"Okay I'm on my way, I'll be quick." John said.

Chris went back inside his car and waited for almost an hour before John appeared.

"Is this the definition of "quick" in your dictionary?" Chris said in an embittered tone.

"Sorry man I had to spend some extra minutes in bed". He took a glance at Chris's new car before he asked excitedly.

"Well look at this new babe! When did you get it Chris?"

" A couple of days ago. Anyway, get in the car and Let's go somewhere quiet. I need to clear my mind a bit before we get down to business." Chris said with a sad expression on his face.

"By the way, why were you angry when you called me earlier? and why do I have a feeling that it's something related to me somehow?"

He kept silent for a moment before he spoke in a calm voice.

"It's Joleen. After a long time of hesitating, I finally invited her to dinner because I wanted to confess my feelings properly. But she wanted to bring Edward too. Can you imagine how dense your little sister is?"

John bursted into an uncontrollable laughter as he listened to Chris's story.

"Why the hell are you laughing? I'm being dead serious here!" Chris yelled.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it. But it's a goof thing you didn't say anything to her. I don't think you should confess, at least not now". John talked seriously.

"Why not? You know more than anyone how crazy I am about her. I love her to the point that I get a strong killing intent each time I see that arrogant jerk with her". Chris said while forcibly grabbing the car's driving wheel.

"I know all that, and I don't like him either. But she's deeply in love with him and that's a fact that we can't just ignore. She'll definitely reject and avoid you if you express your feelings now". John said thoughtfully.

"Then what do you suggest? I can't just let him have her. I'll never give up on her no matter what".

"We'll have to separate them first. I haven't thought of a way yet, but I'm not letting him have her either. So don't worry".

Chris felt a kind of relief after hearing John's words.

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