The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 334: World sight

At this time [Top] was lying on the ground, his eyes closed forever, the cot of his finger broke to the ground, and blood was still flowing around his body.

Reinhardt swept his gaze, and then he bent over and took back the saber hanging from the corpse. [Kara Chizun] immediately felt the familiar ferocity as soon as he started, and then Reinhardt smiled slightly. .

"Are you satisfied with this news?" Reinhardt chuckled and hung [Galodzun] on his left waist, and looked at the reporter again, "Mr. reporter of the World Economic News."

"Full...satisfied." The reporter looked down here, seeming to be slightly panicked, because he could feel the oppressive force from Reinhardt, what he had seen before passing through, so He will have this kind of performance.

"So... how would you report?" Reinhardt continued to ask after a while pondering.

"I...I'm just an intern reporter of the World Economic News, and need to submit manuscripts to the editor-in-chief." The reporter replied, and then asked again.

"As far as the newspaper society does not report, I have no right to decide." The reporter said truthfully. He has not been a member of the World Economic News for a long time, and his position in the newspaper is at the lowest level. Even if he gets some big news, he may still Intercepted inside the newspaper.

Even within the Shijingbao, there are still various struggles, and this struggle will also spread to the interns.

"That's it." Reinhardt paused, maybe this time his wish to make headlines could not be realized.

He is not a pirate himself, but a bounty hunter. Even if he defeats the new world-level pirate [Gyro] pirate group, he still cannot be rewarded. He wants to go to the world without being rewarded by the world government. Headlines, this is too difficult.

Besides, the [Top] Pirate Group was defeated. This would not be a shocking news in itself. If a certain Qiwuhai was defeated, it would definitely make the headlines of the World Economic News.

"Forget it." Suddenly, Reinhardt shook his head and laughed, entangled in what he was doing, it didn't make sense. The fastest updated novels https://

He turned to look at the young reporter with glasses, smiled and waved his hand: "If that's the case, don't pass this time."

"your name?"

A shout came from behind him, but Reinhardt ignored it.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

However, the news of the defeat of the captain and deputy captain of the [Top] Pirate Group is still spread all over the world by the World Jingbao, and [Illusor] Condon and [Top] Reinhardt are defeated.

Reinhardt's identity is not a pirate, but a bounty hunter, so he has not been offered a reward by the world government. Of course, this is the first time Reinhardt has been exposed to the world's perspective. Many people are still very unfamiliar with him.

Mysterious bounty hunter [Nightmare], defeat the [Gyro] Pirates!

This is the headline on the front page of the Shijing Newspaper the next day.

Reinhardt was drinking in the tavern, and he was looking at the newly issued World Economic News. The newspaper described some of his battles with the [Beyro] Pirates. In addition, there was only one left. This is a photo of him in front of him, wearing a black plume, holding [Maple Cut] with one hand.

But the most striking thing is the title that is bolded and blackened in the title, which is very eye-catching: [Nightmare]’s a very interesting title, but... Reinhardt thought for a long time and seemed to understand some ideas. It seems that the world government or the navy wants to use him as a benchmark in the bounty hunter world. Erect it, otherwise it is not a pirate who is offered a reward, and it is difficult to get the World Economic News. Maybe they want to use this method to achieve a certain deterrent effect on the young pirates in the four seas and even on the great sea route.

At this time, the other guests in the tavern seemed to have read the World Economic News, and all looked at Reinhardt with a little horror.

"This guy is [Nightmare], but it doesn't look as horrible as the description?" One of them whispered, and secretly looked at Reinhardt.

"What do you know, really scary people, how can they be revealed in normal times? You will know when he starts to kill people." The other one also said, his eyes trembling in the air.

"What are you afraid of? He is a bounty hunter and not a pirate. He should be afraid of a pirate."

"Yes, yes, but his identity is exposed in this way, it is estimated that many pirates will come to the door in the future."

"Isn't that right, kill more pirates, life will be much better for us civilians."

Several alcoholics gathered together to whisper, but Reinhardt's gaze suddenly turned to take a look, and several people suddenly shut their mouths in shock.

"Don't worry, I am a bounty hunter and not a pirate. You don't have any bounty that I can admire." After hearing Reinhardt's smile, several people breathed a sigh of relief, but one of them reacted again. He asked: "Are you willing to make a move as long as you are offered a reward?"

"I don't have so much energy to be nosy."

After hearing Reinhardt's refusal, the man sat down slightly, Goya Kingdom, Seymour Zhiji Village Yixin Dojo.

A teenager ran over with a newspaper, and yelled as he ran: "Teacher Koushiro, Brother Reinhardt is in the newspaper, and he has become a powerful bounty hunter."

After hearing these words of the teenager, the teenagers around the dojo immediately gathered. Although it has been more than two years since Reinhardt left, these teenagers seemed to have formed a deep relationship with Reinhardt.

"Show me, show me."

"Don't grab, look at one by one, just this one."

"You fellow, don't grab it, be careful to tear it apart."

The teenagers were talking babbledly.

"Sauron, you are coming soon. Brother Reinhardt is in the newspaper. He has become a powerful bounty hunter." The boy shouted at the green-haired boy who was exercising frantically in the distance. The green-haired boy was sweating like rain. He threw violently, and the huge equipment on his shoulders kept undulating.

Hearing the shouts of his companions, the green-haired boy's determined expression was obviously shocked, but he still did not answer. He just lifted up the equipment on his shoulders desperately and said to himself: "It's even stronger, even more. Strong..."

His expression seemed to be mad, he couldn't take care of his body that had already exceeded the limit state.

On the stage of the dojo, Koushiro, wearing glasses, watched this scene with a smile, and then watched after the students handed over the newspaper.

Goya Kingdom, Garbage Mountain.

A teenager with a straw hat and a teenager with freckles laughed after seeing the World Economic News.

"Uncle is so strong, he actually killed the big pirate who offered a reward of 380 million." Luffy in the straw hat laughed, and Ace next to him turned his gaze to the beach. I can't get out of the East China Sea."


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