The Black Book

Chapter 31 Supernatural Power

Zhu Haomiao looked at herself in the mirror carefully.

If we say that he could only be regarded as a slender and handsome young man before.

Then he is now considered a slender and handsome young man...

The difference of one word represents some kind of qualitative change.

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Haomiao had a vague realization.

The supernatural power of [Gluttony] is the fourth-dimensional stomach. Is [Lust] the beautification of the body?

What are [anger] and [arrogance]?

Clenching his fists, Zhu Haomiao began to recall some bad things and tried to make himself angry.

As his emotions gradually aroused, the anger in his soul began to seep into reality. He vaguely felt a faint force accumulating, compressing, and preparing to move in his body...

Immediately, a strong feeling of malaise and weakness came to his brain, and even his two waists felt a little sore. Zhu Haomiao quickly stopped agitating and calmed down his breathing.

But in this moment of movement and silence, he had roughly understood what the supernatural power of [anger] was.

The power beyond the rules of real physics!

A power that is impossible for a normal human physical structure and flesh and blood body to possess!

But [arrogance]...

Looking carefully at himself, Zhu Haomiao vaguely noticed that some deep-seated changes had taken place in him, but he had no clue what they were.

[Pride] seems to be different from other original sins in that it does not have a very concrete appearance.

After pondering for a moment, Zhu Haomiao collected his thoughts, prepared a day's worth of water and food for Diao Chan, dressed up and went out to class.

Walking on campus, Zhu Haomiao suddenly found that there were many foreign faces around him, and occasionally he could hear some strange languages, some of which were completely incomprehensible foreign languages, and some of which were dialects from various parts of the country.

[Central Super League] Is it open for tours?

Why so many tourists?

After a flash of thought, Zhu Haomiao went straight to the teaching building without thinking about it.

He walked into the classroom and sat down in the corner skillfully. The whole class still ignored his presence, and Zhu Haomiao was happy to be quiet.

If someone really wanted to come up and talk to him, he would be afraid of showing his contemptuous eyes involuntarily.

Jingle bell bell~

As the school bell rang, several figures quietly opened the back door, skillfully "squirmed in darkness", got under the table in one go, and slowly raised their heads.

"Yeah! The teacher hasn't come yet, it's safe!"

Several little girls high-fived in celebration. Liu Xiuxiu, who was close to Zhu Haomiao, noticed someone beside her and turned to nod at him.



Zhu Haomiao responded calmly. After being "tablemates" for this period of time, he could barely become acquaintances with these girls.

However, after the usual greetings, Liu Xiuxiu was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and did not go back to talk to her friend. Instead, she stared at Zhu Haomiao and looked around suspiciously.

"Student Zhu, you missed class for three days to have plastic surgery?"

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao glanced at her speechlessly, and the disdain in his eyes made Liu Xiuxiu laugh dryly.

Realizing that she had asked a stupid question, Liu Xiuxiu still looked up and down unwillingly.

"Then which beauty salon did you go to?"


"Then why did you suddenly become so... beautiful?"


Did you know that the word beautiful is used to describe a woman?

Zhu Haomiao gave Liu Xiuxiu a disgusted look and said perfunctorily.

"Took a bath."

"You became like this after taking a bath? Didn't you never take a bath before?"

Liu Xiuxiu took a deep breath and said it was so terrifying.

Zhu Haomiao frowned in pain, not knowing what to say for a moment.

This idiot actually believed it?

Can't she hear that I'm trying to deal with her?

"No wonder you smell so good today, and your skin looks so hydrated..."

Liu Xiuxiu came slightly closer, twitching her nostrils, and intoxicatedly sniffed the scent of Zhu Haomiao's body.

"Did you wear perfume or shower gel? It smells so good!"

Zhu Haomiao's heart moved when he noticed the trace of intoxication and greed in the girl's eyes.

It seems that the supernatural power of [lust] is not only about making people handsome, but also about smell...

Yes, when animals are looking for a mate, sometimes smell is more important than appearance.

Subconsciously raising his arm and smelling it, Zhu Haomiao blinked in confusion.

But why can’t I smell it myself?

"No spray, just soap for bathing. The kind that costs three yuan a piece at the canteen."

"What about your other skin care products?"

"Skin care products? What skin care products?"


Toner, eye cream, facial cream, serum, whitening essence, anti-aging essence...

My table of expensive bottles and cans are not as good as your three-yuan soap?

Why is your skin so good?

This is not fair!

He noticed that Liu Xiuxiu was biting her lip and staring at her with puzzled, envious and jealous eyes. Zhu Haomiao also looked at her with caring eyes.

Facing the young man's clear and deep gaze, Liu Xiuxiu's heart trembled inexplicably, and she quickly lowered her head and avoided looking.

For some reason, she felt that Zhu Haomiao had changed. In the past, his eyes were just inexplicably condescending, with an annoying sense of superiority.

But now there is a breathtaking pressure in his eyes. Just looking directly at him makes people instinctively feel awe, fear, and uneasiness.

It's a bit like the inferior person facing the superior person, a small thing looking up at a huge thing, the invisible pressure felt from the depths of the soul.

The arrogance that had no foundation and no reason seems to have changed now. People no longer dislike him and look up to him with sincerity!

Liu Xiuxiu shrank her neck and looked back, discussing with her friends in surprise.

"He has changed a lot!"

"Actually, if you look closely, the change is not big. He has just grown up. You can tell at a glance that he is a beauty."

"Men change a lot when they grow up. Damn it, why didn't I find this rough jade before? Otherwise, I could use my warm heart to melt his sensitive and fragile heart."

"Forget it, you said he was an annoying psychopath before!"


Feeling the sneaky gazes from time to time, Zhu Haomiao pouted helplessly. Fortunately, as the teacher walked into the classroom, Liu Xiuxiu and others had to stop.

On the other side of the classroom, Ye Wanning walked up to the podium and subconsciously looked for a figure in the corner. Zhu Haomiao happened to look at her. Their eyes met in the air and then withdrew. They avoided each other unnaturally, feeling awkward and guilty for some reason.

"Ahem, classmates, the class has started, be quiet."

Shaking her head lightly, Ye Wanning gathered her mind, her expression became solemn and solemn, and she put all her attention on the lecture.


It was just that after one class, she deliberately avoided a certain corner, fearing that she would meet someone's eyes again.

However, when the bell rang, she had to face what she had to face.


Taking a deep breath, Ye Wanning mustered up her courage and walked straight to the back row.

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