him happy like this. His jealousy toward her since she came from Karmina was all for nothing. The mom that he grew up with gave everything to him. Happiness, shelter, protection, and lots of lots of love. He continued listening to the song that Keira composed for him as he took both of his phones to his sister's room. He made sure that anything important to her was there. 

He approached the jewelry box and took out the necklace that he gave to her. It's handmade since he didn't have enough budget for buying her a real one. He saw her wearing it always but somehow, she didn't manage to take it from her when his mom escaped with his sister. He took out the small photo that they took from the Polaroid. She was kissing his cheeks and the date was years ago. The same date of his birthday with words written on it. 

"My Big Bro and I!" 

His heart melted after he remembered one of the happiest birthdays that he had. Keira, his mom, and his dad surprised him in bed with a cake and whip cream. 

"I've never seen you smile like that." A soft voice said. He felt her peeking through the door and he didn't want to hide anything from her anymore. 

"I'm just remembering things. That my sweet sister does during my birthday. The last birthday that I spent with them was so memorable." He put it back there and the photo. 

"She must be amazing." 

"She is…" He turned to her. 

"Happy Birthday." She lifted the pancake that she made. Didn't realize that he's been reminiscing there for long. 

He approached her and kissed her forehead. 

"Thank you."

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