The Black Book

Chapter 256 Royal Martial Academy

"Before the New Year, don't bother me again, you hear me?"

Looking around, Zhu Haomiao smiled calmly and gently. However, these gentle words were like the cold wind in the far north, making everyone's hair stand on end.

"Listen...I heard..."

Immediately, ignoring the fearful and horrified gazes of everyone, Zhu Haomiao stepped forward and gradually disappeared at the end of the street corner.

It wasn't until the young man completely disappeared that everyone who was frozen in place looked at each other and spoke bitterly.

"what to do?"

"What else can we do? Come again during the new year!"

"After all, we are nobles with a title. If they beat us to death in the street, maybe we can get away with it!"

"That's right, we are just little shrimps helping to collect debts. We don't have to pay for it with our lives..."

As he said that, everyone couldn't help but look at the fleshy man on the ground beside him, wailing in pain, and swallowed.

"That, Uncle Pingyang...why did he suddenly become so powerful?"

"Yes, it feels like a warrior who has reached a higher level!"

"Didn't you say that he is ignorant and incompetent, and has no ability to tie a chicken?"

"Do you really believe the rumors? How can someone from a martial arts family be so incapable of restraining a chicken?"


On the other side, Zhu Haomiao didn't know that the debt collector was talking about him. As he walked on the bustling street, his consciousness flew to the sky.

The tentative move just now did not cause much fluctuation in fate.

It seems that Li Lin himself has a character that bullies the weak and fears the strong, cruel on the inside and forbearing on the outside, and his behavior does not deviate from his logical trajectory.

By the way, I am now a noble with a title, a vanguard of feudalism!

Maybe I can be a little more arrogant.

Nodding thoughtfully, Zhu Haomiao came back to his senses and suddenly found a magical creature walking slowly in front of him.

Centaur girl? ! ! !

The girl is wearing a prairie-style leather jacket on her upper body, but the lower body is the body of a horse. The horse is carrying a lot of messy sundries. At this moment, she is haggling leisurely and contentedly with the vendors. The pedestrians coming and going around don't seem to be surprised at all. He didn't even look at her.

After a brief shock, Zhu Haomiao recalled hazy memory fragments and gradually gained some common sense about the world.

This is a world where humans and monsters are mixed, and [Dazhen] is just one of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Hundreds of years ago, it could still be considered powerful, but after several generations of monarchs' "efforts to govern", today's [Dazhen] is constantly encroached by external powers, and internal wars are rife, showing signs of decadence at the end of the dynasty.

However, [Dazhen] pursues an open economic policy, and a few elite areas are still abnormally prosperous.

This made the rulers who had lived in the palace for a long time think that the empire was still flourishing and burning.

Outside [Dazhen], various countries with demons as the main body are gradually rising, such as the northern nomadic empire with centaurs as the main race.

Li Lin's father died in the battle against the Nomadic Empire...


Then when brothers from other ethnic groups come to this world, wouldn't it be possible for them to be reborn as monsters? !

Taking a breath of cold air, Zhu Haomiao pinched the center of his eyebrows. Fragmented and fragmented memories flashed in his mind, and he looked around calmly.

In just a few minutes, he saw a dozen pedestrians with demon characteristics, and recalled the corresponding information in his mind.

The cat demon tribe got excited and meowed...

The snake demon can break a person's waist...

Bull demon, big breasts...

Sheep demon, very hot...


I've never played it before, but he actually had such a good time!


Li Lin's bad memory is full of yellow waste, with no useful information at all!

Gritting his teeth angrily, Zhu Haomiao gave up digging up his memory and walked towards the palace not far away.

Pingyang Bofu is located in the city closest to the imperial palace. It only takes ten minutes to walk to the east gate of the imperial city.

The land in this area is very valuable, and the Tianhuang nobles are not qualified to live in it. This is one of the reasons why Zhu Haomiao is unwilling to sell the mansion.

Once you sell this prime location, it is basically impossible to buy it back.

What's more, Zhu Haomiao has vaguely realized that Li Lin may have been set up and treated as a pig!

If it were just about eating, drinking, and having fun, the mines, farms, shops, and other high-quality assets accumulated by generations of Pingyang uncles would generate massive cash flow every year. Li Lin would not be able to squander it all in ten lifetimes!

Only by letting him get addicted to gambling can he quickly empty out these assets...

Now, his last and most valuable asset is the Pingyang Mansion.

As long as I insist on not selling it, the mastermind behind it will definitely take action, and I will vomit out everything I have eaten!

With a cold smile, Zhu Haomiao came to the east gate of the imperial city and took out his letter talisman.

"Hey, Uncle Pingyang, why did you come after noon again?"

The guard guarding the door took the letter, confirmed it perfunctorily, and ridiculed it.

Realizing that even one of the guards had no respect for "himself", Zhu Haomiao sighed helplessly, without responding. He nodded with a perfunctory smile, took back his talisman and stepped straight into the imperial city.

"Huh? Why do you feel that Uncle Pingyang is a little different today?"

"Yes, you are usually very sneaky and don't dare to look at us, as if you are a thief. Today, you are more generous."

Watching the young man's back disappear into the imperial city, several guards discussed for a moment and then forgot about this trivial matter in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, Zhu Haomiao followed the route in his memory and came to a vast building complex.

From a distance, a deep and majestic shout came to his face.

This is the Royal Martial Academy of [Dazhen], which is dedicated to the practice of martial arts by the royal children.

At the same time, it also absorbs military officials like Li Lin as "companions", on the one hand to serve as an atmosphere group, and on the other hand to provide a venue for this group of future imperial ruling class to cultivate feelings from an early age.

However, in Li Lin's memory, this is not a friendly place.

On the contrary, his sinister and mean, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, and his inner cruel and outer tolerant character are largely due to various bullying here, which eventually led to psychological distortion.

Including his revengeful crazy spending outside, it is also to vent the bullying he suffered here.

You know, the son of the earl, who is unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people, is just the bottom of the contempt chain in the [Royal Martial Academy].

The marquis, the sons and daughters of the duke's family, the princes and princesses of the prince's family, and even the princes and princesses are the real masters here!

In addition, Li Lin was born with an unpleasant personality, cowardly and weak, and dared not fight back when bullied, so he gradually became a punching bag, and everyone liked to step on him.

After sorting out his memories, Zhu Haomiao laughed and shook his head, ignoring his body's instinctive resistance and fear, and strode into the gate of the martial arts academy.

Thanks to [灬月琊?儿][书友20240813210714783] and other book friends for their rewards

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