Chapter 214 eleventh (3)

Ian jumped up from his seat and grabbed the wooden spear with both hands.

“Everyone step back! Women run behind the trees!”

Because the distance between Orc and Lee Jin-woo was quite far, although it was narrowed, it did not catch up.

He managed to escape to where his party was and went to the very back of where the people were standing.

Everyone spit out cursing at the sight of running away behind the woman.

“What are you doing? Doesn’t everyone run away?”

Although Jinwoo Lee himself brought the monsters, he did not want all of them to be annihilated.

Because he is well aware that he cannot survive in the forest alone.

“I decided not to run away.”

said Kim Ira.


“If you run away, you will scatter. And if you look at that monster’s physical condition,

I don’t think it could be ruined.”

Indeed it was

Looking at the trained pectoral muscles, abs, and lower body, he looked like a professional athlete.

Your lung capacity will be outstanding.

There are 3 opponents, but if you run away, you will be hit by each individual blow, and half of the humans here will die.

“Can we win?”

“Let’s believe it.”

“what? What do you believe?”

“I believe in Jaemoon.”

Ian threw a stone at the rushing orc. The fist-sized stone hit the orc’s head exactly.


One grabbed his face in pain. While one was delayed for a while, the other two rushed in.

“Chwiik! Meat!”

“I’ll take one, so the rest will only deal with the other one!”

“Can you do it alone?”

Han Geon-pyo looked inside with a worried expression.

“It has to be done! To all survive!”

He wasn’t originally like this.

If this had been possible in the first place, I would not have suffered from Lee Jin-woo while I was in school.

The reason why he is 100 times courageous now is that he is watching and he is armed with powerful artifacts.

For others, it would be a battle of life and death, but for Ian, it was just an entertainment.

“Ha ha ha!”

rushed to the front orc

all. The orc struck down a giant stone ax that was about to split his head.

Ian leaned over to avoid it and rolled forward. To face the second orc.

“Drunk profit!”

The first Orc could not stop right away because of the inertia it was running. There were humans who were aiming for him to attack by turning around.

“Chwiik! Humans!”

The first orc gave up attacking Ian’s back and decided to fight the humans wielding spears at him.

swung his ax

The men, including Han Geon-pyo, widened the street with wooden spears and stepped back.

All made by Ian.

“After all!”

modest action.The spear Ian was holding pierced the neck of the second orc.


As a Crown Prince, he didn’t receive the intense training like a knight, but it is a relatively weak training compared to a knight.

The training he received was comparable to that of special forces.

is intensive training. There he wore artifacts, so he had wings.

Ian, who lightly defeated the orcs, approached the back of the first orc, wielding an ax threateningly at the people.

“It’s here!”

As his voice drew attention, the orc looked behind him. There was a gap between them, and Ian’s wooden spear pierced the orc’s chest.


The last remaining orc.

The orc, who had been stoned to cover his face, came to his senses and ran towards him.

Ian threw a stone ax that fell on the floor and hit him in the head.


He knocked down 3 of them in an instant.

You’ve gone too far.

Magician Petero shook his head as he saw Ian, who showed his skills in one hundred.

It’s just that he showed his great skills.

People look at him with bewildered expressions

looked at

“Uh, how… .”

It was certainly unusual to show him defeating three orcs.

Peter’s original plan was to kill half of his crew here.

‘There’s no need to make them die because you don’t have to use the power you have.’

Ian looked at Lee Jin-woo.

He was looking at him with his mouth wide open.

It’s a face I’ve never seen before in my life. Ian felt thrilled.

“Great. Jaemoon!”

“Wow! What did you learn kung fu?”

“I lived thanks to you!”

people flocked

Everyone praised Ian.

Only Lee Jin-woo was far away and sharpened his teeth.

‘How is that guy… .’

it didn’t make sense at all.

It was like being Alice in Wonderland.

‘It’s like hearing in a nigga’s dream

You seem to be here.’

I know it doesn’t make sense like

It looked like he was having a nightmare.

‘Wait a minute, isn’t it really like that?’

There are two suns in the sky.

It felt more plausible to him than to be on another planet.

‘Isn’t it possible to wake up if I kill him?’

It was an absurd idea, but seeing people staring at him with hungry, thirsty, hot, and cold eyes couldn’t make up his mind.

“Mr. Jinwoo Lee!”


“Do you know what I did now?”

Ira Kim raised her voice.

Jinwoo Lee bowed his head as if he had become a criminal and apologized.

“sorry. What I was trying to do was… .”

“If it wasn’t for Nabal and Jaemun on purpose, we might all have died.”

“•“Yes, what.”

Jinwoo Lee raised his head slightly and looked at Ian. He raised his head up and looked at himself.


I could feel his blood rushing upside down.

I should have been there myself.

‘Hold on. You have to be patient.’

Jinwoo Lee apologized again.

One point stopped Kim Ira from continuing to be angry.

“Well, Jinwoo Lee didn’t do that on purpose, he apologized, so I’m going to say this.”


Kim Ira turned her head away. She then looked at her lan and made a face asking for praise.

Her Ian felt her gratitude to her, but she couldn’t openly praise her because she had her eyes to see.

“The sun will set soon, so let’s make a bed.”

“Is that so?”

Kim Ira smiled and stuck to her side. Petero, who was hiding and watching it, smiled contentedly.

It’s because she went the way she thought it would.

‘Lee Jin-woo, we need to isolate that guy more. So that Ian can know that he is a really low-key guy.’

Petero sincerely wanted to overcome his trauma so that Ian could become a great emperor.



Mana tremors.

This is the reaction that occurs when an ultra-long-range teleport occurs. This is a forest of monsters, and there were no monsters that could use magic.

‘I’m working on it without anyone knowing

I was.’

If it is an ally, before teleporting, they will contact you through the communication crystal and approach.

‘Who is it? Enemy?’

was very likely to be the enemy.

Petero used detection magic to check the reactions of the living beings around him.

‘I can’t feel anything but a few monsters in the distance.’

Petero shook her head.

‘Is it an illusion? I haven’t slept properly these past few days.’

Second Prince Henry.

He was ambitious, but he did not inherit the throne just because he was the second.

That made him angry and he took a chance. He prepared poison and thought of assassination to kill his older brother Ian, but he concluded that it was impossible within the realm.

It was because there were too many eyes to see and the risk was too great if they tried and failed.

‘But this time it’s different.’

His older brother, who did not leave the palace, disappeared for some reason. He said he was going to training with Petero, and it was only said that he was out.

He stirred up those who followed him among the royal wizards and traced Peter’s location, and he managed to find it.

What he found was close to luck.

He figured it out with the location of the communication crystal.

“Kill your brother! If you kill me, I will become the emperor and give you wealth and glory!”

“Jon name!”

3 knights and 1 wizard.

I thought I wanted to bring more than 10 people, but there weren’t many people who could keep a secret even to the grave.

Although he has been in important national positions for many years, he has won allegiance by enlisting those in urgent need of money.When they die, they die too.

Knowing that they were a community of fate, they could not refuse the task of killing the crown prince and followed the orders of the second prince Henry.

“Which troops are protecting the Crown Prince?”

“They say only wizard Petero.” The knights shared information while running as if flying in the sky using mana.

“Petero. Isn’t that guy a little dangerous?”

“Rumor has it that he is a geek to the point of being the second in the royal family.”

“That geek doesn’t mean fighting skills, does it?”

“The battle won’t be that great. I’m from the research department.”

There is also a wizard here.

He knew Petero very well.

“Don’t worry. The guy is my junior. He has no interest in combat magic.”

“I will only trust you, Antro.”

The knights looked at the wizard Entro and said.

“As long as I hold him, you just have to hit his neck. There will be no problem, Crown Prince.”


That’s what Entro thinks of the prince. He doesn’t have great magical or administrative skills, nor is he good at wielding a sword.

He just thought of him as a timid criminal.

‘Fufu, when the second prince ascends to the throne, I can become the master of the tower.

The knights and the entro smiled thinking about the flower garden that would unfold in the future.

* * *

Soon-won and Jihee, and Hurin and Aria came to this world.

“The 11th Kunlun Ambassador’s soul… .”

Destroying the soul of Ambassador Kunlun has come to an end.

Soon-won looked at Hu Lin, who was grasping the location of Ambassador Kunlun’s soul.

“Didn’t it flow too smoothly?”


“You’ve already smashed 10 souls without any risk.”

“Don’t you think it’s because you’re that strong?”

“I don’t think Ambassador Kunlun is weak enough to be afraid of me… .”

I couldn’t say with certainty how strong he was, as he had never personally fought with Kunlun, but he said that Soon-won

had a broader view and thoughts than that.

He expected that he would plan something and counterattack properly.


Hulin pointed to the lush forest, saying that he had found the soul of Ambassador Kunlun.

“It’s over there. I’m not alone. There’s a party with us, and even without the crowd, other guys are approaching it.”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but as before, before we arrive, Ambassador Kunlun, hurry up so that the soul who enters the soul does not die.

Let’s go.”


Soon-won opened a portal to the presumed location of Ambassador Kunlun.

The night was deep.

Ian had people gather branches and make a fire. People were terrified of what to do when a monster approached when they saw the light, but they couldn’t just shiver in the cold.

It was sweltering hot during the day, but in the evening

The temperature dropped so rapidly that it was impossible to sleep without a fire.

Peter. Won’t you stop the monsters from approaching you?

all right.

You don’t have to torment me all night.

It was dark, and Ian could have been in danger. As Petero was casting a spell to set a barrier around him, he noticed a group of people approaching quickly.

(Continued on next page)

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