On their way back home, Joleen and Liz talked nonstop.

"I'm exhausted, it was such a long tiring day and I can barely open my eyes". Liz said yawning.

"Yes me too, but it was worth it. I mean the gallery was a huge success and we definitely enjoyed the paintings".

Joleen replied while driving.

"Enjoying the paintings? I don't know about you but the time I spent admiring Patrick's face is way more than the one I spent admiring his paintings. He's such a hunk". Liz said loudly.

"Yes He's handsome, and he's a gentleman too". Joleen agreed.

"Oh by the way! tomorrow is Anna's Birthday party isn't it? I almost forgot."

Liz yelled again as she suddenly looked at her friend.

"Yes I believe so".

Liz sighed then added in a bored, uninterested tone.

"Do you have to attend? She's such a psycho and I really hate meeting her. I would definitely not go if it weren't for you. You know I can't let you go alone, you can never guess the kind of evil plans she stores in that twisted mind of hers".

"Come on Liz don't exaggerate. Besides, My Ed will be there too so there's no way she'll do anything bad".

She said shaking her head in disagreement.

"Well it's because Edward is attending that I'm expecting a lot of drama and why not some action." Liz said in a hushed tone as she turned on the music.

Meanwhile in Anna's house.

"Are you ready for tomorrow's party! I'm so excited ! ". Sophie screamed as she barged into her friend's room.

"Ugh shut up Sophie my head hurts. I'm still suffering from hangover so keep calm and turn off the damned lights before I freaking kill you!".

Anna yelled as she covered her head with her bed sheets.

" You're no fun at all lately, and your mood swings are getting even worse. What happened to you?" Sophie asked in a serious, concerned tone.

After a while of deep silence, Anna finally spoke.

"I don't know. I just feel empty. It's as if I'm lacking a lot of things".

"Lacking things... Such as? You basically have everything in the world".

Sophie said.

"Then maybe I'm not happy with the things I have!" She Yelled before she added in a sad tone.

"You know how I've always wanted one thing more than anything else in the world. But after so many years, I still Can't have it. Why Sophie? Why couldn't he love me back? We were so close so why does he hate me now? Every time I see him I get those annoying flashbacks of how close we were before she appeared, and it drives me crazy ! It's not that I didn't try to get over him. I also hate myself for being such a pathetic lovesick fool, but there's nothing I can do". Anna said crying.

"So it's about him again. Why can't you just move on Anna? He doesn't have the slightest interest in you anymore.

None can deny that you and Edward were good friends back in high school, but things changed after he met Joleen. He wiped you of his life and you should've done the same. You should've moved on years ago but why are you still obsessed with him? He's not worth all the pain sweety". Sophie said as she hugged her tightly.

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