Sophie went downstairs to get some ice. She brought an ice bag then rushed back to Anna's room.

"Here you go. Now just keep it on your face for a while". Sophie said as she placed the ice bag on Her Friend's cheek.

"Ugh, it's so cold and it hurts too". Anna cried.

"Just endure it for a bit, it'll hurt less in a few minutes".

"Thanks Sophie...Thank you for being by my side although I can be so mean sometimes". She murmured.

" Oh my god I'm in tears! thought I'll never hear those kind of words from you". Sophie replied giggling.

"Can't you just genuinely appreciate my gratitude instead of an ironic reaction? You know what! I take it back you little ungrateful wench". Anna said as she pinched her friend's thigh.

"Ouch that hurts!"

Sophie suddenly hugged her and hushed

"You were the only one who accepted and befriended me when everyone else judged and hated me. I love you and I'll always get your back, I promise".

Anna smiled and hugged her back.

"I love you too, dummy".

"By the way Anna, what kind of service do you need from me?"

"Ah ! I almost forgot. I need something from your "underworld acquaintances", and I need it by tomorrow morning". Anna talked with a sinister look in her eyes.

The Hann's Villa.

Edward was reading a book in the study when he got suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Yes, come in".

A pretty tall girl with a nice figure slowly opened the door. She took a glance at Edward who was too focused on reading, then walked on her tiptoes in order not to make any noise. She suddenly covered Edward's eyes with her warm hands.

"Who is it?" He said as he got startled.

"I'm Joleen". She said giggling.

"No you're not. I can recognize her hands, scent, and voice in a crowd".

He said as he gently removed her hands. He smiled then added

"But I can also recognize your voice, even after all these years".

"Looks like I'm busted! you fun killer". She said as she embraced him tightly.

They greeted each other warmly then talked for a while.

"So when did you come back from abroad cousin? It's been so many years since you left to study overseas". Ed said smiling.

"I came back yesterday because I had an important interview. You may not know but I'm a highly competent surgeon now, and I just took a job at the Central Hospital". She said proudly.

"I'm so proud of you Mona. I still remember that you saved my life when I was a kid. I kind of knew since that time that you'll be a life savior".

"Yes I did! And you'll be indebted to me for your whole life my little Edward". Mona said joking, then suddenly added excitedly.

"How's Joleen by the way? I really miss that little sensitive flower of yours!".

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