The Black Card

Chapter 842: Wealth need not be shocked

Seeing Shi Lei's amazing appearance, Yao Er thought he was at a loss because of the great prospects of the Ding Yu Institute.

He smiled and said, "Sir, this topic is not applicable to a wide range of people, because of the high technical requirements, which requires a lot of costs. Therefore, the latter possibility I mentioned is only possible because we are not Knowing how much future costs will be effectively reduced. The greater possibility is a 100 billion-scale enterprise. Even if you keep pursuing investment, this company can bring you only tens of billions of assets. And Qixuan if It can develop on a better track, occupying more than half of the entire domestic market, and Qixuan ’s future market value will not be less than 100 billion. So you really do n’t need to be brought more by the project in Ding Yu ’s hands. Shocked. "

Shi Lei returned to God, and his heart was just wealth, even if it was too much, he couldn't shock me. After all, I was a person who would spend 100 million soft sister coins every three months. And in the not-too-distant future, I am the one who needs to complete higher spending. Even if it is one billion a year, it is still a terrible figure. Even if it is the richest man in the world, horses don't look good in children's shoes, and the effective consumption in a year may not exceed one billion US dollars.

At this stage, only the black card can really make Shi Lei fascinated.

Taking a look at Medicine II, Shi Lei said with a smile: "The investment is at most 100 million yuan, which is less than 20 million U.S. dollars. You do n’t need to worry about it, you can easily get more than billions of dollars. It's still worth my shock. "

"From this point, it is indeed normal for Mr. to feel uncomfortable."

Yao Er smiled meaningfully. Shi Lei always felt that he might see something. After all, Ding Yu really wanted to invest now. There must be someone who gave it to him. There was no need for him to exchange 10% of the shares with Shi Lei. Soft girl coins in their early 100s.

Shi Lei asked, "When do you think they can complete their final breakthrough on this subject?"

"In fact, it is only a matter of clinical solutions. The time will not be too long, but the funding may require more."

"Has three million been spent?"

Yaoji shook his head and said, "That's not true, but I can see that if they really want to burn money, 10 million a month is not enough to burn, and they are always controlling burning. Their experiments only need one To start, money is just a number. "

Shi Lei nodded and said, "Then you keep track of them. It should be less hard than you used to. Just take a good rest during this time. I don't know Ding Yu's research institute, it needs more Achieving the ultimate breakthrough in a long time, you may be busy again at any time. "

"In fact, even if the company is established and the technology has made the last breakthrough, I will not be more busy than in Qixuan. At the initial stage of the establishment of such a company, it still stays at the technical level, and it is difficult to form a sufficiently attractive product to be launched in a short time To the market. So even if I am the company's CEO, all I have to do is help them complete initial financing and continue to support them in industrializing the subject. At best, I need to help them think about commercialization. Should not Too hard."

Shi Lei nodded and said, "have any ideas for financing?"

"I definitely want to vote for myself. Those people around you, once they let them know the existence of this project, will definitely have the idea of ​​investing. I personally prefer internal digestion, because internal digestion can give angel rounds. The financing position is a higher valuation, the capital market is too ruthless, they will certainly try to reduce the valuation to maximize the benefits, and the use of his relationship, the valuation will tend to be rationalized. After all, it is a concept product If the pure capital operates, the losses will be greater. "

Shi Lei nodded and asked, "What is the second point?"

"The second point is that Qi Xuan is okay to say that we do n’t accept the angel round. You and Dong Chiqing invested their own money. The A round went to Yu Banzhi. The B round went to Shi Qiang. I began to consider other people around me, but the biggest cheap has been taken away, Bai family will have some ideas. Bai Lao and his sister take care of you, you can't help without corresponding returns. So, I personally tend to enlighten and be quick. Shan Xing's financing was left to the market to raise, and Ding Yu's project, let Baijia lead the investment with me, it is no different for Ding Yu, for us is the best opportunity to use interest to bind the relationship. "

Shi Lei nodded again, these are his least good things.

In one year, with the help of Heika, Shi Lei has grown into a person who can calmly face tens of billions and even billions of people. In the face of those who are at the top of this social pyramid, Shi Lei can be calm.

However, how to sort out these relationships and maintain them stronger, Shi Lei still stays in pure emotion.

However, the biggest factor in social unity is not human feelings, but the binding of interests.

Therefore, Yao Er is beside Shi Lei, and now he can give him the greatest help, that is, these Shi Lei do not know, even if they know they may not be able to accomplish things.

"Okay, I'll talk to Ding Yu about this and see what he thinks."

"He doesn't have an idea, I believe that Mr. must have the means to restrain him. For this company's investment, the angel round and the A round must fall in the country, plus the shares in the hands of you and the scientists Even if Ding Yu finally wants to sell all the shares, this company's controlling stake will still remain in the country. Such a company must not let foreign capital control. "

Shi Lei understands the meaning of Yao Er. This is not simply patriotism, but includes patriotic emotions, as well as factors considered from the perspective of Shi Lei's future self-interest.

After all, a breakthrough technology that could have been left in the country, or a company with leading technology, was taken away by foreign capital, which is obviously harmful to the national interest. This may affect national attitudes towards Shi Lei.

Coming out of Yao Er's house, Shi Lei took a night off. The next day, he called Ding Yu.

Ding Yu received a call from Shi Lei ~ ~ obviously very happy, he was not afraid that Shi Lei contacted him too much, fearing that Shi Lei would not contact himself. The closer he is to Shi Lei, the more taboo the ferry people are, and the less he dares not to do anything to him easily.

"Mr. Shi, why do you remember contacting me?"

Ding Yu's voice was full of smiles. He said, "I'd like to report to you the recent situation of the Institute, as well as the usage of the three million soft girl coins you donated."

Shi Lei smiled and said, "Mr. Ding is polite. Actually, I have already arrived on Hong Kong Island. I thought we might meet."

"Mr. Shi has arrived on Hong Kong Island? Why don't you tell me in advance, I can arrange it."

"You are a scientist, you still focus more on technical research, this simple relationship, you don't have to think too much."

Ding Yu was touched and asked, "Where is Mr. Shi now? I'll see you."

"Go to the Victoria Peak, yesterday in Mid-levels, the scenery is very good, presumably the summit will be better."

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