The Black Book

Chapter 16 You have to pay extra to insult me!


While talking, the bell for the end of get out of class rang. Ye Wanning packed up her things and walked straight to the back row.

"get out of class is over!"

"Also, Zhu Haomiao, come out with me."

While thinking about whether the [Dao Xin] that Ye Wanning said was the same as the one recorded in the [Black Book], Zhu Haomiao suddenly heard his own name and looked up blankly.


After a few seconds, he reacted and his eyebrows gradually knotted.

Oops, this woman is really coming for me!

The boy frowned and reluctantly walked out of the classroom with Ye Wanning in the surprised eyes of his classmates.

"Teacher Ye, what's the matter?"

As soon as he approached, a faint body fragrance floated into his nose, and the original sin in the boy's heart instantly began to surge, his blood circulated faster, and his body became hot.

This is also an important reason why Zhu Haomiao didn't want to get involved with her.

This woman looks too dangerous... It's dangerous for both me and her!

Especially those watery peach blossom eyes. Every time she met Zhu Haomiao, she felt that the [Black Book] was ready to move and give her a bitter warning at any time.

"I want to ask classmate Zhu for a favor~"

The bright and moving peach blossom eyes looked directly into the boy's eyes, which instantly shocked Zhu Haomiao's mind and made it difficult to refuse.

Sensing the struggle in the other party's eyes, Ye Wanning changed her solemn and solemn demeanor during class, her temperament suddenly changed, she put her hands together and begged softly.

"Please~ Please please~"

The cute shoulders twisted slightly unconsciously, and the intimate tone with a little nasal sound was even more cute and domineering, which made people want to give everything for her willingly in an instant.

Cute, want...

Indulge original sin

[Lust] +1

[Tao Heart] -1


The boy woke up instantly, took a breath, clasped his fists and left.

"My [Dao Heart] is unstable, and I am not very knowledgeable. Teacher, please ask for someone else. Goodbye!"


Hearing Zhu Haomiao's incoherent refusal, Ye Wanning was stunned for two seconds. She couldn't believe that there was actually a mortal who could refuse her request.

Fortunately, she found out that this guy seemed to be short of money, and she still had a trump card.

"10,000 yuan!"


Zhu Haomiao's soles rubbed against the tiles suddenly, and the whole person stopped in place.

"What do you mean?"

Turning around, the boy stared at the woman without blinking. The solemn and dignified eyes made Ye Wanning inexplicably nervous, fearing that he would misunderstand that she was insulting him with money.

I heard that this guy has an absurdly strong self-esteem and a perverse personality, and he must be stroked in his favor...

"Don't get me wrong, I just want you to help me research a graduation project."

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao frowned slightly.

"What I just said about my lack of knowledge and talent is literal, not modesty."

"I know."


"No...I mean it doesn't matter, you are the subject of research, just lie down."


Zhu Haomiao slowly narrowed his eyes, his pupils gleaming with cold light, and took a step forward with a sense of oppression.

"Being studied?"

"10,000 yuan?"

"Lie down?!"

"Are you insulting me?!"

The boy took a step forward with every question, and his aggressive appearance made Ye Wanning secretly complain.

Finally, Zhu Haomiao stood in front of Ye Wanning, staring at her eyes with a pair of clear and fierce eyes.

"Too little, you have to pay more!"


"You have to pay more to insult me!"

Ye Wanning blinked her big eyes in confusion, and it took her two full seconds to sort out her thoughts, and she frowned slightly in confusion.

What about the unruly, perverse, arrogant and conceited person?

Why did I go through so much trouble when you just said you would pay me earlier? !

"How much more do you want?"

"Two, no, thirty thousand!"

Not knowing how much this sucker in front of him could bear, Zhu Haomiao looked into her eyes and tried to raise the price.


Unexpectedly, Ye Wanning agreed without even responding to the price, and Zhu Haomiao instantly put on a painful mask.

Damn, she's a rich woman!

It should be less!

I'm losing a lot of money!


An hour later, Zhu Haomiao walked back to school in a trance with three thick stacks of cash in his pocket.

Thirty thousand yuan!

How many meals can I eat with this?

The school cafeteria is subsidized by the state, vegetarian dishes are 1~2 yuan, meat dishes are 3~5 yuan, and rice is 50 cents more...

One three equals three, two thirty eight... I can't finish it, I can't finish it at all!

Looking at the living allowance equivalent to more than two years of his own, Zhu Haomiao first felt a little satisfied, and then inexplicably felt more desire.

Not enough!

It's far from enough!

Since Ye Wan Ning is so rich, then squeeze her, squeeze her dry and then sell her!

She is so beautiful, she will definitely sell for a good price!

If it doesn't work, you can sell them separately!

Zhu Haomiao subconsciously began to think about the feasibility of selling them separately, as well as the prices of various human organs, and suddenly slapped his face.

Indulge in original sin

[Greed] +1

[Dao Xin] -1

Don't deduct it, don't deduct it, if you deduct it again, [Dao Xin] will be deducted!

Greed faded, rationality returned, Zhu Haomiao wiped his face with tears and walked into the supermarket next to him.

A few minutes later, the boy came out with two large bags of snacks and fruits, and walked towards the dormitory as firmly as a soldier holding a pack of dynamite.


You little things, I need you to help me practice tonight!

Looking at the snacks in his hand, Zhu Haomiao smiled coldly. When he was halfway there, he seemed to remember something, turned a corner, and came to the place where he fed the cats yesterday.

"Third Senior Sister~"


The beautiful calico kitten came out of the bushes and rubbed the boy's feet affectionately.

"Didn't I scare you yesterday?"

Putting down the snacks and fruits in his hand, Zhu Haomiao picked up the kitten and stroked its soft fur.


The little calico stretched out its claws and scratched the plastic bag, obviously smelling the fragrance.

"Tsk tsk, I bought you canned cat food today, but if you eat my canned food, you have to agree to get sterilized~"

Opening a can of food for the little calico, Zhu Haomiao watched it licking it in small sips and stroking the cat from time to time.


In the bushes not far away, a few kittens seemed to smell the canned food, and they timidly poked their heads out and made anxious milk calls.

Soon, the little guys could not resist the temptation of the canned food, and mustered up the courage to walk out of the bushes. The cats sneaked up to Zhu Haomiao, took a tentative bite, and immediately started to fight for it.


Just then, Zhu Haomiao found that a kitten was crying strangely, and the mother cat kept scratching it to prevent it from fighting with other kittens for the canned food.

"What's wrong with you? You are not my own child?"

The boy laughed and flicked the calico cat's head. Unexpectedly, it turned around and picked up the cub and handed it to him.

Thanks to the book friend [Chen Xi Guangming] for the reward.

Brothers, don't forget to give some votes to the book~~

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