The Black Card

Chapter 1401: Magic sound

() Noisy all day, the ferry was noisy, he closed the doors and windows tightly, and made the TV sound loud, just to fight the hustle and bustle outside the building.

But he didn't know that it was all designed for him.

In fact, at the beginning, the ferry people also thought of this. After all, it was common for an art troupe to come to sympathize with the performance. However, the sympathy was not in this community, but in the theater in the county. Even if it was propaganda, it could not be Said to stay in such a community to publicize it.

In the past, the propaganda was a road-going type. Basically, they would not stop at a specific place. Instead, they would pass the tweeter all the way and pass the performance information.

However, the song and dance started soon. This is not only a propaganda performance by the art troupe, but also a small pre-heating performance. Of course, all the unknown people came, but it was quite lively.

See if a large group of people have been gathered below. Even if the ferry people do not want to dispel doubts, they can only dispel them.

He turned on the computer and hacked into the county's traffic monitoring system. Although there are few cameras in the county, the most prosperous areas are still somewhat covered. He soon saw similar scenes from those monitoring probes. Not only this car was doing propaganda, but similar situations happened in other places.

At least on the surface, this seems to be fine.

Perhaps this time, the celebrities who came here were relatively well-known, and it was a free sympathy performance. If it was just a simple publicity, I am afraid that many people think it is just a gimmick. Celebrities are definitely a hit.

However, the doors and windows of this old-fashioned house can't stop the noise outside, even if the ferryman has renovated this suite, the window glass has been replaced with sound-proof double-glazed glass.

At this time, the residents in the community have been attracted to the downstairs, which can be said to be leaking.

Ferry people know that going out at this time is definitely an unwise choice.

Not to mention that he will be blocked in the vast ocean of the people, and after he finally goes out, I am afraid he will be immediately followed by those who monitor him. After all, in the crowd, those people may not be able to tell who is who, after all, the ferry man in a trench coat looks like a man of northeast China who can be seen everywhere.

But once he stepped out of the crowd, it was hard to say.

Everyone doubts that at this moment, everyone was attracted by the performance of the propaganda car. He walked out of the community by himself, which will inevitably attract the attention of those monitors.

Sitting next to the bed, the ferryman thought depressedly: Lao Tzu has walked for such a long time, and has taken such a big circle. Your guys are really patient, and they have control in this community. Are you not tired after half a year? "

He doesn't think these people have found signs of his return, he just thinks that these people have been controlling here for the past six months.

I made a meal for myself, but the noise outside made the ferryman unable to eat.

He returned to the bedroom in depression, jumped into bed, and covered his ears with a quilt.

But the tunes of the two turned into his ears like a magic sound.

The problem was not covered by the quilt. The ferryman could only jump out of the bed and rummaged in the room.

His luck was pretty good. He found a CD Walkman. He immediately put on the headphones, put the music on, and turned the volume up to the maximum.

In order to fight against the magic sounds from the outside, the ferry is played by violent rock music. But even though it's still noisy, it's always stronger than the broken horn outside.

At this moment, the ferryman has completely regarded the noise outside as a folk customs, but in fact, it was prepared for him by the pupil of the night.

The performance of the Jinling Art Troupe is indeed there, and there are indeed many advertising cars in the county to do propaganda, but the so-called propaganda in this community is completely arranged by the pupils of the night.

That car was loaded with a sufficient number of jammers.

To make such a big scene, in order to hide the ferryman's eyes, install the jammers under his nose.

The second reason is that the jammer is installed. When it is running, it will cause various short-wavelength abnormalities in the vicinity, and even the network will be affected to some extent.

However, this effect will return to normal after the interference wave is emitted by the jammer, and finally it will reach equilibrium, but it also takes nearly half an hour.

For such a long period of time, ordinary people will not find much, at most they think that the TV signal is bad, and the Internet is intermittent.

However, if the ferryman finds this out, he will never simply blame it on the accident. He will surely know that someone is making some actions against him.

Therefore, we must use this method to push the ferry into a desperate situation.

The ferry person knows the pupils of the night, and the pupils of the night know him well.

Wei Boti knows that the ferryman is a person who hates noisy environments, and he knows that he is careful enough. Almost all his actions are expected by Wei Boti.

The ferryman, who was crouched on the bed wearing headphones and listening to the Gunfire Band album, was completely isolated from the world in hearing, and other feelings were weakened because the hearing was completely occupied.

He didn't notice it at all. Just as the "performance" downstairs was in full swing, a few people jumped down from the car, carrying heavy machines like small generators in his hands, and scattered all over the neighborhood.

Then, with these people as the center, these people spread out in all directions.

Soon, more than a hundred jammers were already in place. After being activated, at least thousands of people nearby felt abnormal.

The people who were spraying pesticides suddenly found that the heroes were not moving, one after another, they fell down their mice and yelled at how to disconnect the Internet.

But the next moment, their heroes moved freely. But because of this short drop, the five-to-five war has become a small enemy, and one of them has already died.

His teammates were scolding him, and he was helpless.

People who are watching TV suddenly see snowflakes appearing on TV that have not been seen for many years.

The buzzing noises also made them feel as if they were back in the eighties overnight.


All the radio waves seemed to be affected. Only the ferry man who was crouched in the corner of the bed knew nothing. He wore headphones and suddenly found that he liked the band of guns.

Many of those songs are what he had heard from left to right and right to right ~ ~ but I do n’t know who the song is or the title. But now, the ferryman quickly grasped these melody, and his mouth actually hummed with the music in the CD player.

The CD player is certainly not affected by these interference waves.

After half an hour, everything returned to normal, all the radio waves returned to the existing track, the network no longer dropped, the TV no longer flashed a snowflake every few minutes, and occasionally it came from the local station to CCTV goes.

However, the hustle and bustle downstairs continues, and this small performance will last at least two hours.

This is Wei Bodhi's bad taste. She just made the show so long to add more barriers to the ferry people. It is necessary to torture this guy well.

It was not until five o'clock in the afternoon that the advertising car finally left. Within two kilometers of the circle, the ferryman no longer had the possibility of camouflage. At least within this circular range of four kilometers in diameter, his windbreaker no longer had the effect of camouflage. .

How big is a small county, the core area is just four kilometers in diameter.

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