The Biography of Albrecht – Chapter 1

Translator: Seven

Editor: Ana_Banana

Albrecht went downstairs to the hall for breakfast. 

Unless there was a special reason, breakfast and dinner were meals that had to be attended by his mother, father and himself.

While looking at the food that was set up on the long table at which he sat, Albrecht wondered if this was what the food of medieval aristocracy was like. Each person had a bowl of soup, a loaf of bread, and two boiled eggs.

Of course, the portion was enough, but he couldn’t help but feel that it was a bit poor for a noble’s meal.

While he was thinking this, his mother and father came down. 

His father was Burkhardt von Hoenkaltern, Lord of the Kaltern Estate. His mother’s name was Adelhyde, and she was a member of the family of the chief of the indigenous people who lived in Kaltern before their family settled there.

Burkhardt had a full head of blonde hair, and his mustache and beard were so thick that they covered his lips. His broad shoulders and robust physique seemed to exude confidence in the face of any danger.

Adelhyde was also blonde, and her face was now reaching the twilight of her youth. However, her large, innocent, and gem-like blue eyes reminded Albrecht that he was his mother’s son.

Albrecht rose from his chair and greeted them.

“Good morning. Father, Mother.”

Both Burkhardt and Adelhyde seemed surprised by this, and Burkhardt paused for a moment before responding.

“U-, uh. Right. Have a seat, Albert.”

Albert was Albrecht’s nickname.

Burkhardt sat at the head of the table, and only when Adelhyde sat opposite Albrecht did he take his seat again.

Albrecht felt strange again.

He was definitely a stranger, but when he saw Burkhardt, he instinctively felt fear and respect, and he had a feeling deep in his heart that this was someone he could rely on.

Adelhyde, on the other hand, was someone who would forgive Albrecht no matter what he did.

This was part of the reason why he felt like someone who could do whatever he liked. 

But more than anything, he felt her love. Just the thought of the existence of such a mother made him feel sorry and grateful.

Then he remembered his mother from Earth. And within him, feelings of warmth and depression rose at the same time.

It was a sad feeling.

When Albrecht made a gloomy expression, Adelhyde, who was sitting across from him, held his hand and asked with a worried expression.

“Are you still unwell?”

Albrecht smiled.

“I’m fine, Mother. Really. You don’t have to worry.”

But this caused Burkhardt and Adelhyde to look even more worried. 

Albrecht, who was trying to pretend he was okay, tore a piece of bread, dipped it into his soup, and started eating first. 

Burkhardt and Adelhyde also began to have their meals with worried expressions on their faces.

Albrecht’s parents were so worried because Albrecht had never been a child who knew to use kind words. 

He was somewhere between a troublemaker and a ruffian. With his innate strength which didn’t match his childish body, he became the leader of the young children in the territory and would cause accidents every day.

Most of these accidents were simply acts of mischief, but recently, he caused a major accident when he killed someone’s cow while practicing swordsmanship.

This sent Burkhardt into such a fiery rage that he took away the sword he’d given him and banned him from leaving the castle. 

Albrecht endured it for a week, but another accident happened a week later. On the tenth day after the ban had been imposed, Albrecht fell and injured his head while climbing over the fence to sneak out.

He didn’t wake up for three days, but the problem was after he woke up. 

At first it was definitely the ‘him’ who lived on Earth. But when he saw Adelhyde after waking up, Albrecht’s memories poured into his head like a flood and the ‘him’ from Earth suddenly felt distant. 

This sudden confusion shook his mind and made him feel nauseous, and he took two days to sort through his chaotic thoughts.

Otherwise he felt like he would go crazy.

For those two days, he was not in a situation where he could talk even if someone spoke to him. So his parents felt greatly saddened as they thought Albrechth had become mute. But when he talked again after organising his thoughts to a certain extent, they were relieved and thanked God.

When the meal was almost over, Albrecht opened his mouth.

“Father, I would like to go outside today.”

“Darling. Why don’t you get some more rest?”

Adelhyde spoke anxiously.

Burkhardt seemed to think for a moment while looking at Albrecht with a worried, troubled, and slightly suspicious expression.

“Fine. But you’re not allowed to cause any more accidents. As long as you promise this, you may go.”

“I promise. Father.”

“You are not a Knight yet, but as my son, you should have the bearing of a Knight. Do you understand the meaning of a Knight’s promise?”

“Yes. I must defend it even at the risk of my life.”

When he received his father’s permission, a childlike joy arose in Albrecht’s heart. Such feelings might have led him to do bad things in the past, but the ‘him’ who used to be an office worker pushed those thoughts to the side.

In fact, Albrecht felt that it was a bit ambiguous to call himself a child. Although he would be celebrating his coming of age ceremony on his 15th birthday this year, it was still seven months away from that, so he was still considered young.

However, his body was already close to that of an adult’s. With his height and build, if it wasn’t for his childish face, no one would dare call him a boy.

Even if it was because he took after his large father, he still grew up too fast which led to the problem of his natural strength. Since he was young, he always surprised people with the amount of strength that filled his childish body, but as he grew older, he gradually began displaying strength beyond human standards.

People around him would always be stunned after seeing him lift logs which would take several men to lift and swing them around, or crush rocks with just the strength of his grip.

But the troubling fact was that this strength was still growing day by day. A fact which caused Burkhardt to look at Albrecht with a satisfied yet worried expression.

When things that would only be viewed as a mischievous prank when done by normal children were coupled with superhuman strength, people would go beyond worry and instead feel fear. 

Burkhardt was also worried about this, this is why he scolded Albrecht so severely when he killed the cow. 

(TL: The chapters are a bit short, and it seems all of them are around this length. But there should be some longer ones… and maybe shorter…)

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