The Biography of Albrecht – Chapter 12

Translator: Nezu

Editor: Daed

Albrecht pulled his cloak close to him and slept on his side by the fire. He woke up at the break of dawn like he had always done in the 15 years of his life. However, even though he had superhuman physical abilities, sleeping on the bare floor made him feel uncomfortable.

A rustling sound was heard once Albrecht stood up. The women, who were sensitive to their surroundings, instantly flinched and opened their eyes.

Albrecht looked at them and said, “Let’s eat breakfast first then decide where to go.”

The women got up and prepared for breakfast.

When Albrecht finished eating the rabbit porridge, he spoke again as he drank.

“There’s a lumber transport station near here. Although I haven’t been there before, it’s probably a place where people come and go. I’m thinking of going to a city from there. What about you?”

The women made no response whatsoever. Albrecht sighed and introduced himself.

“My name is Albrecht von Hoenkaltern. I was banished by my father after an incident at our estate. This is the first time I’ve ever left our estate since I was born. Since I’m a noble, I was taught how to fight and learned martial arts. You don’t have to be so cautious around me.”

The women just stared at him blankly.

This time, it was dark-brown-haired Anna who answered him. It wasn’t Elena who spoke to him but another woman. While this wasn’t much of an accomplishment, it could also be considered as progress.

“We have nowhere else to go. We also don’t have money… If we go to a city in this state, we’ll just be sold as slaves.” 

Albrecht listened to Anna and told her what he had thought about yesterday before he went to bed.

“How about hiring me with those gold and silver coins in the chest? Those were yours in the first place anyway.”

He had thought that the women would like this proposal. However, he didn’t receive much reaction from them. Had he been mistaken? 

Perhaps, it has become hard for them to believe the words of others after having been through a lot of hardship. They would know at least what to do with themselves after he gave them back the gemstones. Bearing that much responsibility was enough.

This much is considered as protecting the innocent people, right? Father?

“The time when the sun is up is precious. Let’s go.”

As he stood up, Albrecht uttered a saying of people from the North. He walked out of the hut and placed the chest on the horse’s saddle, securing it with a leather strap.

The women walked out of the hut with their heads bowed down as if they were some criminals. They were all astonished once they saw the scene of the massacre outside that had happened last night.

At that moment, Diego, the loquacious bandit, jumped out of nowhere and shouted.

“Whe-where are you taking those girls?!”

Diego was rattled. He pointed his dagger at Albrecht in an ambiguous position, his hips pulled back and his arms stretched forward.


Martina exclaimed. Albrecht thought they probably knew each other since they were both from the same merchant group. He answered Diego.

“We’re going to a nearby city. Follow us if you want.”

“Wh-why would you go there?!”

Albrecht became annoyed.

“Get rid of that dagger first then talk to me, because you look f*cking stupid.”

Albrecht didn’t think Diego was a threat at all. However, he found it irksome to have someone point their weapon at him, regardless of whether it was a threat or not.

Diego immediately put his dagger away at his waist as he recalled the lightning-like prowess that Albrecht showed yesterday.

“W-w-why are you going to a city?”

Albrecht couldn’t think of an answer right away. Why would they go to a city? Why else but to set them free.

“Just because, you know, to help each other out? I mean—damn it. You know what, you should wash up first if you’re coming with us.”

Diego eyed Albrecht suspiciously, unable to accept his words.

“Go. Take off your clothes now. Hurry.”

Albrecht drew his sword as he spoke. Diego was startled. He immediately took off his clothes and went to a drinking water tub.

This tub was originally used as a bathing tub at inns. But since their hideout was too far from the river, it was mainly used for storing drinking water, except for when some of the mercenaries or women used it for washing up.

Martina spoke as she watched Diego wash up.

“May I… go help Diego?”

Albrecht nodded.

Martina entered the hut and came out with something like a cloth. As she walked over to where Diego was taking a bath, she saw a thin, naked man pouring water over his body with a ladle. Diego was shivering because of the cold morning air in late October.

He got surprised and took a step back when Martina approached and touched his back.

“Ma-, Martina.”

“I’ll scrub your back.”

After that, the two continued wordlessly. Albrecht, who was watching from a distance, turned around and wondered what the story was between the two.

“I’ll go let the horse graze first so come when you’re done.”

Albrecht grabbed the horse’s rein and went over the fence to let the horse graze.


Albrecht held the reins of his horse as he walked on the same road with the same field of reeds he had walked yesterday. The other four walked a little further behind him.

Diego’s bushy beard and dark brown hair still looked the same, yet somehow he looked  surprisingly young after washing up. His brown eyes also appeared brighter. As he looked at Albrecht’s back, he mustered up his courage. Then he approached this monster-like knight and walked beside him.

“Umm… Sir Knight.”


“Is it… true that you’ll give back the gemstones once we reach the city?”

“I’m not giving it per se, those were yours anyways to begin with. If you’d like to go now on your own, I can give it to you now.”

“No sir. I mean, isn’t that strange? It’s not like how all the knights usually act…”

Albrecht, who was unable to explain Earth’s ethical perspective, sighed.

“Ha… This is chivalry. Chivalry.”

“What’s this ‘chivalry’?”

The thing was, there was no word nor concept of ‘chivalry’ in this world. Albrecht coined that word in this world. Although his father always taught him the notion of honor and duty, saying that it was an ancestral tradition, he never used the word ‘chivalry’.

That ancestral tradition might have been a fundamental principle in this world, one that was practically learned through experience and passed down through generations to govern a territory. Moral notions may have played a role in establishing this fundamental principle to some extent.

Once feudalism got established, this principle played a part in the people’s way of life. 

Though chivalry had not been properly observed in the history of Earth during the Middle Ages, there was a big difference between having such a concept and not having it at all. It was the same as fastening the first button on a shirt. Only when the first button is inserted can the next one be inserted.

Anyway, Albrecht had no idea how to explain the concept of ‘chivalry’ to Diego.

“It’s—it’s about a knight’s principles, honor, and duty. I’m upholding those.”

“Honor? Isn’t that like a dragon or like an elf?”

“Dragon and an elf, you say?”

“I’ve heard of those, but I haven’t seen them myself.”


Diego looked at Albrecht, still not understanding anything he said. He didn’t understand why the knight wouldn’t take the treasure and was even willing to give it back to them. Yes, they were originally theirs, but so what?

It would certainly be dangerous for them to travel without Albrecht. He would be grateful if he could escort them to a city or a village. He’d even be willing to give all the treasure to him to show his gratitude. But what would he get in return if he didn’t want the gemstones? Was he really not going to sell them as slaves? Could they really trust him?

Diego, who had worked as a merchant all his life, was calculating about the pros and cons of the situation. Nevertheless, deep in his heart, he had always wanted to pursue something great. He wasn’t sure about what Albrecht was telling him, but he thought that it was probably about something great.

After Diego fell into a deep contemplation, he suddenly asked Albrecht, who was a head taller than most people with a big, but strangely youthful face.

“Excuse me but, Sir Knight, how old are you?”


The women who were walking behind with their heads down immediately raised their heads and looked at Albrecht with wide open eyes when he said this. Diego also looked him up and down, dumbfounded.



Diego stared at Albrecht, and blurted out the words that he dared not say to a knight.

“I’m 24 years old though, so, would you mind if I drop the honorifics, sir?”

This was a world where age didn’t matter much, but the age fifteen was certainly considered young.

“I don’t mind.”

Surprisingly, Albrecht quickly agreed. Diego froze. He looked at the knight and thought at first that he had heard him wrong. He made a fuss as he replied, “R-really, sir?! I’m really going to do it!”

“I won’t say it twice.”

“I’ll do it! I’ll really do it! What in the world! I can’t believe I’m speaking informally to a knight! Hahaha!”

Diego’s laugh sounded so joyful. He laughed loudly for a long time, so loud that it became hard to ascertain whether he was shouting or just laughing. Finally, he yelled at the sky.

Albrecht was walking forward. He frowned as he looked at Diego and was surprised when he found him crying.

These merchants who exhausted their supplies spent their days in frustration and anxiety, and then eventually got attacked. Their comrades died; even their own Lord got killed by the mercenaries they hired.

Diego had lived his life in isolation for six months and had regretted tens of thousands of times how he had lived his life. Putting aside what those treasures meant, there were lots of opportunities he could have taken to live a life of his own.

He felt bitter and thought that it was unfair how his life ended tragically just because of those dazzling stones. He was most angry at himself who could not get rid of his greed and could not leave the merchant group.

When he felt sudden happiness he thought he’d never feel again, he couldn’t help but feel sad for the days he had experienced. His tears continued to flow and he couldn’t help but cry his lungs out.

Diego smiled at Albrecht as the feelings of his anger subsided after crying for a long time.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Diego Reines from Vivar. Amigo.”

He extended his hand, seemingly asking for a hand shake. Albrecht smiled back at him and shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you too. I’m Albrecht von Hoenkaltern. Friends.”

Diego was shocked once again and stared at him. He was so engrossed in his emotions and just got carried away, got brave enough to do what he did. He didn’t really think that Albrecht would accept it. It made him feel better again. Albrecht’s cool response seemed to have removed all the lumps of the past in his heart.

The lumber transport station could be seen in the distance.

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