The Black Card

Chapter 1103: Confirm Mo Bingwen's whereabouts

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In the eyes of the killer, Wei Xingyue is a typical rich lady. He couldn't think of it. The education methods of Wei and Mo are completely different. Even though Wei Xingyue has never touched Wei ’s illegal things, Wei Xingyue is not that. A kind of lovely lady.

If the killer could be a little more careful, Wei Xingyue's so-called black belt of some kind would not be vulnerable at all.

Those tricks are okay with ordinary people and with a well-trained killer, they are simply delusional.

However, the killer is preconceived, and he believes that Wei Xingyue is the kind of young lady, especially when Mao Tau pushed Wei Xingyue away and suffered two shots himself, the killer felt that Wei Xingyue's choice at this time must be U-turn and run.

Therefore, he chased it out subconsciously the first time, for fear that Wei Xingyue ran away and could not complete the task.

Unexpectedly, Wei Xingyue not only did not run, but was also ambush by the door. As soon as he rushed out, Wei Xingyue stood up and sprayed his eyes with the anti-wolf spray in his hand.

My eyes suddenly became hot, this kind of anti-wolf spray that can be easily bought on the market, in fact, it is pepper water and the like. It is absolutely no problem to make people blind in a short time.

Originally, the killer released the pistol in his hand and covered his eyes. Wei Xingyue took a calm step forward and held the pistol in his hand.

Going back to the killer from God, he barely opened his eyes and wanted to catch Wei Xingyue. Wei Xingyue couldn't care much. He kicked him down with a high kick.

Wei Xingyue's original intention was not to kill the other party. After all, killing is a very troublesome thing, even if the other party is a killer.

But she also overestimated the strength of her own foot. Although the other party was kicked by her unexpectedly, she quickly rolled and hugged her legs, entangled with her.

In a hurry, Wei Xingyue couldn't care much, and the gun in his hand continuously fired three bullets, all of which hit the killer's body.

The location, and the one that really died, was the chest. After three shots, the killer died directly, and there was no struggle at all.

Wei Xingyue called the police, but told the police that she would go to the hospital because her driver was injured by a gun. She hoped that the police would split the road in two ways. One would go to her villa to investigate the scene, and the other would go directly to the hospital. Without police permission, hospitals may not even dare to operate on people with gunshot wounds.

When I drove to the hospital, the police also arrived. After Wei Xingyue was temporarily controlled, Mao Tau was naturally sent to the emergency room.

Without spending too much energy, the police got the truth. This has to be attributed to the decoration of the villa in Qian Zigong's house. For security, they installed cameras in and outside the villa in many places.

With these camera records, how the killer entered the villa, how was the ambush behind the door, how Wei Xingyue was pushed away by the hair when the door was opened, and so on, a series of processes were all faithfully recorded by the camera.

The police also quickly figured out that Wei Xingyue was an absolute self-defense counterattack, and after she got the gun, she did not think about killing the other party, but the other party was entangled with her and the gun rang.

Because the gun was in Wei Xingyue's hand at that time, and the killer had already grasped Wei Xingyue's wrist, the gun was already between the two people's bodies, and the camera could not record what happened between the two bodies.

Wei Xingyue calmly insisted that it was the killer who wanted to grab the gun. Under the entanglement of the two, she couldn't determine for herself whether the trigger had been triggered by her own initiative or by the other's finger.

All in all, this shooting homicide was announced almost instantly. With these videos as evidence, the police will certainly not embarrass Wei Xingyue. What about even Wei Xingyue's gun? The opponent is simply a killer.

He made a simple record of Wei Xingyue. The police originally wanted to bring Wei Xingyue back to the police station, but Wei Xingyue said that her driver was still in the emergency room. With the identity of Wei Xingyue, the police did not dare to force it, so he allowed Wei Xingyue to wait until Mao I woke my head and went to the police station the next day to make a detailed written statement.

Even at the hospital, the police did not leave any police officers. Wei Xingyue was also the old daughter of the old man. Although he said it was late and the police did not dare to disturb the old man, he would definitely not be beside Wei Xingyue. Keep people.

Shi Lei then knew what happened and he said with guilt: "I'm sorry, Xingyue, I didn't really expect ..."

Wei Xingyue relieved him and said, "It's okay, am I not good? The hair is not too big. You can rest assured, I will take care of the hair. What's going on with you?"

Shi Lei also spoke about his situation in general, seeing that Shi Lei was unscathed, and Wei Xingyue was not too worried.

"Okay, you insist on staying with Mao Tau at the hospital, then stay with him. The ward is best arranged. Is there an apartment?"

"Well, I just wanted a flat ward. I'm outside now."

"That way, just sleep on the sofa. Kong Fandong just persuaded me not to leave Spring City for the time being. I think he also has a certain reason. I must solve Mo's problem before leaving. Aggrieved you Now, as soon as my business is settled, go to Emperor Capital. When Mao Tau wakes up, you can also tell Mao Tau. "

Wei Xingyue nodded, and said tiredly, "You can rest assured that this is all right. You have to be more careful yourself. Mo Bingwen may not be able to tell the truth to Mo Bingzhong. There may be more than two dead men."

Shi Lei hung up the phone and sat on the sofa ~ ~ eyes lost.

He carefully combed everything that happened today, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he also thought about the whole countermeasures.

The top priority is to know where Mo Bingwen is going, and there is no difficulty in achieving this.

Shi Lei called Wei Bodi, saying that he would follow Mo Bingwen's whereabouts from now to the next 48 hours, but did not tell her about Wei Xingyue. Shi Lei did not want Wei Bodi to be in chaos because he was worried. Wei Bodhi's personality is far less stable than Wei Xingyue. If she was told that her sister was almost eating a gun, she would be furious, and the person who could not arrange for the pupils of the night to kill Mo Bingwen and Mo Bingzhong. Even, Shi Lei suspected that, with Wei Bodhi's personality, she would probably make the decision to kill the Mo family.

Wei Bodi didn't ask much, and soon offered Shi Lei a quote.

If only to determine Mo Bingwen's whereabouts, Dark Night's Eyes, according to Shi Lei's level, only needs to charge one million soft sister coins. However, Shi Lei requested the tracking for the next 48 hours.

Shi Lei still had a lot of money in the pupils of the night. Without hesitation, he directly used part of the money to offset this sum.

That is, for half an hour, the pupil of the night sent Mo Leiwen's position to Shi Lei.

This old thing, I do n’t know Shi Lei was ready to let him leave. After running out of the hotel window, he found a taxi and left Wu Dong overnight.

Now, he has left Jiangdong Province and entered the territory of Huizhou Province. The pupil of the night directly called the taxi driver's mobile phone navigation, which basically confirmed that Mo Bingwen's destination was the provincial capital of Xingong Province.

The provincial capital of Xingong Province is about seven or eight hours' drive from Wu Dong. If no accident, this old thing is going to fly back to Spring City from there.

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