The Black Card

Chapter 893: Chief's age

The ferryman is in his forties, and he has joined the pupil of the night for more than 20 years.

When he joined the pupils of the night, he had just graduated from college six months ago. He knew the leader when he was a freshman.

As a freshman, eighteen years old, you can't get past twenty.

Although Shi Lei didn't know the exact time when the leader took the position, it was unlikely that it would have been earlier in the years when the ferry was in college.

Right, even when the ferryman first entered school, the leader took this position with the help of a black card, so it is at least 25 years ago.

Even if the foreign university promotes talent eclecticly, the leader wants to become a formal lecturer in the university, and less of it is required to finish the master's degree at the age of 25 or 26. According to the ferryman, the university he attended was still a prestigious university, and its status was equivalent to that of Ivy League.

Such a school makes it even more impossible for a woman with no success to be a lecturer.

Well, no matter how young the leader is, at least he should be in his fifties.

What is more important is that the ferryman said that the situation between him and the leader revealed that the age difference between him and the leader was a bit big. Although it was not stated, the meaning was that the leader looked like a young woman.

Judging by the tone and expression of the ferry people, the age gap between them is at least more than ten years.

Shi Lei still remembers that when the ferryman talked about the first time he forcibly engaged with the leader, he was deeply infatuated with that mature body.

He said: "At that time, I should have a feeling of being an oedipal complex. Until then, I saw a movie, the beautiful legend of Sicily, and I felt that I was quite similar to that thirteen-year-old boy. Teenager I like mature women who are much older than myself, and are bewildered by their mature bodies that are almost ripe. "

Shi Lei was only left ear in and right ear out, and did not pay much attention to his words.

Fortunately, his memory has been enhanced by a memory card. Now, after starting to calculate the age of the leader, Shi Lei naturally recalls the original words of the ferryman.

Monica Bellucci was in her 60s. When she joined the beautiful legendary crew of Sicily, she was in her thirties, and she played in the film, and indeed she was in her thirties. Young woman.

Regardless of the huge age gap between the hero and the protagonist in that movie, even if the ferryman is simply replaced by the male protagonist, the age difference between him and the female protagonist should probably be over fifteen.

Shi Lei regretted a bit. Why didn't he ask the leader's age?

To say that the leader is nearly sixty years old, or even more than sixty years old, Shi Lei can believe it, but in his forties, Shi Lei feels a bit strange.

"Where is your leader?"

"I don't know which country, after all, white people are almost the same in my eyes."

Really a white man.

"Did she put on makeup when she saw you?"

"Hey, Shi Lei, what are you thinking about?" Wei Boti was dissatisfied.

Shi Lei hurriedly explained, "Don't think about it all the time, I just think that your leader is definitely not in his forties. According to the description of the ferryman and me, she is at least 50 or even over 60 Women. Western women are even older. Sixty-year-olds with white hair are very common. No matter how good the maintenance is, there is no reason to look only forty-year-old. So, does she have makeup? "

"No, the boss really looks like he's in his forties. Yeah, she's white, and maybe in her thirties."

"But how many years have your boss sat in this position?"

This time it was Wei Bodhi's turn.

After a long while, she said, "Westerners are older, but after all, it's just a group characteristic. You have to allow some people to be particularly young? Maybe our leader is facial tender."

"How long has she been there?"

"Thirty years." Wei Boti said, "I don't know the specifics, but it must be more than thirty years. Shi Lei, can we not entangle the leader himself, now I will tell you about her trust in you, Ferry people's trust. "

Shi Lei nodded, and his heart was right. The leader seems to have reached the age of sixty, but it looks like he is only forty years old?

"Well, let's ignore these first, but you'd better inquire about the true age of your leader these days."

"Okay, I see. But, what do you think now? The leader doesn't believe that the ferryman will betray her, what else can we do?"

"I will investigate the reason why she trusts the ferryman. You don't need to worry about this for now. We are still working step by step."

Shi Lei thought about it seriously and made arrangements.

"You take advantage of these days when the ferryman is incapable of doing anything, and you have as much resources as possible. These are your capital against the ferryman. I think that once the ferryman wakes up, once he restores his ability to act, he is likely It's a desperate bet. He has no retreat, and if things get better, things can go wrong.

Wei Boti said dissatisfied: "You are just like saying nothing, what can I fight for in just a few days. I still have the resources, and I don't even know who supports the ferry people."

"At least you can first confirm who really supports your leader. At that time, regardless of whether your leader maintains trust in the ferryman, you can at least help her to block the ferryman's attack."

Bodhi had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll do my best."

"Remember, your organization was a branch of the church at the earliest. I think those who truly support your leader have a faith of loyalty. Those who support ferry people, their beliefs have long become power and desire."

"What kind of **** advice are you doing? Do you want me to ask them one by one and ask if they are religious?" Wei Boti was very dissatisfied.

Shi Lei sighed and said, "I know so much about your organization, and the rest needs to be explored by yourself. Hello, you have spent so long in the night pupil, you are better than me about your organization Do you know more? "

Wei Bodhi also knows that some strong men are difficult ~ ~ She finally said: "Well, I try, but I think you better not have too high expectations of me, even if the leader says that I have the right to make a decision, but I After all, it's just a new person. Those people can't have too much trust in me. It's still a question of whether my decisions can be carried out. "

With a flash of light, Shi Lei realized that the easiest way for Wei Bodhi to distinguish those people.

"Bodhi, you may wish to make some more of your decisions these days. I think that those who are willing to obey your order unconditionally must be the most loyal followers of your leader. Those who are violent and even confrontation in the face are likely to be ferries. Supporters. "

"You're too simple and rude? Replace it with me, if I am loyal to the leader, and a new person suddenly appears as the leader's spokesperson, I will not listen to her at all? The more loyal to the leader, The easier it is to oppose this so-called spokesperson? "

"No, you have to remember that your organization is, to some extent, an organization of personal worship. In the eyes of those who are loyal, your leader is the spokesperson of God. So they will follow your leader unconditionally Any decision. Including your spokesperson. "

This is probably the real reason why the scepter tells the history of the pupils of the night to Shi Lei.

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