The Black Book

Chapter 19: Spiritual Resurrection

After giving gentle instructions, Nangong Su'e turned around and continued working. Only then did Zhu Haomiao notice that the needle in his hand had been removed, leaving only a small band-aid.

"Teacher, have you finished injecting the nutrient solution?"

"Well, I've already lost."

"Then why didn't you wake me up?"

"I see you sleep soundly, so I'll let you sleep a little longer."

"You haven't eaten yet, have you? Do you want to..."

Before she finished speaking, Nangong Su'e turned around in her chair and looked at Zhu Haomiao with a half-smile.

After staring at it for several seconds, she couldn't help but laugh and said, "Go and eat. The teacher still has a lot of work to do."


Seeing her turn around and continue working, Zhu Haomiao reluctantly walked out of the school doctor's office. The gentle smile he saw when he woke up appeared in his mind for no reason.

At that moment, he felt that his heart was filled with something inexplicable, and the whole world seemed to become brighter.

After savoring the faint sense of warmth and happiness, the boy's face involuntarily raised the corners of his mouth.

If the first thing I see when I wake up every morning from now on is Teacher Su'e's gentle smiling face, I can't even imagine how happy I will be!

If only I could have another good morning kiss, my life of evil deeds would be free of regrets!

Vaguely, Zhu Haomiao realized that his love for Nangong Su'e had deepened a little bit.

If before he wanted to pursue her, the more important consideration was to treat her as a tool to control his out-of-control desires, but now the consideration in this regard is minimal.

The only problem now is that people may not like me...

To be more precise, she didn't regard her as a man at all. Every time she came into contact with her, she felt like she was coaxing a child.


Thirty years...

Forget it, I can’t move anymore...

With a distressed mood, Zhu Haomiao came to the cafeteria, turned his grief and anger into strength, showed off a large table of food, gritted his teeth and stopped at the limit of seventy percent full.

"Control [Gluttony], [Tao Heart] +3"

It took Zhu Haomiao, who was slumped on the chair and almost exhausted, nearly half an hour to catch his breath and wipe the fine sweat from his forehead.

But after glancing at the information in the [Black Book], he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Not to mention, watching [Dao Xin] rise little by little gives me a sense of accomplishment...

It’s not in vain that I worked so hard to eat this meal.

Taking a deep breath, the boy packed up his dinner plate and left the school. He walked to the nearest commercial street and spent an afternoon choosing a mobile phone and a laptop. The cash in his pocket suddenly dropped by one-third.

Then he went to a nearby supermarket to do some shopping. When Zhu Haomiao returned to the dormitory with a lot of bags, the sunset was almost setting.

"Xiao Zhu is back, yo, you bought so many things? Let me help you carry them."

"No, no, thank you, Mr. Zhu, I can lift it myself!"

Although he was almost crushed, Zhu Haomiao was not shameless enough to ask a one-armed old man to help him lift heavy objects, so he hurriedly declined.

After declining the doorman's enthusiastic help, Zhu Haomiao had just returned to the dormitory when a sneaky little head emerged from the gap in the quilt, staring at him with excitement and admiration.


Inexplicably aware of the little thing's admiration, Zhu Haomiao moved his hand, and a soft, white fluffy cute thing jumped to his feet. His little buttocks twisted, and a big fluffy snow-white tail appeared. It was swaying excitedly behind it, its big timid eyes full of anticipation.

This guy...did he think I was out hunting?

Thinking that cats would worship their owners who returned from hunting a large amount of food, Zhu Haomiao nodded thoughtfully.

"Be obedient and obedient from now on, and I will reward you with a lifetime of glory and wealth!"

Moving the little thing's head, Zhu Haomiao took out the food bowl and water bowl specially bought for it, poured grain, freeze-dried meat, and chicken breast into it, then filled the cat litter box with cat litter and put it in the toilet, and then had time to clean it up. own stuff.

Bang bang bang~

Seeing the little guy eating deliciously, Zhu Haomiao smiled and put the various foods he bought into the refrigerator.

But as he continued, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and he gradually realized something.


The food I bought yesterday was prepared according to my own appetite. In the end, there was at least a dozen kilograms left in the refrigerator, and that dead mouse...

Turning to look at the pet who was concentrating on cooking, Zhu Haomiao hesitated for a moment and waved to it.

"come over."

Upon hearing the call, the little thing turned around, stretched out its pink tongue and licked its mouth. As if it understood human speech, it walked to Zhu Haomiao's feet and gently rubbed his ankles.


Looking at this fluffy and soft cute thing, Zhu Haomiao took it in his hand and weighed it, then checked its soft belly that felt great, and then fell into deep thought.

How did it eat food that was more than ten times its own volume and weight in one night?

Eat and vomit, eat after vomiting?

No, I didn't see any vomiting or excrement.

Unless...this thing can secretly flush the toilet on its own...

But looking left and right, Zhu Haomiao couldn't see anything special about this thing except for its cuteness, so he could only put it down suspiciously.


As soon as he let go, the little guy hurried back to his corner to cook, as if the food would disappear if he waited a second.


After pondering for a few seconds, Zhu Haomiao began to think about whether to throw away this mysterious and weird little thing.

If it dares to steal food today, it will dare to steal people tomorrow!


As if sensing his thoughts, the furry little thing stopped eating, flexibly jumped onto the boy's shoulder, and gently rubbed his cheek with its head.


The kitten-like coquettish voice instantly melted Zhu Haomiao's heart. Looking at the little thing's pitiful big eyes, Zhu Haomiao really couldn't bear it and could only sigh helplessly.

Forget it, I'll find a biology expert to ask later.

Putting away his distracting thoughts, Zhu Haomiao turned on his newly bought laptop, connected to the dormitory network, and began to explore the supernatural information of this world.

In 1999, the aura revived, the divinity awakened, and the stars returned...

The nine heavens of the fantasy realm, ascending, the first heaven, the middle heaven, the high heaven...

People have destiny, ordinary destiny, heroic destiny, divine destiny...

Magical items, magic weapons, artifacts, holy objects... real things...

A huge amount of information poured into his brain, and Zhu Haomiao verified each other in his heart, making those boring and abstract concepts in the textbook gradually become concrete and intuitive.

It was not until this time that he had a certain vague understanding of the world he traveled through.

The biggest difference from his previous life on Earth should be the inexplicable "respiratory revival" at the end of the last century.

Of course, "respiratory revival" is just a term used in the Chinese cultural circle, and different civilizations in different countries in the world have their own terms.

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